Anyone interested in joining a group of NEETs from here who do nothing but watching movies together all day?

anyone interested in joining a group of NEETs from here who do nothing but watching movies together all day?

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>discord shilling thread
>on MY board

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discord is gay and so are you

Sounds like something that would have been posted five years ago. What site?

Friend you just reminded me of my old hangout. I can't stay there anymore because I used to get black out drunk with my internet friends and it triggers me but here ya go no period between sup and tv

>wanting friends
why cant you normies just fuck off.

post the invite already you loser

Mind you it's pretty ded nowadays I guess...
its nice because it lets you play anything you want without preparing much

I am part of one of these groups. Normies need to keep out of them though.

oh nice
how do you like the new design? they keep worsen it with every update

post invite.
i would enjoy this.

rabb it /lonelyhearth

>rabb it /lonelyhearth
wtf i've been in there before.

Is that originally a good thing or a bad thing?

Pretty good, comfy times were had. i just don't have the time really.

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Let's hope that comfy times will be had again.

you can't reply to my message and act that you are me wtf..


But user, I can do whatever i want, because I have the power of anonymity, look at me, I AM YOU NOW

There is another rabbit room that is much better to be honest... but i can't tell you about it...

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Nice stream, thanks

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ur welcome fren

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I'd wanna meet up in a dollar theater and we can go to horror or comedy films and shout at the screen, laugh, comment loudly, and have fun.

> shilling
Rabbfags leave my fucking board and stop you normalniggers

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t. cytube fanboy

Might as well post this TZqBj4x

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what a cute lil choco boy

tell me about it. i'd love to hear.