There is no such thing as an "incel". If you go outside you will always see ugly men with beautiful women...

There is no such thing as an "incel". If you go outside you will always see ugly men with beautiful women. You are CHOOSING to be virgins

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If that guy's ugly then what am I?

So what words do you have to say at women to make them have sex with you then smartass?

horrifying, probably

but if it's only my choice then rape wouldn't exist as a crime... but it does... so that means that women are choosing for me to be a virgin

Don't forget to get a haircut everyday, and to walk to the girl and give her a firm handshake!

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Could be an arranged marriage, my mexican friend is in one (for a green card) with a really cute girl and he's really ugly, it's pretty funny.

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Its not fucking looks
Its not how well anyone takes care of themselves or any of that shit
Its that some people just domt have fucking people to talk to
You nor.alfags always assume that people have a social infrastructure, or claim it has no purpise
But you need it to gain friends or get relationships

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Just because there are a few very lucky guys doesn't mean it's the norm. They were probably childhood friends or something. I doubt he went on tinder or randomly walked up to her and asked her out

Ugly men and beautiful women= average men and average women caked in makeup.

If you're below 5/10 you have zero chance of being good with women.

I live in a military town

If I go outside, any woman I see is partnered with an extremely fit US serviceman fresh out of boot camp

Not a single woman in this town who isn't twice my age and isn't dating an 8/10 or higher

if only we looked like our personality

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>my parents were meanie and that's why I can't lose weight now that I'm 38

not even gonna read the rest of that meme

exactly u could find a girl thatd fuck you. fat chicks,ugly chicks all want the d just as much as stacy

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Why shouldn't I choose to be a virgin?

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>It's not looks
Stopped reading there. The Halo effect is very real and if you are attractive people automatically care about your wellbeing.

>say you're volcel
>"hahah yeah right you just can't get laid"
>okay, i guess i'm incel then

>say you're incel
>"wow you hate women and wanna kill people and eat babies and love Trump"
>"you could get laid, you just choose not to"
>okay, i guess i'm volcel then

go back and forth until your hater's head explodes because they can't settle on a criticism, they'll revert into a nigger and do the equivalent of REEEEE in your face because you're a virgin.

The fact that the guy in the picture is considered ugly tells you everything you need to know about modern dating


I literally know 2 guys in my town who are the fucking same when you look at their faces AND body types. Skinny and ugly af. One of them is a fucking cyborg and keeps going after the same damn girl since preschool. The other is almost chadlike. ffs wake up

But this is true though
I did this and here i am with a hot gf

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exactly. it's reserved for super hotties. someone tried to say this over on MMO and they got picked apart by liberal white knights and queers.
basically he was saying people who have been using dating services for years are gaming it and have a serious advantage.
the people responding were acting stupid, like people don't camp out on Okcupid and they just reverted to nigger shaming Incels, even though the OP said nothing about them.

I look just like this but have acne and acne scars, facial moles, and my teeth are crooked and yellow/rotting. Also 180 lb basedboy body. What can I achieve?

No there's such a thing as mentally ill shy adult virgins with insanely high expectations of women living in areas where there are not enough young women.
are two such communities.
So it's volcel 2.0 actually.
If given the chance most men can get laid unless paraplegic or with downies.

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Everything you desire if you go out there

Yyeah, uhh you are retarded if you think that he is ugly. Guy is easily 6/10.

Incels are sub 3

He is a 3 or a 4 at best.

Laser surgery and pigmentation cream to make the marks fade
A Derm can remove some of those
>teeth are crooked
Suck it up and wear braces for two years
Bleach them ask your dentist about this
Work out.


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this musta be shopped


Ingrown hairs?

this thread is fucking pathetic, even for Jow Forums

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>and give her a firm handshake
stop it I can't breathe

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sounds like you should movie then

Wow, you sound really smart. You showed this incel his place, you are probably a great person.

Just do *lots of hard and expensive shit which you are not interested in* and in your 30s you will marry a used up roastie with a child.
> If given the chance most men can get laid unless paraplegic or with downies.
TECHNICALLY yes, but pussy is overpriced to an extent that you have to spend years just to have non-zero chances of getting one, so it is meaningless and de facto not everyone can be chad.

>bags under eyes
>literally like white paper pale
>hairline has receded to the point theres nothing left but a thin landing strip
>tired all the time and sad
>fat double chin man titty fuck

yeah no. even if i had a good personality its a no go. no one wants to date the joker from batman

He clearly isn't incel. Incels can't get girlfriends.

