How long have you been a virgin?

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Where's the none of the above option?

>week before my 17 th birthday
>Older grill grade above me invites me to spend the night
>Spoon until we start slipping out of our clothes
>Start sliding my cock on her vagoo making it dank after down there
>Too beta to stick it in until she asks if I don't mind wearing a condom
>Bing virgity gone
>Fuck her for like two hours until I pull out and but the hardest one ever
>Repeated the next day and came inside her
>She ghosts me shortly afterwards because too beta for my own good

You dont belong here, normalfag. Reddit should be more of your liking.
Wrong thread retard

>site is full of teenagers

Fuck you bitch

31 years have I been originally a virgin for

regretably lost my virginity last year 2 months before my 24th birthday
only girl who ever showed any interest in me and i fell so madly in love i thought i would marry her
after about 4 months she just straight up ghosted me

women are a mistake my friends. do not fall for their tricks they are all treacherous whores

>r9k is 15-21 years olds


uh since I was born so
34 this year

Yes, my WWWYZZERDDs. Take it back.

Attached: Theyzzerdd.jpg (200x231, 16K)

how do I check both the >17 and one more option? should be

such a bad poll. no way to tell whether the respondents are virgins or not

Generally, people lying is a problem for all polls.

it's not lying you dumb ass. someone can either be an 18 year old virgin or lost their virginity at 18.

the poll doesn't account for that. it is testing two variables at once

Not if the responders can fucking read English.

I'm 28. Though it's only really bothered me the last few years.

you're a dumbass. you have never taken a basic statistics class

"How long have you been a virgin" is different from "How long WERE you a virgin". Don't call people names, especially when you struggle with basic reading comprehension

brainlet detected. you don't understand simple statistics

>I don't understand tense
t. illiterate brainlet

you put >17.. ffs

>being this fucking stupid

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>only 7 votes
So we are lost then.