reminder elliot rodger only killed 3 robots and 3 below average looking teenagers
Reminder elliot rodger only killed 3 robots and 3 below average looking teenagers
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what made him special was his videos on incel theory
This. How people here idolize this narcissistic retard that couldn't even pull out a decent execution of his equally retarded plan and got cucked by a fucking locked door is absolutely beyond me.
Fucking idiot couldn't shoot the door lock.
Because random r9k browsers would have been so much fucking better at murdering innocent people. I bet you would have panicked before you even clicked the trigger, maggot.
He could have had charisma with a few more pounds.
And just think, if he'd managed to get one damned door open he could have slain a dozen stacies. What a shame.
retarded birds of a retarded feather
Literally anybody on this board that stops his internet addiction and porn addiction will get laid in the next 2 months.
>what made him special was his videos on incel theory
That and his retardo manifesto full of admissions of homosexuality and pussiness.
>huur duur you couldn't even pull a trigger maggot praise saint Elliot.
At least I would try to make a fucking effort and aim at a actual fucking Stacy, you know, the main reason of the hypothetical shooting and not my fucking roomies and some random people. Jesus fuck, at least i would try to make the bitches tremble with me breaking into the sorority with a gun by, you know, shooting at the door/window.
I don't know about the internet addiction, the average robot doesn't spend more time on Jow Forums than roasties on facebook/snapchat.
It's more about finding the right things that can give you an edge among normal people and hide the temporary lack of social skills.
>admissions of homosexuality
There were zero you retard. He may be a pussy but he is 100% straight
> Admitted getting into tickle fight with another boy.
> His idea of a perfect world was one with no women.
> No a faggot in massive self-denial.
>one with no women
Wrong, he explicitly states women's role in his perfect world in the epilogue.
>getting into tickle fight with another boy
What was he like 10? You're desperately reaching to support your dumbass theory. For these two non-points there are a million others supporting the fact that he was straight. Like, the entire manifesto that you clearly didn't even read, why do you insist on making shit up?
didn't he say all women should be killed and people brainwashed into believing they never existed?
>didn't he say all women should be killed and people brainwashed into believing they never existed?
I thought he said that a certain number should be kept alive in underground cages to produce more men. Regardless, the idea was that there would be no women out and about in the world. That is supremely gay.
this kind of
Elliot was a narcissist and viewed himself as a failed Chad/normie
that's why he was so infuriated by normies
Robots never had a chance at becoming normal
I'm pretty sure if Elliot ever met his ""fans"" he would be disgusted by them and think they are lesser then him
of course most of the Elliot praise is comedic in nature and just treated like a meme but like most memes the line between joke and reality begin to merge
No, one of his biggest grievances with women is who they give their pleasure to. He was enraged by beautiful men because he often imagined all the pleasure he got from women while he got none. In his ideal world, women are second class citizens in camps and who they give their pleasure to is overseen by a wise supreme ruler ("like him", explicitly stated). One of the central points of his worldview is that women's uncontrolled sexuality will lead them to bread with meatheads and thugs, leading to the degeneration of civilization.
They worship him for his long manifesto. Some say it's the best book they've ever read. Plus the Reddit incels worship him more than the robots.
I've read parts of it and its a absolutely infantile ravel with little care about stating argumentations and making it a non headache read. Well, different strokes for different folks.
This is what an impatient myopic imbecile looks like
I'm sure as fuck there's better literature that speaks better for us than that text diarrhea by some spoiled brat.
>speaks better for us
You're reading it wrong, read it as a comedy. For someone so vain and narcissistic to admit to some of the things in there is a fascinating contradiction. One time he saw a couple making out and he cried in a public bathroom stall for an hour.
difference is that almost all the better robot literature, like Notes From Underground, was a written by a chad who had no problem getting women until he got imprisoned, Eliot was a genuine KHHV so its more believable imo.
bumping on le elliot rodger thread
I felt sympathy for incels until I learned they love ER. These are just evil people. Thank God they are low achievers and brainlets (mostly harmless pathetic people), otherwise we'd have a real problem on our hands.
>shills in overdrive
feels good man
women are evil people
It's not about the people he killed, it was his message.
>One of the central points of his worldview is that women's uncontrolled sexuality will lead them to bread with meatheads and thugs, leading to the degeneration of civilization.
well he wasn't wrong...
The relieving thing is that eventually conditions will worsen enough to the point where women cannot seek such men if they want to eat that night and will be forced to seek out the most successful, slowly ending the cycle
>admitted to getting in a tickle fight
lol what a queer amirite
If he jumped on the juice he could of got pussy.
his manifesto p much reads like my autobiography until he loses it in the last year
Obligatory reminder.
He was cucked by the sorority door. A fucking door.
>He knocked on the sorority house door for a few minutes.
>no one answered
>Rodger drove to the Alpha Phi sorority house at Embarcadero del Norte and Segovia Road near the University of California Santa Barbara.[note 1] He knocked on the sorority house door for a few minutes.[17] After no one answered, he began shooting people who were nearby.
>He knocked on the sorority house door for a few minutes.
>no one answered
only after society completely collapses though
>be me
>have friends
>go out every weekend
>approach women
>still a khv because shitty genes
Fuck off. At least I can assure that most women don't pepper spray stuff in your face and scream "RAPE!", but they use bullshit excuses and don't even touch you.
Mate, I know you try to bait, but I will give an actual answer to it:
Incels aren't evil from the get go. Incles have mostly underlying mental illness that wasn't treated in their teenage years where they could grow up to be normal people, our parents mostly didn't care or thought "Psychology isn't real science" like in my case, so they never let me visit one. Literally nobody is an incel by choice.
In Elliots case he was treated unfairly by his parents. They used him as a emotional weapon. Besides the money, they never really gave him anything on the way where he could grow up to be a decent human being.
His parents were pieces of shit
A therapist wouldn't have helped cus they would of took the parents money so they wouldn't talk about them
I don't have an original comment I just want to laugh at this bait
>check for a back door or unlocked window
if havent killed anyone still doing better rodger
bumping elliot rodger thread
>It's not about the people he killed, it was his message.
His message was "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I can't get a gf and it's not FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIR! BLOOO BLOO BLOO!"