Whoopsie~ >w< i dwopped my pen agen OwO i'm such a dork >3< w-well i betta go pick it up

whoopsie~ >w< i dwopped my pen agen OwO i'm such a dork >3< w-well i betta go pick it up...
*bends over and gives you full view of panties* hehe oops x3

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This is the last time I buy a car off Craigslist.

There was a funny one I saw a while ago that was something like this:

*turns on k-on music*
oh, u rike this?
I wuv this!
*turns up the volume*

Anyone got the original?

H-ha ha oh man t-that's a p-p-puffy one eh?

I hope those panties have a buldge 8^)

*grabs ur butt*
HONK >x3

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could go for a degenerate sissy trap so bad right now

*Proceed to brutally beat it to death*

why do you speak like this? did you have a stroke or something? that creepy and annoying. what? you want to suck my dick? sure why not, just dont talk to anyone about it or im gonna beat your ass so bad you are gonna become a straight productive member of the society

I'd drag you by those All Stars and throw you into your locker and lock you in homo

>notices bugle


consider ending your life please

Good fucking god. More please.

I do every night

the absolute STATE of Jow Forums shitposting

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Peter Parker?

you are embarrassing


fuck what that other user said, that's really hot.
>tfw no asshole who lets me suck his cock, but threatens me to keep quiet about it

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why are there still traps on my board?

Trap-posting is an Jow Forums staple. It's not going anywhere.

It's died down since Reiko-gate

Jesus Christ this thread was on /trash/ a week ago, I see why this shit is degenerate

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It's called shitposting, Dad.

R9K needs more shitposting to ward away those normgroids who either don't understand it or simply doesn't want to see it

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panties! i wuv panties!!
i'm a boy who wantsta wear panties!!!

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