>tfw my hobby is making men fall in love with me then crushing their hope and dreams
Tfw my hobby is making men fall in love with me then crushing their hope and dreams
How do you make them fall in love with you? I want to destroy a man's spirit.
you don't, breaking a mans heart only makes him stronger
Thats a time consuming and draining hobby. How exactly does that benefit you in the longterm?
My spirit was destroyed by the time I was almost 18 so women can't do anything to me, so I'm safe.
Maybe one day i will meet one of these broken men, they will look past my imperfections (physical and mental) and we can have a happy life together. But I doubt it.
so your hobby is acting like a normal woman?
you give incel girls like me a bad fucking name so GET THE FUCK OUT YOU FUCKING WHORE
Oribters deserve to be gassed, so thank you for doing your part
fucking disgusting scheming autist femanon thinks she can finally get a man after destroying them kill yourself kys you fucking filthy succubus roastie slut whore cunt tramp parasite demon loser skank antisocial vagabond
emily get the fuck off this boar you psychopath
Jokes on you, roastie. My hopes and dreams are already dead.
Like I said. It probably is not possible.
Woah! I was trying to say I could help one of the men OP has broken...
Wtfs wrong with you
You're a female bully. Congratulations.
Sounds hot, but you should have picked a more attractive picture to really get those fantasies going.
Thats pretty fucked up, but im not surprised
It is literally what all women do.
Don't think you're special, all women at some time in their life enjoy making someone suffer. I'ts the woman nature.
Nobody wants to talk about this, but women in western society are so evil that regardless of OP's larping, a lot of women are like that and the "good women" do nothing to stand out, so you're not oppressed if guys don't give you a chance because of that. Women in the west get away with so much it's not even funny.
Who gives a fuck? The guys who fall in love with you will remember you as the gal who played him. Then move the fuck on, ik this is fucking bait. But, you really must be a shitty person to do that and who should unironically off your fucking self.
>I want to destroy a man's spirit.
Why? Please do it to me.
>I was trying to say I could help one of the men OP has broken...
How would you help him?
tfw tell my gf to get orbiters on twitter and get these losers to buy her things off amazon and give her money
We've had losers straight up give her access to their bank accounts mfw I empty the account and get loads of money
I encourage all girls who are capable to do this just post selfies on twitter and act like a typical gamer e-girl and you get tons of orbiters you can take advantage of. These degenerate cucks don't deserve to have money and personally as a man I like a woman who knows to be resourceful and take advantage of what she has.
None of that matters for me anyway. Guys ignore me, so... whatever. I want everyone to be happy, tho.
If he could love me, I would give him the same love back?
>Guys ignore me
>If he could love me, I would give him the same love back?
Someone already did it to me but I don't know if I can love someone again.
>chad thundercock doesn't pay attention to you
>decide to take out your frustration on sad lowly betas
Why? If they fell in love with you they already looked past your imperfections and then you crushed their heart. Why don't you just admit you like the attention like the typical whore you are. You aren't special. Many girls do this.
Men can't love. They lust after women and then move on when a better looking one comes along. Don't pretend any of that crap actually hurts their feelings. They don't care about anything or anyone but themselves.
I dont really care if believe me or not.
I understand. I have a lot of hang ups of my own that I still have to deal with.
>hobby is making men fall in love with me then crushing their hope and dreams
what hobby could possibly do that?
Maybe you're afraid of commitment op
Guys ignore you because you suck.
I know. My body is okay, but I have a scar on my face and some mental issues.
Is that what you are doing with Jay?
are you trying to do your tricks again
There is no escape from this. Most anons and femanons are too weak to escape Jow Forums's Jow Forums which is cursed.
Let the darkness consume you, you unlovable femanon.
I don't mind those things. Could I talk to you?
>some mental issues
what exactly user?
I'd think there are a lot of men willing to love you and date you still.
My gf isn't beautiful, is lazy as shit, but she acts cute, is thin and loves me. The only problem is she being 10000km away.
guys she doesn't have a scar she's doing her tricks again
come on guys
stfu cuck
I feel as the experience of having someone, even pretending without your knowledge, giving me affection would be worth the soul crushing, bitter end.
I've fallen pretty hard, but I just want to experience someone giving me attention in a non platonic way before I die. The feeling of not being romantic ever in life would override that.
What are your standards for a romantic interest?
You guys are just too easy. Do you all just think with your dicks you pathetic beta losers. Watching you goys grovel reminds me of rats eating poison
That's a weird question for me even though it shouldn't be normally.
I wouldn't know my own standards. I have a schedule that completely avoids encounters with people, not even intentional. Before I hit adulthood I got in a really bad accident that made it hard to walk with my left leg, but that healed over time, but I just stayed secluded besides work.
