Another "why couldnt Elliot get laid" thread

Another "why couldnt Elliot get laid" thread.
Why couldn't Elliot lose his virginity? Was it just a bunch of freak coincidences that lead to no girls ever talking him up? He clearly had anxiety issues but he put himself out their multiple times and no roastie spared him more than a glance.
He was:
-not overtly aspergers
His narcissistic personality was restricted to his youtube channel, he was just a shy guy in person. How did this happen? Are Americans really so roided up that being small is an issue there?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Guy was anxious and shy. People pick up on it pretty quick. I'm sure he would have succeeded eventually though, he had some decent looks and a lot of money. He likely went for the cream of the crop Stacies who could see the guy is a blubbering vagina and wanted nothing to do with him.

IIRC he almost never asked a girl out

because he was a manlet

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>His narcissistic personality was restricted to his youtube channel
>he was just a shy guy in person.
Excuse me?
>Referring to an incident that occurred on July 20, 2013,[77] Rodger wrote that "he tried to shove girls at a party over a ten-foot ledge after being mocked but failed", and instead other boys pushed him over it.

He had a horrible personality, and even the most superficial people on Earth can't stand that level of shit.

And let us not forget, that HE GOT KEKED BY A DOOR.

>He knocked on the sorority house door for a few minutes.
>no one answered

>Rodger drove to the Alpha Phi sorority house at Embarcadero del Norte and Segovia Road near the University of California Santa Barbara.[note 1] He knocked on the sorority house door for a few minutes.[17] After no one answered, he began shooting people who were nearby.

>He knocked on the sorority house door for a few minutes.
>no one answered


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We've been over this 1,000 times. He was autistic and had unreasonably high standards.

He was very drunk at the time of that incident. That wasn't his personality.

>not overtly aspergers
Are you kidding me? Have you read his manifesto? Watched his videos? Seen his online posts? Listened to interviews about him?? He was autistic as all fuck

There is always some excuse, huh?
Even if he was, was about this:
>In July 2011, Rodger followed a couple he was jealous of out of a Starbucks in Goleta and threw coffee on them.
>In a later incident, he splashed his latte on two girls sitting at a bus stop in Isla Vista for not smiling back at him.
>In July 2012, Rodger purchased a Super Soaker, filled it with orange juice, and used it to spray a group playing kickball at Girsh Park.

The kid had a long history of being a cunt. Sorry you can't cope, lad.

I think that "narcissistic" would be a better term. He wasn't too spergy, but extremely narcissistic.

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I don't understand how that particular drunken incident cannot have simultaneously occurred along with him just generally projecting as shy in the majority of social situations.

I read your post detailing the other incidences, too. It doesn't "debunk" the idea that he behaved in a shy/reserved manner in 99% of his social interactions.

Read his manifesto. He had gender roles backwards. He thought women were supposed to approach men, probably stemming from when he was a kid and he'd watch girls chase boys around. He never realized that the kind of flirting he saw in elementary school only lasts until elementary school. Elliott could've gotten an ok gf and had sex by the time he was 18 if he'd just tried.

We're going over it again. Post an example of his autism. He was just a bit of an idiot, and slightly narcissistic.
All of those are hilarious. I still don't believe, until someone posts proof otherwise, that how open he was in his videos leaked into his conversations with people. He was at college, he can't be that retarded.

>I don't understand

What I don't understand is how can you deny facts so easily. Explain the other three incidents I mentioned. I will let you get off scot free on the assault one.

>It doesn't "debunk" the idea that he behaved in a shy/reserved manner in 99% of his social interactions.
So he was shy 99% of the time and was a huge cunt the remaining 1%?

Not only is that false, but what kind of shit logic is that? His apeshit tantrums are in line with his videos, manifesto... with his fucking personality. Which was shit, as the evidence shows.

>slightly narcissistic.
pic related
Have you read his fucking manifesto?

>he can't be that retarded.
The same supreme gentleman who couldn't open a fucking wooden door? Oh, yes. Yes he could, and he was indeed a brainlet.

