Anyone else doing keto?

Anyone else doing keto?

>mental clarity
>full of energy
>orgasms twice as powerful

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Fad bullshit. All that fat is relocating to your arteries and killing you have fun

>a humans natural diet

Keep eating your grains, corn and sugar like a good post agricultural revolution goy, i will keep eating how our ancestors ate for 290,000 years prior.

Fat doesn't clog your arteries unless it's sucked down with a cupful of sugar

dude ketosis LMAO

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Enjoy getting arrested for drink driving when you're breathalyzed by the police since most breathalyzers can't tell the difference between alcohol and acetone (the nasty smell on your breath when doing keto)


KETO+IF is literally the best diet you can eat

Keto is awful for you but 20/4 intermittent fasting or OMAD is the best thing you can do for yourself.

You're fucking stupid dude.

>You're fucking stupid dude.
explain why please
>Keto is awful for you
nope, you guys are wrong

>natural diet
>from an order of mammals consisting almost entirely of frugivores

Keto diet is pointless if you're intermittent fasting. Keto diet has minimum effect if any effect at all on ketosis. Intermittent fasting inhibits ketosis tenfold.

Outside of that, there is no logical reason to eat just fat and protein. That's the most unhealthy pseudoscience bullshit ever and the ONLY FACTUAL thing about the diet is that ketosis can be good, which ironically the keto diet sucks at achieving.

Because the frozen tundra of the last ice age was filled with fruit trees

>Keto diet has minimum effect if any effect at all on ketosis
This makes no sense at all
> Intermittent fasting inhibits ketosis tenfold.
Do you know what that word means? Either way this si also wrong.
>there is no logical reason to eat just fat and protein
Completely wrong, your body doesnt require you to et any carbs at all
>which ironically the keto diet sucks at achieving
You realize its called "keto" because ti gets you into ketosis right?

Dude are you trolling me or actually have downsyndrome?

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Breath analyzers aren't 100% legal binding proof and it's my right to request a blood test

That's how it works in the developed world anyways, not sure about the US.

Oh look is the paleodiet AGAIN

Well sure you won't actually be convicted, but you will still be arrested, taken to the station, blood taken and stored on a DNA database, etc. If you enjoy giving the government another excuse to go through your mobile phone contacts and read your emails, then by all means do keto.

>apples are bad for you
>spinach is bad for you
>carrots are bad for you
>oranges are bad for you
>hormone injected pic fat is naturally good for you
>living off of cashews and bacon

Clearly bait post. Atleast try to sound convincing

Keto isnt paleo, it doesnt include fruits and vegetables.

>>spinach is bad for you
Keto doesnt say this
>>hormone injected pic fat is naturally good for you
Doesnt say this either
>>living off of cashews and bacon
Doesnt say this either

So you have no clue what youre talking about, got it.
No i think he actually is fucking retarded

Tried this twice and just ended up feeling terrible on day 3 like my blood was acid and I was dry heaving.

Keto 100% includes veggies you fucking moron and some low carb fruits are ok
Why do you faggots spout things youre clueless on???

Keto flu, did you research it? No

Keto is basically what "low fat high sugar" shit was in the 80s.

If you're on a keto diet your IQ is probably between 80-90, at MOST 95.

Go back and learn basic biology or at least how to read clinical studies instead of fitness blogs.

Verdict: you're a fat fucking braintlet.

The transition takes up to a week or longer, at day 3 your glycogen stores havent even fully depeleted yet.

Nah i only eat meat, organs and eggs and drink water. Any keto that involves fruit and vegetables is gay.

>glycogen withdrawals
>hurr sugar is a drug hurr

Yeah it was probably keto flu but I don't have the fortitude to wait it out.

>Go back and learn basic biology
ok explain what you mean cause youre wrong and i want to embarrass you
thats up to you but you can and should eat veggies
not sure what youre trying to say but your body makes its own glucose when it needs it, or didnt you know that?

Are you hunting the animals yourself as well or youre just following their diet while eating in the same fashion as us goys

What are you talking about? Withdrawals are seperate, glycogen depletion is not withdrawals, its your body transitioning from burning glycogen to burning ketones. Read a book idiot

Started Keto last October and Lost 60 lbs from then to now. Keto is amazing, i don't even count calories anymore.

