Midwest Feels

Get in here flyover staters

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>tfw smelling the I-35 and I-80 interchange

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Ohio reporting in. Gloomy and overcast all day. Rain a bit this evening.

>tfw plantin corn

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>tfw Nebraska

Is there a less interesting state?

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I wanna marry an amish girl but I don't wanna convert to amish god damn some of them are super beautiful.

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Downstate IL
Good evening, fellow flatlanders. Few people know the depths of our malaise.

just get a mennonite. close enough.

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Just moved to Koreatown, LA from Wisconsin. Really want a Christian Korean waifu but its actually kinda hard.

Kansas here. Woke up and saw a rouge cow.

How is it hard? I really want an Asian gf but I'm too autistic to interact with girls.

>Imagine unironically living in the Midwest

Christ, move to California or sth. What kind of life can you hope for in the MW?!

>tfw plantin beans

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>What kind of life can you hope for in the MW?!

Not being a spic.

I don't wanna convert to mennonite either, though I do interact with them more than amish.

>crawling with niggers and spics and gangs
>outrageously expensive everything
>uppity cunts

It's quiet, there's no crime, my job is comfy and living expenses aren't retardedly high. What could I possibly be missing out on by not being in Cali? the fucking ocean? Fuck that shit, I hate water. Foodie faggot hipster culture? No thanks. Fuck Cali and fuck you too.

KS here, too
i saw a chicken loose in my city today

Midwestern life is a comfy life. Especially if you are away from the cities.

fuckin wild shit going down in Kansas

If I ever make it to the states and got the time and money, I'm gonna buy me a 80s V8 coupe and travel those great plains.

Next to the old South you are my 2nd choice traveling your big country.

t. eurofag

You think the chicken and the cow are going somewhere? I wish we had somewhere to go..

Road tripping is THE way to see America

>tfw Illinois
>tfw you are nonexistent if you live outside of the Chicago metro
>tfw every city is trashy anyways
>tfw to little money or time to leave the state more than twice a year
>tfw lake effect
>tfw spring didn't come until April this year
>tfw at least I don't live in Wisconsin
>implying it's in any regard easy to leave this hellish flatland
I live in the chicago metro and 1/10 of the people I see are spics, it's not all cum skins and nigs

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>tfw at least I don't live in Wisconsin
feels good

Not everyone hear speaks English, believe it or not.

>have never seen any ayy lamo's

This isn't what I signed up for damnit

Korean and other Asian languages I assume? I started learning Korean about two weeks ago. Not that hard of a language so far.

Come to Cali for these girls man:


>Korean and other Asian languages I assume?

Sort of, I know there is I sizable Filipino population in Chicago. Though iv never seen anybody speaking Tagalog.

t.1/3 Filipino

Just straight Korean, and cutie latina girls speak spanish and I don't like their accents :(

Their beauty comes from a lifelong relationship with God. This is what health on all levels of being looks like.

I would rather move to jersey than deal with those hollow brats

i live in texas and half of us are spics
get on my level

As a Midwestern, it's mostly English, Spanish, and some Arabic because of all the Somalians.

Just head north before you hit Nebraska. That's most of a day of flat onions and cornfields. Every time I have to go through it I want to blow my brains out. The Dakotas have more to see. Wyoming is comfy once you get through Nebraska. But be warned there is like one rest stop in the entire state.

Not much into Latino girls. Asians are more my type. Mostly Korean and Japanese. I've never been to the west coast but I hear there are tons of Asians.

Thread theme:

Fucking word filter. S O Y F I E L D S.

Ktown is the largest group of koreans outside of korea, there are TONS of cuties and they dont make a lot of money, but they dont always speak english so :(


What? Iv seen plenty of black people but I wouldn't say that any of them were Somali. Just regular nigs. Iv also never heard Arabic being spoken in public and iv only ever seen a masque once in my life. So I have no idea what your talking about in regards to that.

Sounds like he's from minneapolis. It's an islamic state that has little in common with the rest of the midwest

They don't make a lot of money in general or not enough to live in California? Maybe I'll be able to talk to them someday.

Nigger, you didnt sign up to live here anyways

Close. Columbus, which is just behind Minneapolis. They have taken over the entire west side of the city. They smell horrible and are dirty.

This is like the poorest area of LA that doesn't have gangs, so they're just poor poor. Normal people poor

I have lived in this depressing region for all of my life. I want to move out.

217 area of Illinois

Someone kill me

>They smell horrible and are dirty.
So like you but with better food?

That's fucked. The midwest tends to be more diverse than people would expect and that's cool, but islam pls go and stay go.

If the are all first generation immigrants then maybe things will change in a few years once they get settled in.

