MDMA is really nice edition
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anyone else find it hard to enjoy psychedelics any robots have any good tips ive tripped roughly 10 times but now a days i find it hard to relax on them
Phenibut my guy
also what are you tripping on, shit like nutmeg, salvia, or even DXM are pretty intense trips that are more for introspection than enjoyment
Took acid yesterday, dropped around 12:30, Went about day as normal.. Finished and uploaded a song, clipped my weed plants, tidied my room, watched a few podcasts. Got drunk at night.
only lsd recently done shrooms twice though and much prefer the length of the trip alcohol also seems to really help the anxiety any other tips
>Finished and uploaded a song
Post link
Listen to pic related while tripping, shit is godly
Friend made me laugh on an inhale and it has really fucked up my throat.
and is phenibut a darknet thing or a normal street drug either works for me
It's antidepressants think they need a prescription so dark nets probably the best option
Made for drugs basically.
completely unregulated, clearnet, similar to gabapentin, addictive if used too much.
So you have a frog in your throat you could say
bretty gud desu
gonna listen to this next time I trip in your honour
*Badum tsh*
Tried to smoke a cig before and the burn was real.
Smoked some weed with a co-worker before work then broke my 4 days of no suboxone and took 12mg and been stacking gabapentin all day
Off work and on the bus feeling good.
I used to bang half a g of heroin every few hours but I've been clean for 4 months month
10 year opioid addict you can ask me anything
Is heroin actually an amazing high or just a really good escape mechanism?
was bumping hexen for a few hours but it's doing a number on my heart. No benzos so I took my usual phenibut dose a day early to see if that helps. I don't think my brain has recovered enough yet from my last few binges.
I'm bored of weed. Where can I get acid or shrooms? My dealer is shit.
Ree i wish i could take it but im on SSRIs now and you can get seratonin syndrome if you mix them which i got once and it is hell.
Im looking forward to trying snorting heroin tmw
Absolutely. 2cb, dmt and ketamine are much easier to handle than mushrooms and lsd ime tho. Always have some xanax on hand to trip abort if you need to.
Thanks user. Hope it accompanies your trip nicely.
What kind of heroin would you get where you are?
I became repulsed by weed overnight
>Awaken one morning late last week
>Hmm not feeling so-
>((it's a panic attack)))
>Doesn't get these often
>Stomach in knots as a result of the stress
>Anger stomach + weed smell = I burn and ingest this? Ratchet.jpg
>Haven't smoked in 5 days
>Still feels bad, man, but at least I'm sober
Let me know how jealous you are lads
It's both the rush after shooting is a full body orgasm and then after you just nod out and don't give a shit about anything it got rid of my social anxiety and depression but the price i had to pay was high
Black tar or tan powder I live in Tucson in AZ shits cheap here i have my homie go to Mexico I got half ounces for 300
Sorry I replied to my self lol I'm pretty faded it's black tar or tan powder in in AZ I'm close to the border and my Mexican friend gets half oz of fire tar for 300
who here /weed/?
recently got a few grams of some moon rocks and they have absolutely been blowing me away
also been cautiously using some RC benzos, namely diclazepam and etizolam
I'm a /goodboy/ but Klonpin feels good after a really bad day
Ive been on antideps for about 3 months, the biggest pain is not being able to get MD in for a night of relax. I miss nothing more than the fucking warmth of it, it really fucking sucks. But Id rather feel better throughout the day than feel dead until I have an 8 hour window
Ok so from January-February I smoked a shit ton of weed I got from my stoner acquaintance (no idea where he got it) and long story short it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I had heard my whole life that weed was practically harmless and made you relax and feel great. Not the case for me. Every time I smoked I was assaulted with paranoia, depressing thoughts like how shitty and worthless I am, and felt like a braindead retard. I couldn't focus on anything for more than a few minutes. I live with family members who I was trying to hide it from, so that probably had a lot to do with the paranoia. Food tasted WORSE somehow despite being more hungry, except for fruit... I really liked eating strawberries and kiwis. I think the only thing I actually enjoyed the act of was fapping while high, except the feelings of post-fap shittiness were so amplified I quit masturbation altogether after I stopped smoking.
What the FUCK went wrong? It was nothing like I expected. Was my weed just bunk? I guess if one good thing came out of it is that it really put my life into perspective and since then I've been trying to better myself in various ways. I feel great lately. I'd be willing to give it another try, but only when my life is in order and I've moved out alone. For the record the only other "drugs" I've ever tried were alcohol and tobacco, both of which I've enjoyed immensely.
Nice, Just smoked some granddady purple myself. I've never had moonrocks but i'd like to in the future.
Not so odd.
Since I began smoking it stopped my anxiety and keeps boredom at bay however it does make you think about your life and all.
I spent 6 months in a haze of depersonalization and disassociation seeming like i was observing myself and even though I was pretty depressed in that state it helped me figure out the root problems in my life and made me realize how fucked the hand i got dealt in life was.
I came out more confident in myself and my decisions and stopped being so obediant overall
I took MDMA in April am I good to take it now?
thc is a powerful drug. You might just not like it.
thc dull