Why is there so much racist and conservative shit on this board? Its for losers not morons

Why is there so much racist and conservative shit on this board? Its for losers not morons

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and antifa aren't morons? fuck off fag we aren't and never will be your personal army you're out numbered on here deal with it or flee to some other site I'm so tired of you whiney fucks occasionally popping up just to bitch about "muh evil Jow Forums boogeyman on Jow Forums of places
this place was always racist to an extent you're just being salty that most of this board doesn't share the same opinion as you

H-hey guys I-im calling out racism on a place full of r-r-racist Jow Forumsfags am i a brave inspiring individual yet??? why are you virtue signaling who are you trying to impress user?

Can I have credit for this post's format thx

Being a racist shithead and screaming about jews on Jow Forums is the same as attacking racists on twitter. You're the one virtue signaling, friend.

why are you bringing jews into this user? jews aren't a race its a religion retard
it must be american hours given retards are starting to post

What's so wrong about upholding tradition?

you do realize not every single "Conservative" as you put it is a racist or whatever the fuck label you wanna throw at them right?

Conservativism is for the rich and the rich are spending a shitload of money to campaign and manipulate the internet

what virtue am i signaling ? im just saying it like it is just because you call it X"thing on X"platform doesn't get you anything of value other then a few minutes of gratification and praise from a bunch of random strangers you'l never see again or hear from again kudos you got praise from a few strangers you'l never see again you must feel proud

>Jews (Hebrew: __________ ISO 259-3 Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation [jehu_dim]) or Jewish people are an ethnoreligious group[10] and a nation[11][12][13] originating from the Israelites,[14][15][16] or Hebrews,[17][18] of the Ancient Near East.

you learn something new every day

call out sorry autocorrect posting on my phone

you know Jow Forumsfags are targeting the jewish religion rather then the race right? and do you think i care what religious scriptures say? yeah people who follow judaism are convinced a mythical sky daddy created them and that they're some majestic who cares? i was hoping you'd have a better argument besides a fairy tale.... either way i don't see how you can be racist to a religion i think the term you're looking for is bigoted

Losers and morons are the same thing, idiot

people from israel are israelites yes but citing a fairy tale as an argument for it is silly besides anyone who's been paying attention knows that Jow Forums is refering to followers of Judaism rather then jews besides why do you give a fuck what a bunch of skinheads on a weebshit image board think? its not like any of you will ever amount to anything anyway if your existence was worth fuck all you wouldn't be on here like everyone else I included

Kek r9k of all places acting like their political opinion matters lmao shut the fuck up all of you

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Exactly lmao nobody wants to hear someone who doesn't even work for a living complain about political and social issues

>mindless wagecucks making 100k and below thinking their anything but mindless zombies

At least NEETS have the time to understand politics and forge their own philosophy instead of just watching CNN or repeating the Washington Post

Kek explain to me how someone who doesn't even work for a living understand how economics work all neets do is sit on their ass collecting welfare acting like they're some enlightened philosopher I don't see how I'm a mindless drone because I want a pay check

Shills for rich people. You can see every right wing guy would lick a rich guys boot. It's simple

It's a vocal minority at play again. I'm sure the lurkers and the ones who actually contribute quality posts are more like actual human beings, i.e. left of center with no racial prejudices.

Or maybe the ones who are racist were touched on their peepee as a toddler by a member of another race, which caused their child mind to assume that any non-white person is bad. Since the events of one's childhood have a indelible effect on one's adulthood, their experience has made them true racists to this day, all because of that one person who diddled them. Well, that's not much different from Minassian shooting like 10 people and then the rest of the world launching into a moral panic and claiming that every single incel is violent.

Most losers are morons.

I read books, while you do the same thing everyday. Pro tip getting underpaid doesn't give you a PHD in economics you low IQ wageslave.