Takes one to originoli know one

>fucking coastal fag doesn't know that every person born in the midwest makes a pact with the devil the moment they are born that they will forever be tied to the land

Thier food is what causes them to smell bad. The odor seeps from their pores.

Where the hell are you talking about?

t.chigaco fringes

My city is getting more gentrified because of the university. But I'm not sure why the Somalians decided to migrate here.

Not sure about where you are, but they get flown in by cucked church groups here. When serbia was removing kebabs they were flying them in, too.

I'll find my nice cutie christian korean waifu some day :) shes out there for sure

what's the least flat midwestern state?
missouri and michigan look nice

Greenview, IL

It hurts

Ohio has enough problems already with nigs and opioids. Somalians are not needed.

I hope you do. I hope I'll find one too.

Elgin il for me

I'm a mutt among a sea of like ~100k whites

wew that looks like the sticks. I enjoy driving through those tiny towns and seeing the storefronts and shit, and sometimes it's fun chatting with the hicks, but I prefer having amenities.
t. Champaign


When did this become a thing user?

tfw in Wisconsin
yeah I love living in a fly over state because I live in a small town and its peaceful.
I lived in NY for 2 years I will never live in a big city again.

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removing != removed. Kinda like how I'm always trying to improve my life but it's always garbage.

Not too familiar with downstate, but here in the UP of michigan it's basically forest and small mountains and swamps with some small farming operations here and there. If you like doing outdoorsy shit and lakes and stuff, you could do a lot worse than this.

Why are you even included in the Midwest? You seem like a mix between us, the coast, the south, and leaf land.

I'm stiil upset I never started a midwest noodly emo band with my friends in high school

Kek, there arent really any storefronts on the main drag just giant old mansions and trailers

ohio's a good boy he dindu nuffin

I think we can throw them a sympathy inclusion.

Excluding the three C's, Ohio is flat with corn fields and some hills in the southern part of the state.

Yes, but what do you have in common with us?

>the three C's

Iv legit never heard of that, what are they?

Could it be really that bad?

indiana here, 812 reporting in

Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. Ohio's three largest cities.

Imagine a perfectly flat field with nothing but corn in it. Now imagine staring at that for over 12 hours.

>I don't understand your spices, get out!
The midwest.

>in illinois
>meet someone near me on discoid
>they seem somewhat compatible with me
>they then proceed to ghost me
God damn it.

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Corn fields, strong agriculture and farming, unpredictable weather, strong conservative turnout, outside of the cities little to no entertainment, and Amish people.

A simple, happy one; spent mostly outdoors with a family you love. The small towns in Minnesota are what movies are made of, and the lakes provide some of the most wholesome, healthy, and fun recreation in the US, although wealthy tourists are beginning to ruin that a little bit. Most everyone holds traditional values, too. Probably some of the most comfy and peaceful places in the US.

I know that feel


>tfw the only robot in the entire city of Indianapolis

And then also imagine all the assholes who dont move out of the way and keep driving in the middle so you have to pads on the shoulder (if there is one) and the cunts who pass you because 90 mph in a cornfield is "too slow"

Thanks, I'm gonna remember that.

Is Pennsylvania still part of the Midwest? Had a huge crush on Krysten Ritter while Breaking Bad was popular and she's from there. Could you meet a woman with her phenotype their?

I once met a girl from Nevada here in Europe and she was something different. She clearly had Central and South European features but every eurofag could see from a mile away that she was from somewhere very different.

I mean I wanted to be in a relationship with that person

Indiana smells like shit, bro

illinois is certified best midwest state, all other states get out!!!

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>Is Pennsylvania still part of the Midwest
Only the far western part of the state. Mostly no.


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>tfw they never fix the roads around Indy
A Hoosier tradition

user, I know what you mean and I know what you'd say that but that's only Indianapolis. It's smog or the sewers or something

I have to take Fall Creek to downtown for work and the roads are still fucked up from the winter. The ride never ends.

Indiana is THE archetypal midwestern state

>Is Pennsylvania still part of the Midwest?
Nah. Not sure about the people there. The country is fucking big for me to know that.

Most whites in the actual midwest have germanic-y features. Pic related.

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One of the spookiest nog jungles I've seen in my life was when I pulled off the interstate for gas on the western edge of the city. It was like 3 am and there were nogs blasting hip hop at the gas station, the cashier had a huge bullet scar on his arm and he was behind 6 inches of glass. All the surrounding houses were condemned. It was fucked.

map #2, which other ethnicities.

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I don't gave a flirtatious faggot about if you live in Illinois. If your outside of the Chicago metro you are irrelevant.

I forget Arkansas is a state from time to time but don't feel that way about Nebraska so there's that.
>t. Illinois fag