What's your chin-up to pull-up ratio?

What's your chin-up to pull-up ratio?
Also because some people apparently can do more pull-ups than chin-ups here is a poll:

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Are you retarded?
Ofc people do more pullups since you rely mostly on your back while chin ups recruit mostly bicep.

Back > bicep

I just do neutral grip chins with a about shoulder width grip.
Difficult to feel my lats with any other variation.

chin ups put you in a more advantageous position to pull from.
people think that wide grip pull ups = wide back but its actually the opposite
the lats work the hardest when your elbow is tucked into the body

>chin ups put you in a more advantageous position to pull from

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t. pull-uplet

you're implying they dont?
this is widely understood among strength coaches, athletes, even bodybuilders

i accidentally clickered pulups instead of chinaps osry

lol i can do 70x5 on weighted pullups with the overhand grip but whatever helps you sleep at night

Actually wrong emg activation shows that a shoulder width grip, 1.5x width, & 2x width grip activate the lats all the same

t. brainlet

all me btw

I stand corrected. However a closer grip with the elbow tucked is still more advantageous because it's easier on the shoulders.

So literally the only thing you're doing when you do wide grip pullups is making it harder on your shoulders for the same lat activation

pull-ups and chin-ups are the same thing dimwits

You're fucking stupid
So are you


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I do 40 each though my chin up is not strictly a chin up (pic related)

Forgot pic

Attached: Neutral-Grip-Pull-Up.jpg (620x349, 122K)

Currently at 10 chin-ups to 7 pull-ups

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1. do pull-ups superset with every pushing exercise
2. always do dumbbell curls
3. ?????????????????????????

it's like you niggers don't even try to solve your problems

Chin ups are easier than pull ups because more of the bicep is included in the movement. Pull ups rely more on the smaller brachialis and forearm flexor muscles

just because there are more biceps included in chin ups doesn't mean it hits the lats an less and doesn't mean you can't attain enough workload for your back. is such a meme how people think that you can't build your back effectively with chins.

>i don't want to do pullups, they're too hard!

did i say that?
i've done 70lbs weighted at 210 bw for overhand weighted pullups. doesn't mean close grip chins aren't a superior movement

I couldn't do pull-ups until I started really hitting chins. So I think they're complimentary.

3 ugly chin-ups
1 ugly as fuck pull-up where only me eyes reach the bar
t. 220 fatass

A-a-are you retarded?

pullups don't hit the back better just because they're harder. they're harder because they're a more awkward movement for the muscles involved.

Anyone succseded with this advice with streightening the brachioradialis to assist the pull?

Hey, can any of you fags do muscleups?

Pullups and chinups are for normies

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Enjoy wreaking havoc on your joints faggot.


Get at me

Lol what kind of stupid pussy cop out is that?

You suck. Get some upper body strength, fag

i can do 16 chin ups max
can do 10 pull ups max

i weigh 82kg

i'm not an expert but i can do more chinups, yet since i started doing heavy pullups i feel my lats way better and they have grown way more doing pullups than chinups

you may use that information to your advantage

Part of the pull-up master race.

Honestly I think the reason my pulls are much higher than chins is because I only do deadhangs, and constantly elongating and shortening my bicep is way more taxing. If I did quarter reps like 80% of my gym I could probably bang out atleast 20 chins.

Can I use my legs to drive off the ground?

i can do like 5 chin ups and 1 pull up

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No, its from a dead hang. Why the fuck would that be a thing?

Jesus you are all retarded. They use the lats equally, but chin ups focus more on the biceps, while pull ups shift the focus to the brachioradialis, which is weaker. Also why you can't reverse curl as much as you can strict curl

I can only do them by swinging so I guess no

/fat/ here, can't devide by zero

Brachioradialis is active in both. Pullups just put the biceps at a mechanical disadvantage. Chins are objectively easier unless you have some weird bone structure or something.

I'm assuming we're talking about strict for all of these movements.

Strict muscleups are master level. When people see you do them, it's like they're watching fireworks. Straight up amazement.

Feels good, man.

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Yes. but it puts alot of strain on your palm

Keep it up

You could use some shit like this, or chalk up, or tape the bar.

Really, that's a pathetic excuse.

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I can do 6-7 pullups and about 10 chinups, from a dead hang

Chin-up are easier because the biceps is a strong and easy to recruit.
I think I do my pull-up wrong because I don't feel the back working as hard as my arms.

t. never done a proper pull up

>chin ups recruit mostly bicep.

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Pullups do feel like they're more awkward for my body, but I get the feeling that this is heavily dependent on your flexibility and proportions.

Also when I do pullups my first set is 10, but every set after that I max out at signifncantly less. So my sets are like 10 > 7 > 5. I don't know why this is, if I can't finish a normal rep I do a negative instead but it still confuses me.

I can do like 8 chinups and only 1 shitty pull up


I haven't done any chinups in years. Am I missing out? I can do like 13 proper form pullups

This is the dumbest thing I've read on Jow Forums all day.

Chin-ups are generally easier than pull-ups because it involves the biceps more, whereas pull ups more specifically target your lats.

desu I'm not sure what my max pull up is because I always do chinups

I can do more weight in a low-rep set with chinups, but when I go for a max reps I can do more with pull-ups, since my biceps wont tire so fast

Damn right I will. That feeling when you actually move up is priceless.

I am capable of doing 12 pull ups from locked out at bottom to chin above at top.
It is good, and I like to do pull ups. They are nice

cringe if bait, retarded if not

>What's your chin-up to pull-up ratio?

never / frequently

I do bouldering so both exercises are optional for me. Bar work is generally kind of awkward, I never liked it. For me pull-ups are something I throw in randomly inbetween my boulder "sets", as additional work and to stay warm while resting.

If I tried to work my back with just bar work I'd definitely do more chin ups than pull ups because they're easier and safer, you can get more volume in with chin ups. Speaking of how easy chins are, that poll shouldn't even exist. There is a correct answer and two wrong answers. People who answer wrong are either 'avin' a giggle or misunderstand one or both exercises in some drastic way.

These should be considered chin ups. Ideal would be using a different "... up" name to make the distinction, but if you have to use one of the established names use chin up. Significantly easier than a pull up and not much harder than a chin up.

Have you got a source on this? The wider my grip is the more I feel it in my back and the less I feel it in my biceps