This denial

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>after being mocked
Talk shit get hit

>couldn't open a fucking wooden door
again, anxiety

>Rodger claimed he originally sought to carry out his attack on Halloween of 2013, but reconsidered because "[t]here would be too many cops walking around during an event like Halloween, and

>cops are the only ones who could hinder my plans"

He didn't consider doors. Heh.

Try to hit.
Get hit
Go home and whine about it.

Homos in denial. Get the fuck out of that closet.

>again, anxiety

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Imagine being so butthurt about one dead bullied autistic loser that you get this upset whenever his name is mentioned

>ywn go back in time and be the friend Elliot needed

>Try to hit.
>Get hit
>Go home and whine about it.
Not an argument

Didn't he have a xanax prescription and drank wine? Maybe he was doped up a lot of the time. Him being high would explain a lot of it. Dude is waxed recording some of those videos. Maybe he was on a binge when all of this happened. Seems like he's on it while he's watching happy couples stroll down the beach lamenting his own loneliness in that one video. Poor Elliot. I'm not sure whether he ever approached women, you'd probably have to ask his dad, sister, classmates. I want to piece together what happened during his day to day life.

Wonder if he went through half his uni life high on xanax and coffee really though

i look much better than him, i had dozens of girls hit on me and i'm still a kissless virgin

Remember that he lived somewhere near Hollywood or something, which is probably full of rich and good looking people. He had no chance there if you read his manifesto, he was just too angry and bitter so he lashed to everybody around him. And ofc he only cared about blonde bimbos.

Imagine your board being invaded by faggots in denial that worship a failed normie.

It's a small nuisance, but it still is bigger than any problem taht wimp had in his sheltered life.

It wasn't an argument. It is a fact that he reaped what he sow.

>Him being high would explain a lot of it.
Him being a cunt explains everything. And the manifesto confirms it. Occam's razor, bitchboy.
He refused medication often. He was that much of a brainlet.

What? Why?

This. Being an entitled cunt didn't get him any brownie points.

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he was loveshy, dingus

>What I don't understand is how can you deny facts so easily. Explain the other three incidents I mentioned. I will let you get off scot free on the assault one.

What the fuck? What is there to explain? The burden of proof is entirely upon you, since you are the one whose posts have more or less implied that someone is incapable of simultaneously being shy + having moments where they snap and attack people. You have to have a serious lack in ability to grasp abstract concepts to be replying to me in such the manner that you have already. I've already made note of the fact that none of Elliot's incidences "debunk" the way in which he behaved on a regular basis.

Even if I were to accept the premise you've argued from, it's pretty retarded. If the kid chronically acted like an asshole on a regular basis, there would be more than a few known incidences, and he probably would have ended up facing serious consequences well before he went on his rampage had he normally exhibited such behavior. Not only is your argument implausible to the point that it makes you look fucking stupid, but it's also beyond me why you would be dedicated to defending that point to begin with. It wouldn't make sense that it would be out of dislike for Elliot, because what I've expounded also comes out of a dislike for Elliot; I'm just being more realistic about him. You're either low IQ, underage, or a troll, or maybe even a combination of any of the three.

>capable of simultaneously being shy + having moments where they snap and attack people.

Stopped reading right there. Being shy or not isn't an issue. If you go around fucking up with people, you're not only a failed normie, but a bully. And every fucking bully must fucking hang.

Thankfully, Mr. Cucked By The Sorority Door got what he deserved. A pitiful exit and an eternity of mockery.

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Oh, and fuck off to discord so you and the other 3 faggots can exchange pictures of elliot, print them and cum on them. This board is not for failed normies, nor for their gay in denial fanboys.

>What? Why?
I've never made any effort whatsoever to make it happen, ever. I've never approached a girl, flirted with a girl, asked a girl out.
I'm pretty sure that every single social interaction I've ever had with a girl in my entire life has not been initiated by me.

cuz he succ

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Wait. But what is the problem here. Do you desire that contact? Did you not wish for it? What happened?

