SANTA FE, Texas (KTRK) -- A 17-year-old carrying a shotgun and a revolver opened fire at a Houston-area high school Friday, killing 10 people, most of them students, authorities said. It was the nation's deadliest such attack since the massacre in Florida that gave rise to a campaign by teens for gun control.

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Does INCEL claim responsibility for this attack?
Journalist here. Can I get some more information on your organization and what your demands are.


450 chicken tendies, fried, extra crispy but not too crispy, with ketchup

This place is age restricted. Jow Forums bears no responsibility. ISPs should have this place blocked unless you can prove you're 18

Good kill count for a 38 and a shotgun from a 17 year old.

I need serious answers. What does INCEL want?
Do you agree that hate speech needs to be removed from the internet? Do you think freedom of speech extends to terrorism such as INCEL makes?

Until the government assigns us girlfriends, faggot normtard

thats literally it
give us tendies or we'll murder your children

interesting to see how much weight he's gained since his facebook pictures

almost as if hes been put on certain medication that's known to cause weight gain....

Nice b8 lol

We are happy you're finally ready to begin negotiations. First of all we want no less than your first born sons.

> campaign by teens for gun control
Most easily manipulated group of people, nice.

I am literally, unironically past the point of caring whether normans live or die. They do this to themselves. Id bet my life that he was ostracized and tormented for years.

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>a communist nazi bisexual manlet fatty shot up a texas school with a snub nose and a pump action

How in the fuck is this related to me in any way?
Its about as important to my life as some old lady making the worlds largest slice of bread.

I only care about my property, my neetbux, and myself.

Why do you think that violence is an acceptable option to go about this? Do you agree that others have a right to do this?
So do you support the right to bear arms? Does INCEL have weapons at their disposal?
Does this apathy fuel the 'misogynistic' violence committed by this group?

This apathy keeps the status quo.

>Does this apathy fuel the 'misogynistic' violence committed by this group?
Being treated like a subhuman by your classmates for years produces these kinds of people. Normans dont want to admt theyre terrible so they go after peoples guns instead, its not the real solution but its low-hanging fruit and they can pretend that their hearts are in the right place

Look at that lost young man.
Empowerment anthems did him no good, and he just couldn't be real with a female therapist.

The guy surely had autism

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No wonder this dude snapped, fat fuck gained so much weight. This dude could've been chad tier.

>too afraid to kill yourself after killing 10 people

LMFAO. I know this dude probably wasn't from Jow Forums but holy shit is he beta as fuck

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unironically rad shirts, where can i get these?

So you think by committing terrorist attacks INCEL will reverse this? Tell me more about these 'normies' and why they make you want to kill them.
What INCEL conclave did he belong to? Do you know?

Redbubble. I usually select the triweave shirts.

>So you think by committing terrorist attacks INCEL will reverse this?
No. These arent terrorists, these are lonely men who have been driven insane by their peers. They are beyond reason. They can change nothing, so they destroy instead
>why they make you want to kill them.
I dont want them dead, I just dont care about them really at all

>thats considered fat

nah he's just your typical unfit weirdo

Pic related. Ive had em for 3 years now

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I was responding to OPs post where he is truly fat as fuck and posting that pic as a comparison to show how much weight he gained big stupid

Those were before he got fat.

I have seen posts on this website encouraging young men to act out in terrorism. Do you have any explanation for this? Does INCEL use this website to drive these young men over the edge?

>So you think by committing terrorist attacks INCEL will reverse this?

no, just fuck normies.

am i supposed to care? america seems to have a mass killing once a fortnight now. after a while you just stop caring that it happened.

>taking posts on a Chechnyan curling forum seriously

u ever use zazzle, user? I get some stuff from there.

Dude. Off topic but.
Why is curling such a fucking based sport?