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Lmao quality posts on r9k
What drugs are you on? This board is shit and always has been don't act like it hasn't and to say everyone on the right is racist is pretty absurd you sound like you're talking through a personal bias lmao "hurhur u disagree with me so that means u lack humanity

I'm a college graduate user unlike most of this board I did something with my life I may not have kids but I don't really care I wasn't trying to say it gave me a phd in economics you retard I was just saying that nobody wants to hear a welfare parasite rant on about economics from their mom's basement

>i'm a college graduate
is that supposed to mean something?
>I did something with my life I may not have kids but I don't really care
I don't care either
>I wasn't trying to say it gave me a phd in economics
You implied that working gives you a hidden knowledge about how the world works. Please don't back track it really shows how dumb you are.
>parasite rant on about economics from their mom's basement
nice coping mechanism too bad it's just a made up fallacy to make yourself feel better

If you want to talk about why you think conservatism is bad, i'll go ahead and do that, but if you don't. Just do us all a favor and shut up

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if you don't lay down and die like a dog in the streets you are dumb and a bad person you should let hordes of foreigners invade your country and rape your women while leeching off of your welfare system and never complain about it or you're a bad mean racist if you don't believe violent third world criminals are morally superior to you and should be given all your resources and prosperity for nothing in return that means you are not very intelligent and a moron
btw i'm jewish

>muh conservative illuminati!!!
you're not very smart are you...

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>be employed
>do the same tasks every day
>this automatically gives me a higher understanding of the economy and makes my opinion worthwhile
Unless you have a meaningful management position or something that directly needs understanding of economics, being employed does not confer any further understanding of macro economics.
Everything wlse held constant, an engineer, a coffee shop barista, and a NEET, all have the same understanding of economics.

Gas yourself you fucking retard nobody here wants your bullshit get back to pol nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Ooga booga

Turns out losers can also be morons. What do you know

>thinking Jow Forums and antifa are the two major political ideologies to choose from
brainlet confirmed
one day when you arent underage youll wake up and realize those are both childish meme beliefs on the same level as stalisim

there are literally over 9000 safe spaces for nigger lovers on the internet, why not just go to one of those hug boxes


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I know what you mean. That shit belongs on Jow Forums I come to vent and shit post

>he mad cuz he brown
It gets better user just take advantage of the twisted world the Jews put in place for you

antifa.. ... worse shit than neonazis

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dumb wypipo

same argument can be made about Jow Forumstards

Jow Forums, daily stormer, stormfront, VNN, breitbart, fox news exist

why come on fucking Jow Forums to peddle this shit?

No fuck centrism. I am a disheartened democratic socialist who has drifted towards anarcho socialist views. Chomsky makes some very compelling arguments and anarchist catalonia sounds like it was a really beautiful society for the year it existed.

>Am jewish
>my life still sucks

what now?

antifa and blm are more disgusting and reprehensible than Jow Forums is

no they aren't

the only reason you believe this is because of propaganda from Jow Forums

blm and antifa have some shitty people in them but the majority of them have good intentions

whereas with Jow Forums and neo-nazis every single one of them is a piece of shit

You answered your own question fampai.

no antifa and blm are evil pieces of shit who leech off of and blackmail society for profit and most """neo-nazis""" are just normal people who want sovereignty for their countries and a future for their people

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Anarchy isn't a fucking political view. It's the opposite, retard. Without government there is mayhem and anarchy. Without laws to govern man, he is a sadistic beast with no regards for people.
Also Anarcho-socialist literally makes no fucking sense. People wouldn't aid each other out of the "good of their hearts". Without a state to force them to help out, there is nothing stopping them from telling you to fuck off when you need supplies or services.

I hate both sides. Fucking Nazis need to shut up, we BTFO'd them in WW2. Pinko commie bastards need to cover themselves in pitch and then light themselves on fire and jump into a canyon.
America is a free country. We do not support authoritarian beliefs. We are a land of Liberty and you commies fucks and nazi-bastards need to be put down.

>not being Strasserist

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He was probably shit-talking antifa because OP had an antifa related pic while shit talking conservatives.

hehehe that gave me a good chuckle user

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