>if you don't eat enough your body will enter into panic mode and will stop burning fat
>if you eat you won't lose weight
If you don't eat enough your body will enter into panic mode and will stop burning fat
Life is a game my fren.
nigga wtf?
Panic mode?
you're always burning calories by just existing, you will burn fat if you let your body get used to burning fat
quit being a little bitch
start counting calories. eat 2500 a day, drink only water.
that's what i read man
2500 is way too much
i drink water only already
Soup and cereal diet bro.
1 meal a day is any soup of your choice, consumed with a banana, apple sauce, 1/2 bagel and a yogurt on the side.
The other meal is a bowl (or two if you are active and high metabolism like me) of any cereal you want.
You have to have an active job and snacks are halal if they are only used to the minimum degree necessary to keep you productive.
Oh yeah and a 350 mg caffeine pill each morning. That part is important.
This is good advice except for the caffeine pill and extra cereal meal, ignore those bits.
>>if you don't eat enough your body will enter into panic mode and will stop burning fat
there are also /fat/ threads on fit that are pretty good
looks like a great thread, thanks
Ketosis, KETOSIS, KeTo-sissy boi. You have an addiction to gulping and grinding, you are gay for food.
>thinking anyone is going to remain productive, let alone sane on 1 low-calorie meal a day
Yeah there's a reason that cereal meal is in there, wise guy.
Same with the caffeine.
If you can find someone who isn't a 90 lb girl that can be productive on
OP if you can gain weight on a strict 1200kcal diet, contact the nearest university because you're violating the laws of thermodynamics and have the secret to infinite energy.
Its healthy to fast. You're wrong. You should have at least one or two days a week eating nothing and you'll live forever
800 kcals a day and you'll slim. Starvation mode is only if you eat nothing at all.
It's all about hormones, supposedly if you constantly eat carbs and sugar and 3 meals a day this conditions your body to have hormone responses where you don't function if you suddenly don't get them. But if you enter ketosis and start burning fat you tons of energy because insulin is low.
>don't bother trying to make your diet psychologically maintainable!
>just go full ketosis, that'll do it!
I'm sure your heart is in the right place but you
're entirely missing the point of my idea.
>panic mode
Its called starvation mode and it doesnt exist. If you are not getting calories from food then it has to come from somewhere which means it will come from your bodies stores of energy. If you werent eating enough food and your body refused to burn fat you would be dead. No fat person has died of starvation ever.
Keto is maintainable, its a lifestyle choice not a diet. You will never eat carbs again.
>recommends an extreme diet that eliminates an entire class of foods
>"psychologically maintainable"
For the vast majority of the population, that's not gonna cut it. Carbs are too delicious.
>>if you don't eat enough your body will enter into panic mode and will stop burning fat
ur just dumb lmao
> If I make dumb excuses I won't have to try
> If I try and don't get instant gratification I have to make dumb excuses
Losing weight isn't that hard: Ketosis + intermittent fasting. You don't even have to exercise and you still lose weight doing that. It's easy, eat nothing but meat, steamfresh brocolli, and diet soda.
The fat has in your brain, Rip
>if you don't eat enough your body will enter into panic mode and will stop burning fat
I can categorically confirm that this is complete bullshit.
>there are also /fat/ threads on fit that are pretty good
kek they're pretty good
keto only has to be maintained until the target weight is reached
by that point your stomach shrunk a lot and you have experience of what happens if you eat too much+get fat so you try to avoid it
>diet soda
Never gonna make it
Just because you are weak and have no self discipline or willpower dont tar everyone with the same brush.
just be at a caloric deficit you fucking nigger
this desu-ah
Well, to be fair, I have good genetics and have been athletic/ripped most of my life so any "diet" I embark on is for mostly vanity purposes, rather than any serious need.
If you got screwed genetically, I feel bad for you, there's not a lot you can do about that and it's one of the biggest factors in how successful you will be with any chosen weight loss scheme.
If you really want to lose weight just do a water diet where all u do is drink water and dont eat anything. then once in like 3 weeks eat some biscuits
easiest way and you dont even have to work out
King of cope, astounding
Everyone can lose weight, just as they can gain it, It has nothing to do with genetics, there is no predisposition to being fat, its a combination of abundance of food, greed and no self moderation.
my eyewhites turned yellow last time i didn't eat anything for 3 days and drank only water
as soon as i started eating again they turned white again
Thats not normal. You should be able to fast for as long as you have available bodyfat to support it.
your fat exists to be used to make up the difference when you have a calorie deficit. it's stored energy. it makes zero sense for your body to not use that energy when it needs to
"panic" or "starvation" mode is bullshit, it's a misinterpretation and exaggeration of certain effects. if you eat 800 calories a day, you will lose more fat than if you ate 1200. there just might be diminishing returns as your metabolic rate drops as you lose fat/muscle
wrong, you still need protein. if you don't eat any protein your body will need to catabolise your muscles and organ mass.
