ITT: Post webm's and gifs of people anheroing,
Also general gore thread.

Attached: ANHERO.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

looks fake to me imo

Can someone post the second one who anheroed live on YouTube?
The guy took drugs and became a mutant if I remember correctly.
Haven't seen him but I heard stories.

>disrespecting scooby like this
fuck off op

lmao he seriously underestimated how much mess there would be, that blue sheet did nothing.

Attached: 3_lustige_smiley_bilder.jpg (600x600, 49K)

Lucky for you, I've been collecting this shit.

Attached: Beheading.webm (480x360, 1.88M)

Is this real. Looks too fucking real. Is this ISIS?

Fucking hell, could they not take two minutes to sharpen that blade? I understand that they don't care if it takes longer and makes the hostage feel more pain but it makes them look shoddy and unprofessional.

Attached: 1523881610968.webm (320x240, 185K)

hungry snek

Brazilian kid unknowingly tries to sell a stolen gun to the guy he stole it from

Attached: 1522632099311.webm (360x480, 1.62M)

I am not sure, doesn't really look like ISIS.

I don't know man, it looks like a pretty spontaneous event. Which probably happens a lot in Africa, so they probably should have been prepared.

Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time.

I am looking to expand my collection, I am mainly looking for blood flow. I'd appreciate if you dumped some shit here.

This was livestreamed and not fake.

This shit belongs on /b/
Read the rules while you're on vacation

People here in Brazil says it's a fake video and that this kid is still alive. His name is Zeh Buceta.

I'm glad I don't live in Brazil

I'm sure most of you will like this.

Attached: 1526313368083.webm (264x480, 1.96M)

> looks fake to me imo
Where have you been? Or are you merely pretending?

I usually don't mind gore but when the victim instinctively flaps their hands around as some kind of defence it fucks me up

isnt gore forbidden apart from b ?

Attached: qt.gif (272x196, 1.49M)

baby get what he deserved for being a beta

Attached: _china stomp.webm (800x720, 1.94M)

Well, you can only have so much experience shooting yourself in the head. At least he tried, I guess.

I like how none of the passerbys gave shit that some kid was getting it's head kicked in

fucking china m8. someone gotta post that foetus one.

Attached: 1489026227153.png (1592x668, 65K)