It's like time itself kept going on while I was in my own little world and before I knew it, here I am today.
but.. but.. i really want to be used up by a woman, even just emotionally.
imagine how good it would feel, if someone at least pretended to give me attention and give a fuck about me.
Maybe men are trying to tell you that they're generally sick of lusting after women in a sordid rat race?
Everyone else is worshiping you but me.
I want your succubus soul to be trapped in a pit of darkness for all of eternity. The same goes for all femanons.
Please destroy my spirit harder mommy-senpai
So, your hobby is being a regular IRL 3D human female then
Most men that broken stop trying to love people. We know how it ends.
It doesn't matter if he'd look past your imperfections, he'd believe you only want to hurt him, like an abused dog backing into the corner of its cage every time someone comes close.
Sorry to hear that, what made you this bitter?
Tits or gtfo
Are you that chick who's mom cut her face? hmu
One of the worst traits a woman can have. This is the type of woman you definitely don't want to wife and start a family with.
Laziness is easily overlooked in chicks who are really hot, but once the looks start to fade, they're nothing but useless lumps lying on the sofa. In my eyes, laziness makes even a hot chick look uglier and uglier. Lazy chicks will also stop taking care of their appearance when they get married or have kids. Once the ring is on the finger you're dead in the water. Combine laziness with a typical feeling-driven female thought process and you have a recipe for frustration that will destroy the man.
>Most men that broken stop trying to love people. We know how it ends.
What you're talking about is not loving since in this scenario you're clearly "trying to love" to gain something. That's not love. Being afraid to love is not love either. I understand what you mean, and I'm not trying to be a dick, but love is not this timid and self-interested thing.
Have fun, roastie.
I once knew a girl like that who was in the same group of friends as I am. Once I saw her on tinder and decided to make my move. We saw each other two times and made out the second time. I thought everything was going well until she randomly decided to ghost me. I was hurt but accepted the rejection and moved on. A few weeks later I receive a really long "apology letter" through SMS (I blocked her) where she admitted to leading on most guys in that group and how she deeply regrets it. Turns out she was shunned out of that group once everyone got word of what she did. The interesting thing is that it wasn't the men who confronted her but the girls who called her a whore behind her back, and they weren't wrong.
In the end she had to move on, lost many friends and ruined her reputation. If that's the price you're willing to pay for hurting other people then so be it. But don't come back crying when everyone inevitably turns their back on you.
Not him but how you perceive people changes on your position.
If you're bitter and hurt so much that you see women just as a source of pain you'll never let anyone close to you enough for there to develop love
my hobby is having sex with men and crushing their balls as they ejaculate
too bad you're a man, tranny
>you will never watch emily fuck off a boar
Why live?
Basically what said.
We don't know who's lying to us anymore, so it's safer to assume everyone is out to hurt you instead of gambling on yet another woman, whom our experiences with tell us that they do not and never will see us as human beings deserving of basic dignity, let alone something as far fetched as actually loving us. We're at the point where we'd prefer to be alone than go out and get hurt again.
Just giving you some insight into the average mindset of a broken man. If you want the really bad case of it, look no further than myself.
Personally, I've progressed to the view that I'm not capable of loving someone else, or even holding down a simple friendship anymore, along with the "I'm only going to be hurt again" approach to women. For that reason, along with anxieties I have about my potential ability as a parent (as I believe the purpose in dating is to lead to marriage and eventually a family, rather than the disgusting hookup culture that it means to people now), I've decided I'm going to remain alone until the day of my death, and try to make the most of this life I've been dealt into.
This is what you're dealing with. Not that I mean ill, but wouldn't you rather spend time finding someone who isn't broken? Going after men like us, while certainly not completely impossible in most cases, is very difficult. They certainly will not approach you, as is the custom of men to do. You'd have to take the initiative in finding them, and subsequently attempting to coax them out of what they know to be safe and take a gamble on you, dealing with highly avoidant behavior, and generally attempting to romance a man with the same demeanor as an abused puppy that whimpers and recoils at the slightest touch.
You really shouldn't waste your time like that. You'd be a lot happier with someone who isn't permanently damaged.
lol i'd rather kms than be an idiotic tranny
This board is filled with broken men willing to look past anything, including myself
girls don't like hurting men, they don't like being dominant so you're a larper
you should get out from under your rock more often
This board is a fucking mess.
New to Jow Forums? It doesn't get much better than this, so I'd advise quickly leaving if you don't like how it is, before you get sucked in and become cursed to mainly browse this board for the rest of your life.
>Be female
>Say you like him back
It's literally that easy
>Most anons and femanons are too weak to escape Jow Forums's Jow Forums which is cursed.
Shit, someone's gotten wind of my pact to curse this place. Tell the prince of hell I said hi.