Only thing I recommend, folks will have to find a sugar alternative if you have a sweet tooth. Some can have some pretty adverse effects and/or a weird aftertaste so you would have to find what works for you. My favorite sugar alternative is Pyure after trying several others.

You get all nutrients from organs. How do you think other carnivores get their nutrients? Lions for example, they eat the meat and organs of animals that eat the plants, thats how they get their nutrients and its why they eat the organs first because they are the most prized

I remember when I was a child I loved hot dogs and butter and disliked anything with sugar. Hot dogs and butter was pretty much all I ever ate every day, and I was slim, full of energy and happy. I recently watched some old camcorder tapes of myself and I was energetic to the point of hyperactivity.

After switching to a healthy, balanced diet consisting primarily of starchy vegetables and low fat as recommended by the government I'm now obese, I feel fucking awful and I'm tired all the time.

>How do you think other carnivores get their nutrients
false equivalency and we arent lions faggot
We need fiber and lions dont. eat veggies.

>Human bodies are designed to eat factory farmed meat

Science disagrees.

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That isnt science its a goofy observation. I could show a picture of all their assholes and then ours, they all shit outside so why arent you faggot? Go into you yard and take a nice shit in front of your neighbor.

i tried to close my sugar consuption but its impossible man, at least i dont drink soda anymore.

Keto gave me arrhythmia, headaches, lethargy, prediabetes.

I did keto for a while, my teeth were so clean I stopped brushing them. I really miss not having that furry feeling on my teeth. But the keto shits were too much for me - every day was liquid diarrhea

None of that is true and you are actually lying

How long were you on it cause that should stop after a week desu

I gave it a full 30 days and it never improved.

Were you actually eating veggies like yorue supposed to? Cooking food yourself right? Not eating microwave meat?

I'm largely oblivious but what foods under a keto diet are good for high protein?

I ate a load of brussle sprouts and spinach, grass fed beef, some eggs, a little butter. Towards the end I was afraid to fart in case I shit myself

Man thats really bizarre. Sorry to hear it. Ive been on keto many times and was on it this whole aslt month and never had shits liek that even once.
meat, do you not know what keto is?

>meat, do you not know what keto is?
As I said I am oblivious

low carb is proven to raise shbg and lower free testosterone

enjoy being basedboys

well how redpilled do you want to be?
Just a taste or full bore?

Faggots ITT should just be glad they have dietary options and aren't starving like they deserve.

Jusy a taste user

This is completely false

Keto is for illiterate retards that can't read nutrition studies but rather read broscience crap and stuff that allign with their confirmation bias. Keto is unhealthy, it isn't good for losing weight and is unnatural.

>Omnivore is a consumption classification for animals that have the capability to obtain chemical energy and nutrients from materials originating from plant and animal origin.

Probably pretty good but I'd miss fruit / pasta. I cut out bread and potatoes a few years ago and cut out soda probably 8 years ago

frugivores are basically omnivores. Frugivores are usually used as a term for omnivores that feed on fruit.

Humans don't just feed on fruit and nuts. They also eat meat.

what don't you understand about the term omnivore?

You're the one posting pictures saying humans aren't omnivores when they clearly are.

Not saying its easy but pasta is horrible for you
What dont you 2 understand about the fact that fucking teeth dont indicate jack shit

I bookmarked that page anyway because I'm sure there's lots of useful food ideas there

I feel best on intermittent fasting / one-meal-a-day, but during work-days, it's hard to not eat at night to finish off the day.


How's your teeth holding up with all that fruit consumption?

explain why please, and it was just to go over basic concepts for that user, but seriously please explain why its bad

errr look at me I eat animal products Iam such a progressive caveman ^^

All keto/paleofags are on roids and fastfood.
Literally everyone of you kys.

I'm thinking about trying it. I need to re-adjust my diet after a whole school year of sleeping through meals and munchie food


And what was the average life expectancy during that 290,000 year period?

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Based rekt poster

all studies are paid for by corporations. you are retarded if you believe in (((science))) and (((research)))

>what is peer review
>what is double blind studies
>how do you read a study
it's true that there are corporate funded studies that are often misleading, but if you're smart you can see how it's misleading and which studies to trust.