Who knew one app would ruin so many lives

Who knew one app would ruin so many lives.

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heh, not me, kid. I saw before me, vaginas three. I said with a squee, "What good pussy." I made a decree, to splorp my white pee, all over the three, bald pussies.

I used to be poor, fat, and ugly. I don't want anyone who wouldn't have loved me then.

Now I'm fit, attractive, wealthy, and utterly devoid of feeling. It's time to ruin some lives.

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just did a fart snug under the covers :)

Top kek
Fuck em all, reborn as chad robot

I had sex with a few women thanks to it.

>try tinder 6 months ago
>can't get any dates
>reinstall a week ago
>already been on one date, and have 2 more lined up
wtf, when did this become so easy

didn't get anywhere with the first girl, but it's good experience

Verily I say unto thee, thou art a dandy who enjoyeth the company of other men, in an intimate manner. Now begone from this place, wretched cur.

What do you mean? It absolutely does nothing for me. I some get matches once in a while but talking through text with someone you've never met is even harder than real life so I don't ever meet anyone. So I deleted app. It caused no problems.

Yes it does
It makes it harder on anyone who isn't chad cause normally roasties would have to settle

>tfw deleted both tinder and okc after turning into one 'those guys' who gets frustrated and starts demanding fux
To be fair she was stringing me along for fucking ages. But it still gave me a spook.

Its okay to be straightforward and ask for sex to avoid bullshit. Just dont be autistic about it. Women want sex just as much as men

Do it. Report back when you can.

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I will never be a chad. My mother left me alone as soon as she had one successful child. In my formative years I was ignored by females because I lacked emotional intelligence. I have craved it ever since and still do; but it is hopeless to even begin to fill the void and make up lost time.

I have since used my massive intellectual intelligence to compensate for social retardation. Socialization is a game like any other, there are rules, objectives, and of course; ways to cheap.

I do not want to hurt them, I do not want to see them in pain. I want them to see what it is like to love the world so much and to be ignored. I want them to understand.

Last time I did I ended up seeing my ex, the one girl who came close to understanding me.

I almost threw up, so I'm gonna wait till I go back to Uni to start again. I still love her and care deeply for her, but she didn't want to love me. I wanted to make her happy, but she didn't want to let me. There's no future there, but it still hurts when she was in the first five.

Chances thrown m8. Nothing's free. You'll be longing for what used to be. Still it's so hard to see fragile lives and shattered dreams.

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>match with tons of girls
>never respond to anyone of them
>too scared to go on a date

>finally get a gf off it
>first 3 months of absolute happiness
>have a few bad fights but still lots of love for 2 years
>talk about marriage and kids
>realized I might be marrying a ho (5 guys before me, literally in 1 year)
>fight for a solid week
>wake up today to single status on facebook

Overall experience was pretty good desu, had sex and got a lot of gf practice for when I find a girl worth it. As for now I'm just gonna get Jow Forums and try and bang as many hoes as possible.

I tried Tinder and got some matches but I didn't massage first and they just eventually unmatched me. Clearly someone's expectations were too high.

I know this exact feel. She is married now though, leaving only me to swipe.

Tacking on to what I said because fuck it, why not.
For the last half-decade I've been keeping a little black journal of all the rejections I've received. Every time, I take my lessons and move on. Failure is an opportunity and teaches more than success. To all you user's still struggling, don't give up hope. Women are a solvable puzzle but it will come at the cost of never being truly able to care for them. I have met two girls that were different, one was a lesbian and the other... well shit happens.

The game is winnable, but winning isn't my goal anymore. I'm not interested in the cheap trophys, the "you got your dick wet" award, the cliche platitudes best left for handbags and sticky notes. After all of this, I still believe in God and in love. Men and women are made for each other, and I want to turn back the clock to a time when there was more than sex to look forward to. Until that day I'll bide my time. You can't change the -cel, only the in-.

I'm coping too robot

>dont have a life to begin with
>also have shitty government phone

Who knew it was this easy!?

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I get it man. If you're ever up in NE and wanna grab a beer let me know. Take the gun from your mouth and point it where it will do good.

The feminists actually have something right, men are murderous pigs by nature. The hope of a woman's love keeps us tame, it's a social contract older than recorded history. They break their end of the bargin and we just do what comes naturally. No shame, no blame, just fire and death.

Hang in there man: a black sun is rising. This can't last forever, eventually current roasties settle down and their daughters rebel against them by marying white guys with guns, jobs, and dreams. Here's hoping at least.

In the mean time, watch and wait. You are not alone. There will come a time when you will earn your life.