Why are people in this board so mean and negative...

Why are people in this board so mean and negative? You guys complain about not having friends or gfs but you are all very mean and rude towards ppl, especially girls.

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Absolutly not true.
What are you even talking about user.


Its easy to be mean to people when there will be no repercussions

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because we can
on that note, here's something i can post just because.

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fuck you roastie you exist only to have semen injected inside you fuck you

>Why are people in this board so mean and negative?
That's a very deep question, femanon. Personally, I'm going to tick off the "violent child abuse" box. Having a guy three times taller than you throwing you against the wall for sometimes no reason sets you up for a mentality that there is not really much that you can do in the grand scheme of things but go limp and accept that life is just horrible.

Can you blame us lad. I mean life's pretty shit with there being no opportunities and that.

Wow you men after a lifetime of being treated like garbage by others that some people become cynical and jaded

I became much nicer once I got a gf.

I dont know, go back and find out
I'm sure theres some funnay xd screencaps on Jow Forums4chan

Aye, some people have a hard life, everyone gets sad from time to time, but it's just unfair to lash out at everyone, especially if that person is trying to be nice or reach out to you.
It's just being mean for no reason to people that could've actually been someone important in your life.

>definition of an incel

Which is certainly a contributing factor as to why they keep having shit lives

r9k has always been mean roastie hate board. go to nice board lurk for many eons before posting, get really absorbed into their shithole culture and make them a big meme, if millenom girl can be a meme anything can

>could've actually been
yeah no, let's not kid ourselves

Because they are normalfag scum

>growing as a person
>not telling you to b urself

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Fuck off you hole. Don't you have some housework or cooking to do?

I'll be nice to you
Want to be my girlfriend? I'll treat you right.


You guys probably do have some issues that make you act like this towards girls, but still! I hope you guys get better and find someone special that help you emotionally. Good luck and hang in there!

Because the world is a mean place. Here people are allowed to be and say exactly what they want. It's a part of board culture that you probably don't understand seeing as your home is back at reddit. Time to leave.

Give me one reason why I should respect women.

Moralfaggotry like yours is what is killing the internet. Fucks like you just want to sanitize every space so you can make sure no one anywhere can say mean things. Why do you care so much what mean shit other people say to each other?

Being nice is a choice about the sort of person that you want to be. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we made the choice to help each other out instead of telling everyone to fuck off?
Jow Forums was buying pizzas for random anons before reddit.

Honestly i don't try to be mean. But go fuck yourself

>boo hoo if we all just held hands and sung kumbaya the world would be a good place
No. The world will never be nice and mean people will exist and will probably have more power than you. If humans were all nice creatures we'd have been murdered by wolves millennia ago.

The operative word here is choice. Sure it'd be nice to be kind, but all OP is concerned about is berating others for not living up to their standards of "kind". If someone is being a faggot, that's what you call them.

Lol imagine if every girl you've asked out said you were nice but wouldn't date you but would fuck chad who treats her like shit. Reward our niceness with sex and you will see change

By all means, you shouldn't put up with bullshit, but I like to think that at least having a little bit of patience keeps you from being an obviously disturbed individual like

>obviously disturbed individual
You clearly do not know how nature works.

Everyone thinks they're being nice, idiot. Everyone thinks what they're doing is 'for the right reasons' when we all damn well know 90% of humanity only care about themselves and those closest to them, the rest be damned. Everyone thinks themselves the good guy. And when someone doesn't care if they are or aren't the good guy, people like you are so used to lying to yourselves take advantage of this to self-righteously stroke your egos. Some would say you coming onto a website with a long history of politically incorrect humor and castigating everyone would be 'mean'; but I doubt you think about this. Like everyone, you only care about what feels good, only care about yourself; you are your own counter-argument.

Survival of the fittest, right psycho?
Everyone has a light and a dark side, and while it's fine to be in tune with your dark side, you should forget that there is a part of you that can be somebody's hero. I like dark humor as much as the next guy, but there is a clear line between laughing at tragedy to ease the pain and causing tragedy for your own amusement.

* shouldn't forget
got dubs though

Double dubs tho

if you are nice, you get rewarded with repeating digits

I love you nice user

>Everyone has a light and a dark side, and while it's fine to be in tune with your dark side, you should forget that there is a part of you that can be somebody's hero. I like dark humor as much as the next guy, but there is a clear line between laughing at tragedy to ease the pain and causing tragedy for your own amusement.

And shitposting on a Wakandan basket-weaving forum isn't causing tragedy for our own amusement. Offending people with mean words on a screen is only a tragedy because it shows how vapid people are that they place any importance on it. Not only is it amusing, it breaks the egos of the presumptuous.

I dont know why but I find myself affectionate with ops larp

It's good to do some culture-jamming to fuck with the normals, but you should leave it to the professionals. "lol fuck yourself roastie" doesn't have the kick to it that the sophisticated evil mastermind craves.

>I love you
new forbidden Jow Forums meme

You're getting weak in your age, Master Skywalker

These things are all connected