What if they're right? The normies

What if they're right? The normies.
After all, we're the losers, the pathetic ones, the dysfunctional ones.
What if they're truly right when they spout the memes we always laugh at.
>just bee yourself
>be confident
What if they're right?

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Vague truisms don't fix complex individual problems

What does it matter in the end robot or normie we're all gonna be six feet under rotting in worm shit eventually


And I only ever managed to infiltrate normie circles by being something completely removed from myself. The be yourself meme is complete horseshit. And, yes, you need to be confident, but that's like saying, "To fix a car you need to become a mechanic" No fucking shit Sherlock, the question is HOW to become confident. It's a unique process for everyone and is really only as user said. A vague truism,

Yeah but some of us will have had amazing sex and lived fulfilled lives beforehand. This is a dumb mentality.

different strokes for different folks lad but we all end up dead. I do agree with trying to live a fulfilled life tho

What a shitty way to look at life. Might as well off yourself if you really believe what you wrote because it makes you no difference in the end.

>And, yes, you need to be confident, but that's like saying, "To fix a car you need to become a mechanic" No fucking shit Sherlock, the question is HOW to become confident. It's a unique process for everyone
This. Confidence is built on achievement. Which means it's much harder for a robot to have confidence than a normie without it coming off as fake. It's an individual process and nobody can guide you to having better self esteem. It's certainly not something you can put on overnight.

Yeah, it's really only the fulfillment part that matters. It's just that death has no relevance to our waking lives, it's entirely beyond/is the end of our perception, it's not worth considering too hard. Although, I'm assuming you just mean to use it as a consolation for self doubt within doing whatever makes you happy.

Seems like you focus too much on death rather than enjoying life

nah it doesnt matter. You will never traverse the cosmos dicking around with alien buddies and fighting inter galactic wars. For the majority of your life your goal will be to have more material (((wealth))) than your peers giving up your freedoms for the next days shekel while doing nothing truly meaningful. It's all mundane as fuck and if I had the courage and balls to off myself I would.

"bee yourself" works for them because they are not robots. They typically do not have personality disorders, autism, severe social anxiety, and the unattractive ones *might* have the confidence/personality to compensate for their looks.

What's hard to understand about that?

I can traverse the world with human buddies and we don't have to fight anything. I don't see why hanging out with aliens would give my life any more intrinsic purpose than it already has. Which is none. I feel like looking at the entirety of life as mundane is the result of too much exposure to science fiction and fantasy. I mean, yeah life can get boring, and we have to follow routines because of how we're wired, but it doesn't have to be that bad.

You know very few people are legit autists here, don't lie.

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Yeah, sure, but I'm sure that a huge portion of this sites user base has all the other aforementioned problems.

jiren is so cute!

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Yo user tell em robots.
This board is frequented buy 5ft5 guys, dicklets facelets, voiceless. So just be your manlet self and be confident with tiny cock or debt ridden bank account forced to live with parents until 30.

>Refuses to make relationships because he doesn't want to feel pain

Jiren was a true robot.

Death lasts much longer than life, so..

They aren't.

I'm myself all the time but I'm unwanted because I have the wrong interests or an undesired race. I'm confident in my humor and pretty much everything except for going for the kill with women.


Oh yeah crying about your problems is incredibly attractive to women.
I mean who doesn't want a man that refuses to go outside just because hes a few inches below average and doesn't look like a supermodel.

Hello, are you the 25+ poster who is going to/lost his bus driving job?

No, they're wrong because they don't understand shit.
When they're saying
>b urself
What it actually means is
>do whatever, inflate your ego, be arrogant and people will mistake it as confidence. because they're stupid faggots

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Who told you that everyone will like you if you be yourself? Just be yourself never implied people will all like you for it.

Be yourself is the anti normie if you're in one of those categories. It's a radical statement to the world that this is who you are and the world can't change you to the way it wants you to be.

exactly. So that answers OP's question

>having something to prove and making a statement
that's normie

"Be yourself" just means stop getting so heated over the fact that you're not perfect.
Of course robots would reject this advice.

But what if you're a perfectionist?

Really? That's the route you're going? I know you're just putting me into a trap where anything I say leads to you saying

But no matter what obsession with mistakes is not healthy. And people need to learn to accept them when they happen.


If you have anger issues, social anxiety, and don't like socializing because you're introverted "being yourself" isn't going to help you

No. Normie is just doing what everyone else does but dying your hair blue while saying I'm so weird.

Anti normie is being unafraid to be cringe. Unafraid to wear that fedora. Unafraid to let any meme stop you.

But forcing yourself to socialize when you don't want to can lead to mental breakdowns. That doesn't work.

Let me guess, you're a fag and think your special because you proudly declare your gayness to everyone.

Its a little different when you aren't a normie and being yourself would get you put in jail for life.

point is everyone is scared and nervous around me and it's annoying

>durr normies are dumb robots are smart
>I'm too smart to get a gf or a job

But I'm not heated over the fact that i'm a loser living with my parents, with no job, no friends, no skills or hobbies. Why shouldn't I try to be more perfect? I think reaching for perfection would be better than rotting away and dying of an early heart attach,

From one's perception, death lasts 0% and life lasts 100% of your time. Unless you believe when you die you still feel things, go to heaven, play life in sandbox mode, reincarnate, or whatever.

Normies are in the pack. Robots are not in the pack. Nobody said anything about intelligence. Its harder to see the forest when you are are a tree.

No I'm a genuine Sperg and don't care who I piss off.

Yeah right. Robots are a fucking hivemind. Believing in retarded memes in their echo chamber. Incapable of independent thought.

It's their problem for being too sensitive. If they're scared and nervous around you it's because they're weak.

Sure thing normalfag. I bet it feels pretty good to come here and look down on the mentally disabled, abused, molested and depressed.

There's very few of those. The majority here are failed normies.

They says that just to fulfill their virtue signalling

What is this tumblr?

Yes, Jow Forums is tumblr for males.

Then what does fix it?