>Bothering to curse a place that's already in ruins by deafult
Waste of a good curse
but it's not a rock, girls HATE being dominant and they hate submissive men even more. I wish girls were dommes but there arent any
you're just not looking hard enough then
yeah, the prince must be laughing too
welp, there's worse things out there like your sense of self getting crushed over and over by other people
would you be my domme gf? or at least domme me one time maybe?
unironically off yourself my pal and buddy
I know a female that is trash and yet she still dates Chads. It's not always about looks. It's how females make you want them. They say dirty things to you. They play innocent yet nasty. They pretend to be everything you always wanted and then SNAP. Down go the jaws and you are fucked, son.
I see
She doesn't take care of her appearance even now. She does do housework and attends school much more than me or her friends.
She complains but does it since it needs to kind of lazy I guess?
But ye, not sure about wife yet since she lives so far away and has no money. I don't want to pay for her life
How do I accidentally run into you?
>tfw I can't do this unless I were a very attractive man and even if I were I'd be nice because attractive men usually are
Is this where I find a girl to mend my broken heart from being told I am loved and then ghosted?
I don't know, as you write you seem like a pretty likeable person to me. The thing is, that is not what really always matters. When you see some guy who can not even take basic care of himself for what he is ugly or unclean or has nutrition related problems, the last thing you would think of is loving him. that's how people judge each other so they don't put their effort in pointless social interactions. But how about you, user? A scar in your face shouldn't be that big of a deal and is not hard for me to imagine someone loving you
Just show signs of interest, love bomb him. It won't work on Chads or anything, but with lonely autists who don't know how emotions work it's a perfectly working strategy. Also try to fit his personality as much as you can. If he's a Jow Forumsack mention 1488 and gas the jews and what not. The more you can convincingly fake a personality the better. Following these steps, you can have a robot head-over-heels for you within a week.
Good luck femanon. Feel free to add me on discord if you want additional help. Or maybe keep me updated on your progress? I love watching beta bois get scammed/heartbroken.
Rainbow Spark#7254
how does it feel?the only thing going for you is your pussy.
without it you would be nothing
Interesting hobby, I really hope you keep doing this.
Give them compliments so they feel genuine female validation.
Your hoby sounds very painful.
Only if you send nudes. Go ahead.
>I want to destroy a man's spirit.
1 step: Show heave signs of interest, get his hopes up, touch him a lot, laugh at his dumb jokes, make him feel good about himself, make him feel as if life is worth living, if he asks about your dating status, say something like your last boyfriend broke your heart and you need time to heal
2 step: Wait until he asks you out for a date or to be your boyfriend, say you will answer the next day
3 Step: Bring your real boyfriend and make out with him in front of the guy which spirit you want to destroy, kiss your boyfriend a lot and let him feel you up as if you were too horny to care about anyone watching
It worked on me, it will work with 99% of the male population.
eventually and hopefully you'll find one whose hobby is to crush your skull
Fuck you thot
I'm already in love. The pure unadulterated nihilism gets me so hard.
I find it amazing how the same people in this thread who are scheming about how to ruin the lives of beta autists are the same ones who screech in other threads about "men opting out of society" and shit like that.
I hope you all die of cancer.
Well at least you figured out how to make everything an issue for you personally, so you could cry in self pity.
im a female. i never used to believe the 'all women are attention seekers' philosophy because i know a few nice women and believe that i am one myself. but lately ive realised that its correct. even if all of them dont sleep around, all women are fucking attention whores. some of them do it by being slutty, but the others do it subtly by trying to be 'cute'. they have male friends, they act cute around them, they lead men on in this way instead of by being whores and then drop them and laugh about it. fuck them to hell
will you drop me user?
If this is you Oxy, I'm not in love with you. My intention is to have sex with you and then drop the fuck out of you so you cut yourself again. You'll never know which one of us this is, so have fun trying to figure it out.
Not at all. This thread has nothing to do with me, although I was shitposting in it earlier.
It's very inconsistent for people to bitch that there are no young men to exploit, but when young men do appear, you then exploit them. It makes no sense. The people in this thread need a hobby, fast.
You know getting a shrink would be quite a good alternative right?
I'm glad we have threads like this occasionally to remind me how trash fembots are.
literally the last 3 girls I've tried to get with have done this
really considering an heroing these days boys, haven't had sex in over 5 years
user, look at it this way
you have actual worth in life. you have male attributes such as creativity, intelligence, and strength, which - if you do something with them - will be remembered in years to come, long after the SJW craze of putting women on a pedestal is over.
meanwhile, these girls will be a footnote in the annals of history - a footnote of a dark age.
Relax, user. Just live your life. Make a name for yourself, or even just live. Don't kill yourself because of a woman. Would you kill yourself because of a kindergartener saying mean stuff to you? Would you kill yourself because of an ant biting you? Exactly.
These threads highlight everything wrong with girls who browse this board.