Whats your favorite thing about Jow Forums?
Whats your favorite thing about Jow Forums?
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Recently that mods have been clearing IR porn spam bait off of Jow Forums
Definitely not the porn you retarded cuck
Definitely seeing white women submit to black cock, where they belong.
sys.Jow Forums.org/a/imgboard.php?mode=report&no=45472686
sage goes in the options field
It's more that ppl report the threads desu
Someone wants a echo chamber
Does it make you mad that the girl you like wants white men over you?
No, you can't come onto Jow Forums and spam race bait porn all day while contributing nothing new to the community. It's been enough
No, My ex (who was white) is dating some arab now
That's a nice story user. It almost makes me overlook your crippling inferiority complex, the self-hatred that comes from knowing every woman you might desire prefers white men over you
How many girls want you oh great white man
LMAO, whatever u tell yourself
I got muted
Haha I love that black affectation of acting like you're never mad, you act like it never gets to you, but clearly you only developed that reaction because it REALLY gets to you, constantly. It gets under your skin. You know you're undesirable, you're lesser, you spam all this blacked porn to try and get under our skin in the same way because you desperately want to get back at us somehow, but it kills you inside because you know it isn't true and it's just a coping mechanism. Every other race despises you, you'll probably be exterminated at some point, genetic waste, an aberration on the path to the higher races conquering the earth. But keep posting these if it makes you feel better, just remember that next time you like a girl, she will always choose a white man over you, her heart flutters for a cute white guy, not for you
Y'know what I love about this site? Consistency. The same threads, over and over. The same posts, over and over. It's like a big snuggly blanket, or a warm sweater. No surprises, no expectations, no originality, no thought. Just dive into the bait threads, rate threads, fap threads and crap threads....bliss.
U actually wrote a paragraph lol
>Pretends to be posting generic thread about other shit
>cuck porn.jpg
>proceeds to spam thread with cuck porn
These fuckers have been doing this shit for years. I'm convinced at this point that they're being paid by propagandists. Nobody is that dedicated to trolling
>not knowing a hapa posts all this shit
Get your shit together user.
It's a bunch of Israelis
ur overthinking it senpai
That user is a HAPA
Don't worry, I don't expect anything else than a pithy reply from the defense mechanism indifference that you've spent your entire life developing, just remember that this huge blacked folder you have is complete proof of everything I'm saying, that you put that much effort into this in a desperate attempt to escape the prison of inferiority and crippling insecurity that is your existence
Its called save then delete fool
Funny thing is that my body count is mainly of white sluts, 3 asians and one latina.
Whats yours?
What a painfully obvious lie, oooh, looks like I got you off balance a little there, a crack appears in the armor. Hit me with another "i don't even care" witticism dude, gotta build that armor back up before the next time you go out in public and sense the latent disgust of everyone who sees you (which you'll experience for the rest of your life and will never change, because it's written in your blood and has nothing to do with culture)
No its exactly what I do save then delete, and yea I'm going out in a bit to the gym
This is OP samefagging
Jow Forums is unironically my only source of social interaction.
Nah i post images
Hes actually that mad
All the stupid racist eeeyup can't get enough of people being blatantly ignorant over a subject that the insulted can't even do anything about. Mmhm never get sick of all the animal abuse either can't get enough of it
Fucking stupid ass waste of space basement dwelling inconsiderate pasty no life having hateful faggots
>Luv this board
The near constant race baiting.
with all do respect they didn't make this porn they just spread it
Seeing fags save nigger porn to their computers and try to judge others
Lmao I see we've switched away from indifference to claiming sexual prowess, I'm sure you're the outlier to every statistic on the issue and you're swimming in pussy dude. In reality you're probably desperate for attention from any girl given that they recognize in a quarter of a second that your inferior DNA isn't worth reproducing with, cutting attraction off instantly (as opposed to the black girls I've fucked, soooo desperate for my dick, not that I'd ever consider bringing a 56% goblin into this world)
Fucking lol yeah I bet you're going to the gym bro, Mr. Internet Tough Guy over about to get jacked up and fuck 100 bitches right? Right? Oh wait you're actually just scrambling for something to reestablish the "alpha and unfazed" projection that you put up as a salve for your non-existent self-esteem, have fun "lifting weights" (i.e. trying to force the image out of your mind of your oneitis making love to a white guy, your pathetic self never crossing her awareness)
Wow ur so nice thank you and yeah I know but y? Y do these faggots spam so much race baiting? It's so annoying
nah i only fucked 8 girls compared to ppl i know their in 10-15
and yea im going to lift since I don't have much else to do at that time
Your the upset user whos writing paragraphs
The powers that be want more white racial extremists in society to be "the bad guy"
The brave new posters.
Right dude, post some more blacked and maybe you'll feel better (you won't)
Look u acutally dont respond in essays anymore
R u done being triggered
All the b8 you post and the retards who fall for it