I need help, Jow Forums

I need help, Jow Forums
It’s probably mental health and fitness related, so pls no delet

I’ve been battling depression and anxiety for over 3 year. Been going to therapy, taking meds, focused on improving my life. I stopped drinking, made good friends, fixed bad habits, got fit from a skelly... Things were looking good.
But depression was here to stay. Over the last half a year or so, I haven’t really been happy. I haven’t had fun. But I was able to function.
But I’m losing it, guys, really bad. I’ve been a mess for a few days. I’ve never been this suicidal before. My mind is just desperately trying to tell me I want to die. I try to take my mind off of it. But when I fall asleep, I only have dreams of killing myself. When I drive to the gym, it’s like I’m not even driving, it’s autopilot, and my mind is just thinking what to crash into to die. I’ve sat crying in the kitchen for 20 minutes yesterday, because I already had my car keys in my hand and my mind was begging me to drive to the nearest highway bridge and end it.
I honestly don’t know what to do. I’m not scared of death, I’m more scared of living this nightmare of constant fear, but I can’t kill myself because of my parents.

I don’t have anyone else to talk to right now, so I figured I’ll post it here, since you guys have been my family for the last few months.
I really, desperately need help, Jow Forums. I’m losing it and I can’t go on like this for much longer. If any of you guys have anything, literally anything to help me, please do. Not for me, but for my parents, who are very good people.
Thanks guys.

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By don't you get some logic moron. Why kill yourself why not try to set a goal and accomplish it?

Start with Jow Forums post your body.

I’ve been setting goals and smashing them. But it does nothing.
That’s what depression actually is about

Get off the meds? Isn't suicide a side effects of anti depressants? That and mass shooting. Virtually all school shooters are on SSRI's

I don't know enough to actually to give this advice or anything it was just a thought. But if you are in a good place in your life in the sense that your shit is in order then it should be safe getting off the meds right?

Anyways, it must really suck being in that situation having suicidal thoughts like that so intense. What can Jow Forums really do that would be helpful in such a situation?

You say you'd kill your self if it wasn't for your parents, isn't there anything else in your life that you'd want to live for? Friends? Girlfriend? A purpose? A mission? What kind of life would make it so you thought that "nah i can't kill my self because i got.... this, that this that and all that and this"

You need to find a girl and fall in love user

dont do it bro

I had a good relationship in the past, already when shit was bad. It did help a little, but not much. I just really can’t see myself having a relationship at this time. Even if I did fall in love, which is unlikely, I don’t think I could manage a relationship. I’m so unstable and hateful, and everyone who gets near me just starts to feel depressed and sad too. I’m like a plague spreader.
I thought about that. I’ll talk to my doctor about it asap, but I’m not really too stoked about it.
What the meds are supposed to be doing is stabilising my mental state. Not necessarily making me less depressed, but rather less anxious and more stable. I’m afraid that if I did come of, I might lose the last bit of selfcontrol I actually still posses now and kill myself spontaneously.
Also I do have friend and goals, maybe even a “mission”, but it just isn’t doing the trick for me anymore

Post a pic of yourself. Lettuce beer eel with oneself we will see whata Jow Forums "goal smasher you really are."

Dreading going to the gym?
Good. Your workout will be even tougher.

Can't get to sleep early enough at night?
Good. You have more time to read. To expand your knowledge.

Feel too tired to wake up early every day?
Good. You're getting your moneys worth for your coffee.

Feeling too low to get any enjoyment from work?
Good. Now you can focus solely on maximum productivity in order to get a promotion.

Keep having the reoccurring urge to kill yourself?
Good. Now you know your medication is no longer working and may be having a detrimental effect on your well being. With this knowledge you have the power to do something about it.

For real. Go back to your doc. Or see a different one. It is time to change meds or come off some of them altogether.

For ever problem that arises. Every issue, every obstacle. Say "good".

There is always a positive. The only obstacle you cannot use to your advantage is one that you do not know about. So if you encounter a problem you must assess it. Work out what the benefit to you is and say "good" followed by what the fuck you're going to do.

Literally say it in your head. It will become habit. I've been doing this for the past 4 months and I swear to you it has changed my life completely. Now literally nothing can stop me.

Nothing can stop you either, OP. You are you. You are the fucking man. You have ultimate control over you.

You will overcome this. You will solve this issue and become an improved version of yourself... From this moment on, you will never take a step backwards. Every single action you take will move you forward, if you make it so.

Thanks man. This is a good attitude.
Thanks, friend

No problem brother. I've been in your position too. It's a tough world for some of us... But you know what we say about that!

Be sure to make another thread in the future if things get worse. We are all one big family here in Jow Forums.


Not OP but you seem to know your shit.
Can you advise me how to get over the pain of gf of 4 years leaving me? Im about to turn 25 and it feels like life has no purpose. I am afraid i will never find a soulmate like she was ever again. I dont have much friends so being occupied is kinda hard.

Any tips or advice? How to get the confidence to overcome this shit and see purpose in life

I lift and work currently, dont do much else. I know i need a hoby.