Yeah, but the issue is that you're changing your argument, because you literally just made the case in one of your earlier posts that his incidences DEBUNK the idea that he was generally shy, and now you're moving the goal posts, which is really thinly-veiled and stupid.

I quite blatantly stated that I did not like him. You're dumb and have shitty reading comprehension.

As I said, he being shy or not is not the issue. The issue is he was a huge narcissistic cunt.

Then why are you defending him? Do you whiteknight for people you dislike that often?

That looks like a pretty thick door to be honest, I don't get what the big deal is. And don't say he could just shoot the lock, real life isn't the movies you normie

You can't make fun of people "obsessed with a failed normie" when you're putting so much work into this.

(people who defend the kid are fucking idiots too though)

no, he's quite average looking
>not overly aspergers
dude was autistic as fuck, he turned to insta-asshole if even a girl didn't say something that sounded right in his mind. His dad even offered to pay for a hooker for him and he didn't want one.
no, he's poor as fuck, his father was going through bankruptcy and he only got his BMW because he nagged his mom to buy it for him

>That looks like a pretty thick door to be honest
KEK. He carried three handguns. The fact that he didn't carry anything to face a closed door just adds to the pathetism of the situation, but there are many other things he could have tried.

For instance, not knocking like an deranged apeshit tard.

The anniversary is coming soon, lad. I'm fulfilling my civic duty as a robot and as Jow Forums user.

>no, he's poor as fuck
>he only got his BMW because he nagged his mom to buy it for him

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Uh, yes; it actually was his primary issue, seeing as being reserved generally prevents people from even being exposed to your inner personality traits. Women probably wouldn't have even been turned off by his narcissism had it been accompanied with confidence, so it absolutely was his shyness. Lots of women like narcissists; I'm sorry to inform you of that.

>Then why are you defending him?
Wow, you are truly fucking stupid. Jesus Christ. I have made it QUITE clear that I am only arguing for a more realistic and nuanced analysis of the kid's behavior. Okay, so this is the second time I've clearly stated something, only for you to reply as if I hadn't stated it as all. How does it feel to be that fucking debilitatingly stupid that you can't hold a simple back-and-forth conversation with another human being?

the dude lived next to UCSB which was nicknamed the University of Casual Sex and Booze. the female to male ratio is fuckin' nuts. if you can't get laid there, something is seriously wrong with you.

when i was in the military our base was about an hour south of UCSB. we would take FNG corn pone motherfuckers from the midwest up there to party and me and my bro's never failed to get even the shyest most awkward dudes dick wet. and supreme gentleman was rich too! i honestly don't get it.

>defending him
Gosh, either youre really stupid or youre extremely fond of ad hoc personal attacks because you ran out of other things to argue

As a third party to the long comment chain you are getting BTFO and its becoming boring to watch you try and patch together any argument

Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy many times but he's still a billionaire. His dad could still be rich. What's the difference?

>Lots of women like narcissists; I'm sorry to inform you of that.
People tolerate narcissists if they compensate that with other traits. elliot had nothing going for him, and he was a narcissist to boot.

You are walking circles about the shyness shit. He was prone to fits of anger for entitled reasons. He was a shithead. Case closed.

Narcissism is a helluva drug!

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One question. How many of you elliotfags masturbate to trap porn?
When are you coming out of the closet.

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Of course I do. I don't really care about the sex, but I wish I could establish a deep and meaningful connection with another human being, fall in love, start a family.
I tell myself that most girls are just shallow vapid whores and I just need to meet the right one, but this is itself a very shallow and hypocritical judgement since I never actually took the time or made an effort to find it out.
There's definitely something wrong with me, I don't know I guess it's just easier not to try

>when you lose an argument on Jow Forums so you call people gay for traps

yee yee

Hold the door


You are aware of the problem, which is a huge step forward. You have to try to be happy, because even if it's hard, it will be worth it.

Which is the argument? How elliot wasn't a huge cunt? Because he was. He left a pile of written trash to prove it.

