Why is Jow Forums so addicting? This site has given me a new internet life and a reason to go online every day...

Why is Jow Forums so addicting? This site has given me a new internet life and a reason to go online every day, but even when I take longer breaks from it now, I still feel such an urge to come back here.

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Because it's the only place on the internet that allows different opinions

becuz everything is anonymous and you rarely find people that have the same interests as you

>on the verge of suicide
True, most other online places are echo chambers.
Yes, this place has novelty, I'm not sure where else I can go online. Other imageboards have novelty but they are too slow and more closed off.
What you said is correct for all forms of ersatz entertainment and socialization. If we had a real life version of what we craved, we wouldn't need to emulate it with cheap knockoffs. This applies to all situations where ersatz coping is used.

You're addicted to novelty. The constantly moving nature of Jow Forums means that you're regularly getting little shots of dopamine. Super normies who get hundreds of likes and shit get a similar high, but Jow Forums as a whole is much more novel and fast moving than say, the average social media user experience.

basically you're addicted to memes

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>True, most other online places are echo chambers.
it's the same way here, maybe you haven't lurked long enough to notice. the hivemind is a thing, right answerism is a thing.

>fear of missing out on something
>no commitment
>no effort

Two things for me, one it has everything, combined with it's style and culture, I come here for entertainment, discussion, porn, information, it covers so much ground and yet stays pretty consistent because of the bedrock that it's built on of board cultures and anonymity. The second, and probably the more significant one, is that it is my only and really my preferred form of social interaction, because whatever you tell yourself about your attitudes to others these are all still people here, and being able to interact and share things and get out whenever I want all with faceless words is the most liberating and easy way of communicating with others for me. If I talk to someone in real life I'm a character but when I'm here I'm really me and no one cares, and if they do there's no face or body to anchor me to it.

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It's fucking boring for me and I come on a couple times a week on my phone. I hate the anonymity of it ironically

I don't feel that lonely here.

I had a year long break from this shit hole, but now I am addicted to it like crack again too. Idk why either. The meme is real, "Don't forget, you're here forever"

Try saying that on Jow Forums and see how they respond to you, user.
When I say echo chamber I'm more talking about how traditional internet forums operate. Reddit is a good example, but reddit is not the only example.
On Jow Forums at least you can disagree without being banned, and there is always a chance some other guy will come in and take your side.

There are no repercussions for what you post besides getting your fee fees hurt. That is significant, especially in this culture of social ostracization. Jow Forums definitely has groupthink, but there's still nowhere else quite like it.

So much this but the main reason I come is because there is nowhere else on the internet with such a concentration of autists like me and its hilarious how the world fears our collective now. Autists are literally the last free independent thinkers on earth because we cannot be swayed by hubris and backwards emotional logic that seeks to flip everything on its head while calling it upright and that is why I come here. They say we are crazy but it is the rest of the world that has gone insane and Jow Forums is one of the last bastions of reason and justice.

i'm about to fail out of college because of this site

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Because crab buckets are fun, not healthy but fun.

I see, but I don't think anybody here is preventing me from leaving. Nobody who has ever used an imageboard has ever prevented me from doing anything.

its because of all the places in the world this is the only one where you feel welcome, where you feel at home, its a place where you can be comfortable and speak your mind, to be yourself
i used to think it was a meme that we never leave, but i have learned that memes are essentially the same thing as stereotypes, they explain comonalities in groups, and as for us, we can never leave

>right answerism
get a load of this faggot

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you don't even know what you think you are

>and as for us, we can never leave
I am taking longer breaks and thinking about doing a 90 day detox from this place. It's a great site and a horrible site, but I do think I would benefit from a refreshment of my habits, and to clean myself even more.
I think you would too.

Jow Forums is the id of the internet, it's like a window into the soul of man, beyond all the virtue signaling and posturing of social media, and even of the older forums like SomethingAwful.

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>right answerism
what that ?

Because it is free. Every time you hit refresh, there is something new.

It becomes old and trite after a while, but by that time you've already created the neurological pathways that correlate refreshing a page with pleasure, so you are always hitting that pleasure button like a mouse in a lab experiment, except there is no pleasure to be found.

Eventually though, you will get to a point where you just lurk for a few minutes before getting back to your work. It takes a while, but I'm at that stage now, after having been here since 2009.

it's like the things you think you're supposed to like, and the preoccupation with the concept of "taste". I just think it's obvious when people are just saying things because they're supposed to. and it's problem because it's hypocritical.

like the onions meme

:3 fats cats

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