Pretty much me only longer. It´s never going away, i learned to live with it with being dick to everyone. Just think about yourself and nothing but yourself. I don´t even remember the last time i said good day to anyone.


See a therapist and/or follow this.

Start with light exercise on a regular basis to build motivation, physical energy, mental energy and confidence.

Lets start with the base idea. This is probably the only life you have, one day you'll wake up for the last time and you have absolutely no idea what day that will be. Therefore it is in your best interest to make this life as enjoyable, fulfilling and filled with awe as possible.

Now some of you might be loners, but for those who aren't, you're not just an individual, you are fundamentally a part of groups. It is in your best interest to improve the whole and yourself as much as possible. Self improvement including but not limited to career advancement and fulfillment is a fundamental part of that.

Yourself and probably those that you care about should collectively pursue the goals of maximizing your physical health, mental health, financial stability/wealth, social bonding, varied experience and pursuance of transcendental experiences.

I've divided life into 12 general categories of improvement to focus on. The idea is to do even one thing each day to improve something on this list in even a small way. Do not waste the time you have. They are as follows. I know some of you are all squared away in at least one category and cannot possibly improve more, and congrats.


Career and Industriousness - Getting home from work and writing down what went right and wrong at work, doing the former more and figure out how to no do the latter again or fix it. Picking a goal job and career, using the same technique to work toward it and troubleshoot.

Love and bonds - Making sure you let the people you love know that you care about them, making an effort to make plans with them and sticking with them through thick and thin.

Sociality - Making plans and following through with plans, isolation is unhealthy for you in many ways (yes even if you're an introvert) and life is fun in groups.

Artistic expression and hobbies - Practice what you love, improve your skills in it. I suggest 10 or 15 minutes a day at least when you have time.

Physical health - Regular exercise and eating healthy.

Use of technology - Use the internet and tech to improve your ability to improve the other 11 facets.

Cleanliness and organization - Applies to everything from your skin and hair to your fashion sense and organization in the house. Visualize your ideal self, make it reality.

Cooking and food - Learn new recipes, experiment with spices, new ingredients anything. Try and make it so nearly every meal you eat is one you made and that nearly all of them if not all of them are healthy.

Spirit - Pursuance of transcendant experience (further explained later)

Sex - Have as much as you want and pursue it. This one doesn't really need saying, but the point is that sensible sex is good for your health and if you're not having it, do what you can to change that.

Finances - Waste less money, keep track of how much you make and what you spend, save what you can.


Moderation - Addiction is terrible and must be avoided, lack of moderation is genuinely dangerous even if it doesn't seem like it at the time, avoid doing a drug if you feel it negatively affects your life in any way. If you ever feel like you need a drug to feel normal, take it very seriously and start tapering off or stop entirely. This also applies to any addictive and negative behavior.

Those transcendental experiences mentioned earlier and truly enjoyable experiences are as follows,

Scaling mountains

Experiencing great live performances


Significantly advancing career

Making and meeting lofty goals

Deep wilderness hikes

Having children or adopting pets

Psychedelic trips (optional)


Buying a house or moving into a place you really like

Successfully performing in front of people (if you have something to perform)

Mastering hobby

Great sex

Stargazing away from light pollution

Experiencing celestial events (solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, meteor showers, Aurora)

Helping a stranger in an important way

Strenuous exercise

Really desired outdoor activities (Fishing, games, camping, fires)

These things should be pursued with ardor in order to increase the happiness of your life. If you don't do all or most of these things or pursue them and you think your life is boring and shitty, you should not be surprised.

>Gf of 4 years left me


-Now you have more time to focus on your career

-Now you can strengthen old and make new friendships

-Now you have you can have that "met a new girl" feeling all over again

-Now you have 4 years of consistent and successfull relationship experience, making you a better catch

-Now you have the opportunity to take up a new hobby or a new job or a new business venture

-Now you will have something to compare your next relationship to (perspective)

-Now you will save money

Use the same advice. It works for fucking everything. I'm not exaggerating. After a few weeks you'll feel like you're suddenly using a cheat code than no one knows about.

Anecdotally though. I know the fear of never being able to find someone "like that" again. Worrying that no one else will ever fully know you like she did. But trust me it goes away instantly when you get your first post-relarionship crush.

The excitement of getting to know them and them getting to know all about you quickly dwarfs that irrational fear. Because the present always overrules the past... That part will happen naturally if you let it.

Hope you get over her quickly bro. Remember.. zero contact if you don't have a kid or work together... If you do I'd advice trying to change jobs.(SRS)

If you are seriously in this dark of a place you NEED professional help immediately, start by calling a hotline and go from there, get help

Also have you considered psychedelics? Lots of research regard mushrooms and alleviating depression and PTSD. You want to live and thats a start, the things youve been trying havent helped try something new until it works, dont give up breh and SEEK HELP

Please read this book lad. No matter what your problems are you'll garner faith in yourself to heave yourself out of that pit of despair you're in

Hang in there mate

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