He wanted to bang 10/10 Stacies and wouldn't settle for less. For that though you need looks AND personality. Elliot was no Chad but his looks we're sufficient enough. His personality was the biggest hurdle that prevented him from getting a chance with a Stacy, he was just too creepy.

hold the door

oreimo oreganolli

american women are racist toward happas

I'm sorry but it's hard to take any argument you make here on out seriously after one of your last responses was,"One question. How many of you elliotfags masturbate to trap porn?
When are you coming out of the closet."

I'm sorry I offended you. Now, please, tell me why do you believe elliot wasn't a huge narcissistic shithead?

Nah, you didn't offend me. You just showed me how when people tell you your argument sucks ass your first response is "haha i bet u like traps you gay"

Also, he was a narcissistic shithead. I never said he wasn't. I'm just saying from what I've seen you are too. It's probably why you're able to go into such detail about why his actions prove this. Great minds think alike user.

hold the door for elliot

Here, have this (You). Now fuck off.

>Also, he was a narcissistic shithead.
See? It wasn't so hard to face reality, you tiny wimp.

They could probably smell the smug attitude.

The problem here is sub-culture and place, roger would probably have been successful with girls if he didn't lust after the kind of chad/stacy lifestyle and have the attitude to women that some alpha tier broheme has.

From reading his ''''''manifesto'''''' it seemed he basically hated the world because he got bullied (plus was desperate for attention which lead to him bieng bullied more). But there are other ways to react to that, to seek out alternative arty sub cultures that venerate men for being less than optimally masculine and who (at that age) are also reacting against the chad/stacy culture. Do you remember the story of that wannabe al-queda kid who blew up the Boston marathon finish line with his brother, that kid was in an arty sub culture and could've been rolling in pussy but he didn't because he was a fucktard who idolised his jihadi bro.
If roger could find a sub culture like that he would've been fine for girls.

But, again from reading his '''''manifesto'''' he didn't want 'a girl' he wanted a particular kind of stacy type girl who was a synonym for acceptance from the alpha tier chads who were the most popular. What he really wanted was shallow social acceptance. Autists who think their life is like roger should find the kind of sub culture that like the kind of guy they look like, anime, arty, indie bands, etc. Not pine for the normie culture, there are plenty of nerdy girls out there who love that look.

Wow, you seem to be doing that thing again where you have a low IQ and make stupid arguments that fail to directly address any of the points that I actually made.

>People tolerate narcissists if they compensate that with other traits.
YES, such as projecting their narcissism as confidence and not shy angst, which is what I've been trying to get through to your pea-brain for the past forty five minutes, you absolute fucking moron.


If anyone's walking around in circles, it's you, bitch! He had the looks, money and belief in his own superiority to others; he just didn't project those qualities. HENCE his shyness being the main impediment to getting laid. Blonde bitches at party schools (you know, the ones Elliot was chasing after) don't give a shit about whether a guy's a narcissist! Get real and get fucked, you insufferably stupid mental midget.

I never said he wasn't though. I just said you're fucking going way too deep into this.

The way you're acting can basically be summed up as:

>Elliot was shy
>these arguments suck

Calm down, buddy. I am sorry your an hero didn't manage to open a wooden closed door despite being heavily armed.

Here. Have a trap pic and dial it down.

>Shy != Asshole
See, found your problem. There are shy assholes. I don't know what made you think otherwise. Maybe you are as stupid as he was.

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I never thought otherwise though. You keep saying this even though I've made it QUITE clear I think Elliot was not a shy person but a cunt. I'm not arguing Rodger wasn't a dumbass. I'm arguing YOU are. And you continually ignoring the fact I'm pointing out that you're acting childish and instead jumping to the conclusion that I'm defending Rodger is only adding to that.

You're just avoiding the fact that every point you made was thoroughly shat on. What's even more pathetic is that it took several replies explaining it to you to have an understanding of the fact that no one here is defending Elliot, and now you've tried to appropriate that as le epic trolling, but there was a very clear shift in the tone of your accusations from actually believing that we were defending him to le epic trolling. Like everything you've said in this thread, it's thinly-veiled. You were just pretending to be retarded! Get fucked, retard.

yeah but um um uh YOU LIKE TRAPS FAG ha got eem

He was too pure to feel the love of another. St. Elliot was predestined by divine providence to be an incel, to be our patron.

