New ThinkPad. What do you guys think?
New ThinkPad. What do you guys think?
Lol wtf is that old ass shit, get a MacBook
Is that your waifu on the right
nobody cares weeb. go jack off to those thinkpad threads over on
How much did it cost?
i have a w520 and it blue screens almost every day
Good choice, t520 still with classic touchpad. But why windows 10 while having full windows 7 support?!
Wait, they made non-chiclet keyboards that late? Cool. Why not Windows 7 though?
I just bought it and they installed win10 on it. I haven't gotten around to formating it to win7.
if it comes with widows 10 can you "downgrade" to windows 7?
nice figure
nice laptop
fucking kill your self right now.
You can't do shit with the license key if you mean that. You can downgrade software wise if they did an upgrade installation WIN7 > WIN10, other than that it's time to format, which I would recommend either way.
lmao what is that old ass shit? fucking weebs, I swear.
Install Gentoo you piece of shit normie
Yes. She is my one and only, irreplaceable waifu.
i think you should join tDYgfC
>nozomi as waifu
Havnt seen this much good taste in a while.
I thought you had to be 18 to post on Jow Forums.
is that a vibrator on the left? AHAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA FAG
lol he fell for the Jow Forums thinkpad meme
I own a x230. bought used and 6 years later, still as good as new. I love her.
If dubs, OP sticks the vibrator up his bum.
This. Who the hell just leaves a vibrator sitting on their desk? Are you one of those trap faggots, OP? Post bussi.
Really like the Windows 7 sticker on it.
I can't find anything here in my shithole country but spare parts of it.
Here are specs.
It says it doesn't have AC wifi.
And the first CPU mentioned on that list was made in 2011.
With 32nm have fun at your 1hr battery life at that screensize.
Otherwise if this model has solid keyboard and screen hinges I'd say it beats a lot of newer lowend models.
I'd rather use it with linux if I had one.
I would have splurged on a w520 but that's still good. You better swap a quad core in it though if it doesn't have one already, look into msata ssds too. Then you can have three drives.
>t. T420 owner
i have one and it blue screenes every fucking day and Jow Forums won't help me with it
RIP. Have you at least googled the vague error it spits out and ran memtest?
what's meme test?
it's only a blue screen for a few seconds then it restarts it'self
Looks nice user. I want to get a ThinkPad x200 or x220 soon but I need to get a job first. I want to run gentoo on it for the meme, then probably just install lubuntu when I get sick of compiling everything
Interestingly I can still find those online. Obviously used but there are cheap spare parts too.
Is it good?
A vibrator that reaches incredibly high temperatures and is used to solder electrical connections
Change the ram in it. It's probably burnt.
Yes. It has the standard thinkpad drawbacks but they are decent laptops for normal use.
Avoid the models with I and s suffixes though, the I ones are slow shit and the s ones are a totally different model that has less battery life. I7 t420s are nice but they have no advantage over i5 ones for the most part because dual core.
You can swap in a HQ series sandy bridge CPU but the t420 wasn't made with them in mind so there can he thermal issues, especially on models equipped with dgpus.
The trackpoint mouse should be mandatory of all laptops. At this point I would take it over a good graphics card.
Yeah i got it and installed a ssd
and a 1tb hdd
i'll try that out thanks
>using winblows
Wow no wonder it bluescreens all the time
>tfw w510 running Xfce slackware
If I buy one I just need it to keep my accounting software on it which is Windows only in this country. Like get a used thinkpad in good shape for 180usd and get a windows license for 80usd then just forget about it.
Latest release is 22 months ago. I believe closest to it would be OpenSuse but that's a headache of an OS tbqh. Rather stick to Debian stable.
How bloated is the software? You might be able to save some cash by getting a t60/t61/r series instead.
>actually buying windows
Basic mysql shit less than 100 megs after installation. Like some ERP software. The gubmint gives it to me along encryption keys to sign it to send the invoice and tax returns. So can't just use wine on Debian for this one.
Posted pic of something that's similar to it.
How do you even play games? That thing is so small lmao
>he didn't get a flippable touchscreen laptop
i use to have a t40 but the screen broke. man i miss it
why do people not like thinkpads?
What an approved Jow Forums laptop?
I don't play games. I mainly use it for anime, VN's and KiCad.
I have an old toshiba ultrabook.
Only added extra RAM to it.
Came with Windows 8.1 didn't even bother to update to Win 10 tho I got the option with it, just wiped the SSD and installed Debian stable. First used MATE now changed to KDE once Debian came out with kernel 4.9 that meant working GPU acceleration for me, you kinda need it for HD videos even on YouTube.
Have it since 2015, the battery is like 7hrs with shitposting while using the cable.
these kind of laptops are the only robocore laptops
No need for a toughbook when you never leave the house user.
>thinks it's a computer
>capitalized mac book
>mac autist detected
What do you think about while using the think pad?
i have a macbook
it is the best laptop in the world
nothing else compares YOU FUCKING TWAT
you gonna play some cs1.6 on that?
or some brood war?
Nah, maybe some diablo 2.
Now become a Jow Forums meme and install arch linux on it. Then do what I do and spend fucking all of your free time trying to trick Arch into doing what you want it to do while you use a second Microsoft computer for work.
>manufacturers are fucking obsessed with insane resolutions and gimmicks
>all I want is a good fucking keyboard
>tfw thinkpads are the only good option out there
I don't want to look like a grandpa.
No one makes threads on g they're all deleted immediately