That is a valid point. In many many ways, I relate a lot with robots. Traumatic and difficult childhood, repeated rejection from women, eccentric personality that always made me stand out as a target for a lot of bad people, I endured abuse and manipulation of all sort and until I was at least 27, I never felt like I was fitting in anywhere I went, but I had one saving grace, I had a handful of very loyal loser friends like me. We might not have been normies or very popular, but we always stuck together, spent all of our weekends together in mom's basement playing vidya while everyone else was socializing with other dumbass popular teens and they ended up being more of a family to me than my family. Through the decades we pushed each other forward and ended up settling in places of success. I'm the only one who's not in a ling term relationship yet because despite it all, I'm still an autist with women. Without them I would have turned into a genuine robot for sure.
It's real, but it's not everything. I am attractive and am approached by quite a few women despite my painfully humiliating autistic behavior with them, but aside from mild success with women, looks have brought me nothing. They didn't stop dad from beating the shit out of me, they didn't stop hs stacies from spitting in my face because in hs, girks cared a lot more about popularity than looks and the kid like me who was into Zelda still at 16 was lacking quite a bit in popularity and career wise, people have only ever cared about my competence. I do agree with you to an extent, but good looking people don't meet success by default. It just help in some areas.

>ugly men with beautiful women
And most of the time they are both in their 20s or 30s and met in high school.

If you weren't nonstop engaged in a relationship between the ages of 12 and 22 you're fucked. That's all there is to it.

what's your life like? please describe in detail, i need to know at least for once what my life would have been like if i actually had had friends to help me out

thank you

that sucks then, mate

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>youd look so much better with daddys hand around that throat
>be my little cockslut

yo, bitch. suck this niggas dick right quick

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normalshits out REEEE

I won't go into the utmost details, but here's some snipet.

My parents are separated, they were never married. For most of my childhood and teenage years, I lived with my dad and his gf. He was extremely abusive and his gf extremely emasculating and controlling. I have ADHD which made school a living hell even without the bullying. For all my childhood they tried to put me on every possible anti-adhd medication and treated me like a legit retard. At my school, girls cared a lit mire about whether your parents had the money for trendy clithes than looks in themselves. A lot of legit ugly dudes were popular only because they dressed well. I've seen it countless times. I knew a kid who was a bullying target for an entire year and his bullies made him endure the worst. He was a nice kid. A year later he shows up all nicely dressed with popular expensive clothes and, suddenly, he was hanging around with the very kids who bullied him and he became a real fucking mean asshole. Started working out and pummeling nerds for fun. This is how it went at my school. Cute or not, it was all about where you place in the hiearchy and nothing more. You were either lycky enough to have parents who would pay 200$ for a shirt or you weren't.
I made friends with the loser nerd kids at the yugioh table. It all started from there and I made about 6 friends in hs that I still have close to me to this day. We simply stuck together no matter what. Can't explain it any other way. I made the last one a bit later at 17 when I started full contact martial arts and I met him there. He's still sticking around.
At 17 I dropped out of hs and fucked off from dad's house a traumatised mess. My emasculating stepmom is the source of why I'm such an autistic mess with women, but the rest is because me and mt bros we lived everything togethet. The hell of hs, graduation, we shared in our tfw no gf, we shared in our life as young adults, we went to the bar fir the first time together, etc.

I feel incredibly lucky for these people in my life. Having friends like this is a rarity even for normies. Most normies I know are envious of the bond I have with these 6 people. Common hardship is what welded us together. I was just lucky to meet them exactly when I needed them. Thanks to that, despite being an autist with chicks, I've made a lot more friends and contacts and have become outgoing and charismatic. I'm sorry I can't help you, I wish I could. Back when I started briwsing r9k I was way worse than I am today and I never realised how lycky I was. I'm still around out of habit though. Ypu can never really leave Jow Forums when you've been shitposting for more than 12 years.

i'm paraplegic and i've been fucking two girls for 11 months now. a HK qt and my stable relationship. you're just losers

hey you uhhhh.... wanna get a hotel or sum shit?

How can you possibly know the inner workings of a social strucutre if you fail so horribly to integrate? You are ignorant and have no concept of how other people work yet you parade around claiming to know the truth about society?