I don't really get what point are you trying to get across.
If there is consensus that he was a whiny pampered wimp with shit for brains and a vomitive personality, what exactly were you cackling about?

I am sorry if I didn't read all your posts through.

>He was too much of a scumbag to get the love of another.

>as a robot and as Jow Forums user.
I can smell r*ddit on you from on this side of the computer screen. Our Lord Elliot will judge you on the final Day of Retribution.

>I can smell r*ddit on you from on this side of the computer screen.
Hello, Jow Forumsincel! Are you enjoying your stay?

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>>He was too much of a scumbag to get the love of another.
I said he was too pure. You will burn in the Abyss forever for blaspheming our Lord and Savior Elliot Rodger.

I was arguing that Elliot's inability to get laid can be attributed primarily to the fact that he was shy/reserved, whereas was arguing that it can be attributed to his narcissism, which is bullshit on so many levels. Tons of party thots go for narcissistic dudes. The issue is that Elliot didn't project himself confidently. To believe that women are all repulsed by narcissism is to believe in a just fairy-tale world that doesn't exist. Also, the other user's initial argument was that Elliot's outbursts "debunked" the idea that he was shy, and when I made him look retarded for stating that, he conveniently changed it to the aforementioned point, that being that his shyness existed, but it wasn't what prevented him from getting laid.

"I don't really get what point are you trying to get across."
"what exactly were you cackling about?"


I explicitly stated you're being immature so your insult against people defending Roger don't work.

Don't worry though, I'll be expecting my (You) with a picture of a trap and you going "Haha yuor gae" because you can't handle people arguing against you/calling out how immature you're being.

Also, me and are not the same user.

Why are you saying hello to yourself?
I think you should go back to that website and stay there.

and are attempting to le epicly troll, btw

>I was arguing that Elliot's inability to get laid can be attributed primarily to the fact that he was shy/reserved

>I explicitly stated you're being immature so
>your insult against people defending Roger don't work.
There's no bigger insult than admiting to being an elliotfag.

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Have a (You)

Just trying to keep Jow Forums neat and tidy. Again, fuck off back to r*ddit or get a discord channel if you want to discuss how great elliot was and different explanations as to why he was defeated by a door.

Are those Monette nudes? If so, where'd you get them?

Why do you want them?

I like how you oscillate between muh "I was just le trolling" and expressing actual belief in the fact that anyone in this thread was defending Elliot. I think that the latter represents what you actually think, which is funny, because you have a double digit IQ.

Because she's an interesting person who I'd like to conduct research on, and so I can enjoy a view Elliot never got.

I think he was just boring

He led a very exciting life of sperging out on his friends, splashing normies and stacies with liquids, and throwing tantrums in general. Truly an inspiration to robots everywhere.

that's a shit reason, senpai

Wanting to fap to lewds from a girl some wanna be school shooter/roastie toaster wanted to stick his malformed penis in is the best reason of all.

Western-raised women of all races tend to be extremely racist. Just look at OKcupid dating statistics. You're fucked if you're not white as a man.

He was a Jewish Happa who only wanted to date 10/10 Blonde White Stacies. He could have easily have gotten an Asian gf due to his money and status but was so autisically focused on a group of particular girls.

He never even asked out a blonde girl either. This is why you don't race mix.

>never approaches a girl
>"why wont girls throw themselves at me? fucking blond sluts"

I've also stated several times that I also think Rodger was just a narcissistic dumbass. Holy shit my points are shiny as fuck from how much you're glossing over them.

Asian immigrant men (usually the indians and hapas more than the "pure" east asians) seem to have this autistic obsession with blonde girls specifically, it's bizarre. Like what is it about the yellow hair that drives them crazy?

he could have. He was only 22, he was just impatient. Plenty of people don't lose their virginity until their early 20's, that's not even wizard territory.

Girls can feel the desperation and avoid it at all costs

>double digit IQ
I think you're being generous here