Is my friend a gay?

>known him since '07
>Just realize he goes out of his way to meet me despite us living 40 minutes away
>makes gay jokes about us like "we're gonna have steamy buttsecks" and "I'll see you in our date later" and shit like that kinda often
>Complains about his gf being across the country for work
>He's is a legit cuck and is in an open relationship with her
>Starts messaging me out of no where today with weird emotional shit like "i miss our conversations" and "I'm secretly cheering for you!"
> mfw
Is he a gay?

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maybe bi. I mean if you're uncomfortable about it tell him, otherwise just carry on as per usual.

Yeah I'm not gonna throw him under the bus, I'm more surprised by anyone liking like that me at all.
Is it bad that I'm kinda liking the attention now knowing that's a possibility despite not being a homo myself?

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Suck his dick and then ask him.

>liking sexual attention from a guy
>not gay
I have news for you, buddy

It's not inherently bad, however, be careful of what you do, because you can easily become an attention whore and play with your friend's feelings.
Also, if he's not gay and instead, he's just weird as fuck, then you would be in a VERY awkward situation if you start suggesting that he's gay for you.
So, whatever you do, TREAD LIGHTLY.

I mean its nice to get some gratification from someone you like (not saying in a gay way necessarily), but you should also keep in mind not to take advantage of his feelings gay or not.

I do this too.
Have a gay friend, but he is pretty closeted. I enjoy leading him on and he is always there for me but when they try to get closer keep it as just friends. And ta-da you have what basically amounts to an orbiter. He is always down to hang out, pick me, etc. Do I feel bad? Not really since I know he gets something out of it.

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>I'm secretly cheering for you!

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I know not to take advantage of that, I'm not a heartless roastflap.

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Don't be a bully, do you enjoy that when Stacy does it to you?

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Nope. I've got a gay orbiter and it's fucking adorable. I've got a huge ego and he's such a beta faggot. He knows I'm straight, I talk about pucci and girls all the time, and he asks me questions sometimes about sex and stuff. I can tell he's thirsty.

I know because when I was young and horny and a huge virgin, even just the sex/person your attracted to talking about lewd stuff was such foreign material and was so exciting. I can see it in his eyes.

What should I do, barring anything physically gay, to keep him orbiting me? Thinking of bullying him a bit. Maybe "trap" him against a wall or something since I'm a couple inches taller than he is? Put me arms between him and his destination? Get real close and banter?

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let him suck your dick
gay for him but not for you, everyone wins.

>tfw no supportive-secretlyagay-friend

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idk man it sounds like your gay too what are you trying to flirt with him

my oneitis does this to me and she has a bf

also likes to spank me

Please don't do this to shy sensitive bois. It's not kind to lead them on and tease them!

dude put on a dress and panties and she'll jerk you off
trust me

How do you even meet people like this?

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Idk, Universities? I've known him since 7th grade.

I'm pretty sure that when you're feeling the moustache tickling the top of your cock and you're looking down on the bald spot on his head when he's blowing you, you might... MIGHT... be a LITTLE bit gay.

Just throwing that snippet out there.