I'm going to attempt to summon Van Chad. I am fed up with my psychotic family...

I'm going to attempt to summon Van Chad. I am fed up with my psychotic family, and I know i have no chance finishing school so I just bought this amazing van for 3,000 dollars. I'm moving to california and going to find whatever work I can, while living in this bad boy. Alot of people are telling me im retarded, alot are saying do it, I just don't know if i'm ready to leave the safety of my home.

I'm worried about a few things
>repairs/vehicle maintenance (driving it across the country may be dangerous)
>finding decent work in a quick enough time frame (I only have 7000 for everything else)

and the unknown is scary. Sorry for my "reddit spacing" you fucking pyschos but pic related is the van

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People are leaving California en masse and you want to fucking move there...?

God speed user I hope you find some solace and happiness

Van chad who works in a bar?

How are you in school, not finished, and have 10 grand saved up?

>lives in a van
>3000 dollars for that


Well user, it's up to you. Just try to have people around you to support you, whether it's a friend now or a friend in Cali, or a family member. It's always comforting knowing someone's got your back. Whatever you do, don't get caught up with drugs. I know from experience that you will fuck over anyone who is remotely vulnerable for a few pills or a baggie. And hey, if it doesn't work out, we're humans and we can do more than we think. You'll figure something out. Good luck user, please update the thread when you decide.

Don't understand the reason behind thatDont know, but the last thread his stories and his van were both some amazing inspirational shit.
not talking about myselfI work 40 hrs a week too

That sounds like a pretty cool idea, though I would suggest having some kind of backup plan. What are you going to do in the event that your money's running out and you've got no job and no one to help you out? You should decide on an amount of funds, say $1000, to call it quits if you get down to it, so you've still got the money to get home. You might need that money for repairs, or an airline ticket if it comes down to it.

Should have just gotten a working Rv. Would have costed about the same and you wouldn't have to pay for a YMCA/gym membership to shower. Plus most RVs have generators and bathrooms.

You wasted 3k on a van you will come to hate being inside when you could have had a cosy studio apartment on wheels.

$3k for an RV? That's hard to believe. Plus it's going to guzzle a lot more gas.

>I work 40 hrs a week too
Sounds like you're in college then. Should try to finish whatever you're doing instead of quitting. You'll probably get credits or some of it. Why not live out of it now and do your job for a while and save up some cash get an idea of how it is living out of it.

you ARE retarded
hope you die, too

In my area a decent livable Rv is 4k at most, look in newspapers and on Craigslist.

Why would you go to California? Super high taxes, gas is more expensive, lack of jobs, and rent is high. If you're looking to start over, go somewhere with lots of jobs and cheap housing.
I'd recommend a medium sized town in Texas, somewhere in the south, or the rust belt (which is recovering)

thankyou for a quality original response
I want to go to california because I love the culture. I want to live near surf city, work whatever bum fuck job i can and just be apart of action for once in my life. I cant imagine getting my degree then sitting at a desk 40 hours a week typing papers and making spreadsheets. give me enough money to feed myself and I'm fine, plus in better company.

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something im curious about as well is the engine in a 1983 car. would it be more reliable than modern engineering or less reliable? I've heard stories about 1980 BMW cars being built way better than a modern toyota.

the vehicle has excellent accident reports and looks clean. but can i trust to live in this thing for atleast 3 years?

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looking for information on how to do solar/efficient electrical and internet

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Don't listen to these fucking poor fags, OP. Come to california and pursue your dreams. This is the real land of opportunity, user. Happy hunting.

as much as I wish it was, it isn't the 70s user

That's comfy as fuck user

OP you listen to this blatant troll then you are going to literally die of starvation when you get here.
There aren't any fucking jobs, housing is too high, and the taxes on everything are beyond astronimical.

California is on the verge of total economic collapse. Its middle class is fucking leaving the state by the thousands and there won't be anyone left except the insanely rich and poor Mexicans who live off welfare.

I know somebody who lived in and traveled in a van. California seems like the perfect place to go.

Where in cali o.p? I hear most of the cities are shit but the rural parts are pretty nice. Good luck with your endeavor. Hope we get stories of your adventure to liberal land

>surf city
Tf is that?

>repairs/vehicle maintenance (driving it across the country may be dangerous)
bro just join AAA it's cheap and they can cover repair depending on what plan you choose. i'm assuming you'll have a phone with you on your journey, otherwise you can't really use AAA

>three grand on a van that sticks out
Lol enjoy your knocks by the cops baka.

We dont like drifters

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I miss Van Chad

OP, this guys channel will help you a lot, he's very knowledgeable on van/RV living and solar setups


watch all his stuff

You cannot stay in Los Angeles then

you are probably a very different person than I am. I'm content working minimum wage for 40 hours a week, as long as im around people and I live somewhere that is beautiful. I spend my money on food, gas and beer. you probably need alot of artificial means to find happiness in your hollow life, I don't.

If this is the means to starting a new lifestyle, meeting amazing people, and doing incredible things while remaining humble, then thats what im looking for.

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this guy also lives in the bay area which is where you want to go, only issue you'll have is jobs probably

>I wanna live life in the poverty bubble
It honestly doesnt seem terribly bad as long as work is biking/bus distance. And you have productive cheap hobbies and friends. But seeing how you post to a fag board.. If your car goes, youre fucked. Gotta eat healthy too.

I understand the biggest risk is the car going. Everything else I can handle, and people with far less qualifications have handled before me with worse circumstances.

Listen to this man OP. You sound like a nice person. I would be your friend in real life.

A minimum wage job does not have benefits. You will be expendable. You have no contacts, no references, no support. You will be living paycheck to paycheck doing grunt work for peanuts. Your "house" will be the target of cops and thieves. You can't just roll up to the beach and live there. It doesn't work that way.

Nice plan, terrible destination.

I just saw one these for sale a few miles from me.
Tempted to get one.
>moving to California
That's the one fatal flaw in your plan man
You dont want to live there
Taxes are insane
while the temps maybe nice for living in that kind of vehicle the costs of food and other shit will be high
I would deffinitly look at a southern state though and a swamp box to stay cool at night when you sleep.

>last thread

Got an archive link? This is my dream too.