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So INCEL takes responsibility for these actions. Thank you for your information, you have been most helpful. Before I leave, can I ask what you plan on doing in the event of a US military response?
I was under the impression that this was originally a website for anime then a popular haunt for INCEL.

the state of vaporwave faggots

>It was the nation's deadliest such attack since
oh bout two months ago


we're not some fucking terrorist organization hivemind, just lonely losers who get together on the internet because we're shunned by everyone else

living like that makes you bitter and you start hating everyone who has a better life than you so whenever shit like this happens people praise it but you have to truly be fucked in the head and beyond saving to actually go kill people

there's no plan, there's no leaders, we don't know when these attacks happen, it's just people like us doing it but that's about it

He probably knew to keep shooting when his victims went down. And used buckshot

>go to shoot up school
>pull the trigger at a roastie
>sudden Cod4 flashbacks
>what if she has last stand on?
>blast the roastie one more time
>immediately run away because she might also have martydom

he's a troll you dumbass

I need government regulated sex anime dolls then we will stop fighting

hey you never know frend

INCEL leader here, we hereby officially claim responsibility

Honestly beta males should be routinely screened and forcibly put on meds

Why was a picture of Trump Shown when the news lady said, suspected gunman?

As and official member of INCEL, and a high-ranked official at that, I have to say we do take responsibility and our demands are the following:
1. 450 chicken tendies (as stated by another member, bless his soul)
2. Genetically engineered catgirls for domestic ownership for all INCEL members.
3. The imprisonment and monitoring of all Chads and Stacies
4. Ketchup for our tendies

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incel civil war happening soon

only BBQ. honey mustard fags leave my board.

Are we really going to let this divide us brother? If we fight amongst ourselves, we will be too weak to face the normies.

>not acknowledging cains sauce
>or buttermilk ranch
>or blue cheese

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Just a reminder, find the local wendys with the cutest old lady working the register.
Order tendies and wink at her. Youll get them fresh and more than you ordered.

Order the barbecue sauce because its the best in the fast food business.
Make sure you remember the ol ladies name, she'll be more likely to drop a fresh soft cookie in the bag too.

I got this shit down to a science.

>It was the nation's deadliest such attack since the exact same thing happened like 3 months ago
holy shit the absolute state of america

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Fuck all of yall amma get a tulpa gf and you cant stop me

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/lit/ here.

Can you fags have your beta uprising in your basements and not in schools, please?

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The beta rises, you can't stop it

not even close, wtf happened to virginia tech and columbine?

>used a shotgun and revolver
Then why the fuck are retards all freaking out about AR15s when you don't even need one to kill a lot of people?

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toppest of the kek

Ohhhh Fuck.

Vecause of this idiot normies are going to start scapegoating people that listen to vaporwave now holy shit. Aaaa fuck this retard, hes going to get me fucking killed

Because AR-15s are popular and look scary, so despite there being a variety of widely available and cheaper guns that make far more lethal wounds, such as shotguns or AKs, all the dumbass normalfags talk about the AR-15.

AR-15s, with their low-recoil and high capacity, are easier to use than a shotgun. People mistake that for "more effective", which it can be in the right hands , but not necessarily. Charles Whitman did kill more than 10 people with a 6mm remington bolt action rifle

I want some buffalo sauce and ranch with mine

>Another beta uprising

This is getting kinda scary now, what the fuck is going on.

there is no beta uprising. What's going on is that shootings have been made popular by the Columbine shooters,

when it's no just a way for outcasts and/or sociopaths of getting attention, it's a phenomenon caused by SSRI's, mental illness and perhaps the fucked up parts of society.

I don't give a shit about school shootings they happen fucking every year. At this point, I'm just glad i didn't go to college/uni it's a death sentence.

>that yamaguchi shirt
oh my god user you're a legend

I'm an old guy so this kind of stuff amazes me. In my day if there was a school massacre every week we would tread carefully around an obviously unhinged loser who wears trench coats to school.

Yeah, let's fuck with the angry guy with access to firearms and grudge. Brilliant.

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These are great demands, bravo sir, bravo.

>implying outcasts not getting attention or getting negative attention isn't the problem

Assign everyone gfs in middle school
Make sure everyone has friends in middle school

The first person he shot was his ex gf fuck off FBI

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