CUT BACK to 2500? no. unless you're like 6'4" and/or do crap tons of physical activity you don't need to be over 2000.
Organs are catabolised last, Muscles are second, fat is first.
There is a study of a man who was morbidy obese who ate nothing for 365 days but water and a multivitamin and he was fine.
As long as you have ample bodyfat to support energy requirments during a fast you will be fine, if you have yellow eyes from fasting for 3 days then you need immediate medical assistance for your liver.
you can't get protein from fat. that protein has to come from somewhere. I'd like to see this study and know his strength before and after, bloodwork before and after
>you need immediate medical assistance for your liver.
but how did i recover then without medical assistance?
Your body can recycle amino acids, it cant produce them but it can recycle them, so you wont put on any muscle during the time of fasting but you wont lose much either.
>Although he did not eat any food, he frequently drank water, and for the first 10 months of his total starvation, the researchers gave him yeast and multivitamins every day to prevent critical nutrient deficiencies from killing him.
>The reason doctors administered yeast is simple. It was his only source of protein, and without it, the body starts eating its own muscle tissue. Without any form of protein at all, the man would not be able to :direct' his body to consume his vast amounts of body fat as fuel, and would die within weeks.
lmao mystery solved
he actually was eating protein
You alleviated the workload you were putting on your liver caused by fasting, but a healthy liver should be able to cope with havin the extra workload of producing ketones during periods of carb depletion just fine, thats why your liver isnt functioning correctly if your eyes are turning yellow after 3 days, your liver is fucked.
t. asshole full of shit
Start a ketogenic diet. Also watch "sv3rige" on youtube.
"starvation mode" as the tumblr feminists call it is simply an excuse for landwhales to not diet. You do burn fat faster if you still eat a little bit to keep your metabolism up
Do you know how to use google? Look it up for yourself retard.
As long as you get the essential amino acids and all the minerals and vitamins you need, I don't think starving yourself is going to hurt you.
eat one meal a day but eat a good meal with lots of potassium and salt
don't eat spread out meals through the day
you mean this? unless of course you have another guy who was starved for a year but had no source of protein
lmao wouldn't lose much muscle I can tell you've never lifted in your life
Nobody is talking about lifting, obviously if youre lifting and building muscle mass you need to sustain that muscle mass somehow, we are talking about average non lifters muscle degradation via fasting.
Typical gym fag always got to metion lifting thinking anyone gives a fuck that he can pick things up and put them down over and over again
I don't get you negroes. Why don't you just slap on 20 kg of muscles to do the work for you?
I eat around 3.8k a day and maintaining 80-82kg automatically.
Pic rel. I am not mr sixpack abs, but i am in great shape given the amount of shit I eat
are you going to answer whether or not this is the case you're referring to? because if it is he was eating protein
Its about nutrition anyway, starving and overeating junk food are both going to come with a slew of problems. Green vegetables, lean meats, some healthy fats in moderation and some complex carbs. If you were so desperate to resorting to starving however i would eat like a ton of vegetables and maybe an egg for breakfast and chicken breast for dinner and thats it
How tall am you though?
Sorry for the shit tier horrible lighting pics
I am posting on a horrible device
>According to that report, Barbieri had walked into the University Department of Medicine at the Royal Infirmary of Dundee, Scotland, more than a year before, looking for help.
>He was "grossly obese" at the time, according to his doctors, weighing 456 pounds (207 kg). The doctors put him on a short fast, thinking it would help him lose some weight, though they didn't expect him to keep it off.
>That was until 1965, when in the middle of a Scottish summer a morbidly obese man walked into the Royal Infirmary in Dundee and told the doctors he was going to starve himself to lose weight.
>Despite this man weighing an enormous 207 kilograms, the staff at the hospital advised deeply against total starvation (for rather obvious reasons). But the man persisted, saying he was going to starve himself anyway, and that they may as well monitor his health along the way.
>Although he did not eat any food, he frequently drank water, and for the first 10 months of his total starvation, the researchers gave him yeast and multivitamins every day to prevent critical nutrient deficiencies from killing him.
>The reason doctors administered yeast is simple. It was his only source of protein, and without it, the body starts eating its own muscle tissue. Without any form of protein at all, the man would not be able to direct his body to consume his vast amounts of body fat as fuel, and would die within weeks.
so it's the same guy. your article just failed to mention the yeast, his source of protein.
what was it you called me again? you brainlet lmao
Eat two meals a day. No snacks. Exercise.