Ask someone who is not graduating high school and my parents are about to find out anything

Ask someone who is not graduating high school and my parents are about to find out anything.

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why are you not graduating

Eh, been there, done that. It's really not the life ending event you think it is. Your parents will be disappoint though. Get your GED instead, the test is simple especially if you're fresh out of high school.

Damn aren't you worried?

A half credit behind after most likely failing my my math final.

just get a warehouse job

Its good to know in that reply how much I am a failure. Although I digged this hole myself so I have to live with it.

I'm a brainlet too lad. Nothing we can do about it but accept our fate.

>half credit

I just wish my parents where more involved in my life and pushed me when I was little. I'm not sure if I was or even am depressed but twords the end of this year my grades plummeted as I was feeling bad emotional wise.

Thankfully, my parents knew I wouldn't be graduating since way back when, many a year ago, I would bark at dogs in the park.

I hope your parents are understanding

get on independent study or take a semester of math at adult school, same shit happened to me

You're probably more in tune with animals then people who unironically baby talk them or speak to them as if they were human. You wouldn't go up to a chinese man and start speaking english to him, right? I think you're cool user.

I feel like I'm in the same place as you op . Never learned tools or anything related to that since my dad would always get angry at me since my adhd and aspbergers. He would always send me back to playing videogames when he got too mad. I wish I could of do something but it's out of my control now. He's trying to teach me now about tools but I feel like I'm already fucked.

Last time I tried working with him I tried my best but I was too scared I would get yelled at and fuck up from it and ended up crying on how pathetic I am . Even my dad is worried for my future.

I can't even live a comfy life anymore

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On some kind of wierd way I feel you. My dad worked very long hours and barely slept. That usually resulted in him being pissed off to just anything I did and yelled at me constantly. One reason I avoid him alot.

M-My dad left and married another woman...

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"He would always send me back to video games" Fuck mine would do that to. I usually was home alone aa he was working or he would just let me doing nothing and never try to evolve himself with me. He would rather sit on the computer and never go out. My mother left and she never trys talking to me. She barely knows me at all. I sometimes wish I was born into a non divorced that would put me in their life and make me do stuff when I was little. Only dreams.

I feel like this too , my mom was having
a bad mid life crisis then they got divorce. Their on the final stages since he's moving out in a week or 3 I barely know anything about my mom just seems like a npc that's lives at home that I might interact for a day. My dad was my best friend even told him that when I was younger. I don't even care about the money making anymore I just wanna live a peacefull life away from everything just on my own living independent . But I know thats not the truth. I've always thought as myself as a usless loser that . Should have been aborted Even as a kid.

I'm sorry but you either have to be really lazy or extremely incompetent to not graduate fucking highschool.

Sorry to hear that user. I hope the future is bright for you.

I'm trying to find a job to move from my parents' place. Hopefully that will fix things for me.

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I'm too afraid to leave at the same time since I know so little and I'm scared to death of social interactions outside of school. Only reason I was able to talk to people in school was because of my speech therapy and therapist that would come to my house every single day.

Hope things get better for you too, friend.

You too man best of luck.