Talk to a ''fembot'' on discord everyday for about a month

>talk to a ''fembot'' on discord everyday for about a month
>get on great, talk about everything and both enjoy talking to each other
>says she likes me and is very attached to me
>muster up the courage to ask the question


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Good thread faggot.


>will you be my girlfriend

I thought she loved me man

Haha faggot, it's because you have tiny wrists :^)

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You're fucking clueless and have no game

I thought she was into me, I thought she would say yes.

you dont ever ask a girl "do you want to be my girlfriend" no matter what

Why not? what do you say then?

You mean trap?

rubi sounds like a fake name

when will you dudes learn to leave these attention whores alone. she probably has a dozen other servers where she talks to other cucks like yourself.

Not that. especially online

she's a real girl

so what do you say? jhjkm

You're just another orbiter you fucking idiot

See my name
We used to have fucking rules on this internet. It used to be the kinda place that if some girl wanted attention and validation she would have to put images of her genetalia and a fucking timestamp.

People like you that fall for this bait are the whiteknighting fucks who are giving these "girls" dozens of orbiters.

Of fucking course she doesnt give a shit about you. You're a source of attention for someone who determines what they're worth based on how many lonely bastards they can get to stay up waiting for a vapid reply.

Meanwhile she's fucking the best looking guy she can meet in real life that is willing to let her suck his dick.

Repeat after me:

Sage goes in every field,
Tits or gtfo

If you feel that's too much, ask for a pic of their adams apple so you know youre at least not orbiting a trap.

>trying to date a white woman
>a whore named rubi of all names
lolol, you know it's a catfish right?

She's not white, she's mexican

>I talked to this whore and said what she wanted to hear and thought she would give me her vagina wtf?

Normies with discord

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Did you meet her in a group chat or did you exchange contact info and only speak one on one? If you meet a femanon in a group setting it means you are just an orbiter and she has many from the group.

we exchanged contact info

Don't listen to him. It's a perfectly normal way of asking that. Notice how he didn't tell you what to say instead, he's just a shitposting faggot.

Woman are incapable of love

She was just being nice, you incel

I've been talking with a girl but she is not a fembot thank fuck. Fembots don't exist and OP deserves misery for thinking it's possible for a fembot to exist.
My girl is bipolar or some shit because she'll be all over my dick with the lovey dovey shit then act all distant the very next day for bullshit reasons. Drives me crazy but I want to marry her and cum inside many times.

Pathetic orbiter. You make me laugh

Are you 10, user? The playground should be the last place you ask people if they will be your best friend or girlfriend.

Not an orbiter, just some confused crazy girl. Eat shit, faggit.

YOU are the orbiter, not her.

That's not bipolar disorder. If anything it's borderline personality disorder.

You don't say shit, just kiss her after a date. That's it.

I had considered it but plz anything but that. She's the sweetest little girl when in her clingy 'need u luv u soo much' phase. Feels pretty blue when she does the 'I can't do this anymore I want to end this as quickly as possible' phase. Shit's like push-pull game but for girls, it is crack for my boihamster. Once I marry her we'll introduce LDD, she will get beat for her moody spells. It provides a safe and easy outlet for need to cry while not wearing my soul down.

Did you miss the part where he said it's online?

You have to be more assertive.

Something like "you know you belong to me, right?"

>little girl
user i...

You have to get it spelled out word to word? Online ->real life date -> kiss -> gf

Hey, Op...will you be mygirlfiend? But seriously, she was an attention whore and your soul is too pure for this world. my condolences.

Are you slow? Do you really think these two people live close enough to go on a date? Use your brain, user.

She's probably lurking this thread and laughing at you being so pathetic.

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>there are people who unironically say this
So it isn't just a meme then

She's 28 so it's legal, it's a common expression. Smol = cuteness. I have a good 8" on her too so comparatively speaking she is little. I don't want no big girl amazon bitch.

Okay fine nobody else will say it apparently.

Congratulations on asking her, OP. I've been where you are and it's difficult to even type that out. You tried, and thats what counts.
I'm sorry shes not responding, really. I hope it goes better next time

OP, this could be her in pic related, tee-heeing at your pathetic existence.

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Next time try being a man. Call her daddys little slut and ask her if she can handle daddys load


>talk to someone remotely
>no way of actually fucking
>expecting the (((fembot))) not to be a glow in the dark nigger
>was actually a CIA agent trying to bait you into revealing you are a shootshooter
>Expecting CIA to actually be your gf
Lol retard here

Never question the relationship.
You act as if she's already said yes.
You go immediately to lets meet up irl and date.
If you had no intention of meeting up then this wasn't going to go anywhere anyway.

You asked, dude. That's all that matters. You were more brave than all these faggots laughing at you and having no female contact at all. You did good. Shame she rejected you, but now you can start moving on and will not be stuck wondering if she would have ever wanted to be with you