You guys think it's time for a blue Jow Forums?
You guys think it's time for a blue Jow Forums?
r9k should become blue itself
it would be great
no more disgusting dick pics
Yes, porn never leads to good discussion. Also maybe all the horny underages who make terrible posts will fuck off.
You know what I mean, always complaining about a bunch of juvenile issues.
No more
>race baiting cuck porn threads
>fetish porn threads (milf, sissy, racial, etc etc)
>/lgbt/ porn threads
Just off the top of my head
It would be the right direction
Getting rid of all that shit would be great. The good threads would still exist.
r9k is perfect as is, do not attempt change of any kind
I've been asking this for ages but it's never going to happen
Better idea: delete Jow Forums entirely and have everyone who ever posted here sent to a camp. That would be the best direction for Jow Forums.
Or better, ban any male nudity sitewide. Only naked girls allowed.
Why do you think a blue/r9k/ will never happen? It would only help the board
Naked girls are the bigger problem. Especially on this board. It would be so nice to have some higher quality discussions here again
It would be nice but it will never happen.
Yeah, the porn doesn't belong here
Since porn isn't in any way original content
women discussion should be banned
porn banned
gruesome images or weird ass pepe pics should be legal.
Blue just doesn't cut it desu.
This. Away with all porn and back to shitposting
no, but i think the robot gimmick should die
>Naked girls
Son, I have news for you about your sexual orientation...
This. Everyone just evades it anyways, and it's only used to piss you off.
best direction for humankind to be quite honest
if we get rid of the robot this place would degrade into /b/ 2.0.
Do you really want that?
Also ban females because of betas like
It wont degrade further than it already has. The robot has been shut down prior to hiroshimoot's coming, and to be quite honest, it was better then.
I'm waiting for it to happen since several years. I'm fed up of porn and trap posting
>Jow Forums
>in its current state
>fucking r9k
What a sad little world you live in
Jow Forums would be far better without all the porn threads.