Hold on. Chad's your YOUNGER brother?!

>Hold on. Chad's your YOUNGER brother?!

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Hold on. You're a STUPID whore!?

Welp', have fun jump starting your own car now bitch

Hold on. That car isn't working PROPERLY?

*turns 360 degrees and punches the air out of anger*

Hold on.
>unsheathes lightsaber
It's over, roastie. I have the high ground
>powers on lightsaber
Don't try it

This is the spirit of old Jow Forums and I love it

>brother 1 year younger has 2 kids
>i have none
>everyone thinks he's older than me

Fuckkkkkkk I know this feel.

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*Leaps into the air*


>blocks the roastie attack
Roastie, my allegiance is to the incels, the robots!

From my point of view the robots are evil!


I had this exact response, some roastie thought my chad younger brother was the older one
>I never would have thought...
I think I was given all the beta genes so he could have the alpha ones

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Then you are truly lost!
I have failed you!

it's all down to height and jawline

Hold on.
>run home
>get japanese anime sword
>run back
>covered in sweat and panting
>unsheath naruto blade
>teleport 360 degrees behind her
"activate special move 'art of a thousand cuts'"
>vaporize thot
>sheath japanese rice mat cutter
>chad younger bro walks over
"nice one bro"
>fist bump
"hey bro let's go play vidya"
>go home and play vidya with chad younger bro
truly chad is our /greatestally/. brad is a complete d-bag though he sucks.

Brad still gets as much pussy as Chad.

>have a hot younger sister
>she always has friends over
>they always seem to be arguing and listening to loud music
>realize she's a lesbian
>realize she's a complete thot (roastie seems a bit inappropriate a term for a lesbian)
>realize it's the summer after her senior year, so she's going to be going out to parties almost every night
>realize i get to listen to her fuck a new girl every night

who knew getting cucked by a younger sibling could actually just be so cozy

Try having a chad younger brother. Life is suffering.

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My brother is a Chad or at least a high tier normie. It's alright honestly.

Yeah he looks a lot older now that he's put on the weight and started dressing like a hobo


>tfw i'm 4 years older than my normie brother but people still get confused and think i'm younger than him

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>Tfw my twin brother has a girlfriend.
>she keeps making jokes about fucking both of us.
>use my robot powers to ignore the
>tfw they are fucking right behind me.

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My older brother is a failed normie who has terminal alcoholism and looks like a sickly old man. Nobody thinks I'm older even though I'm noticeably taller

>Mom calls me her "baby boy"
>She calls my Chad younger brother her "hunky man"

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>we did it redddit XD

And I am the 64th successor to the Hokuto Shinken style passed down from generation to degeneration. You are already dead, roastie.

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