Preserving mucle mass

Alright lads, Ramadan is coming up and I have a problem

How do I keep my muscle and my gains, when I have to fast for 17+/- hours a day? Muscle slowly gets used up for the body to use, I had seen a huge gain loss last ramadan.
How do I avoid losing muscle without eating for a long time?

>inb4 Mudslime

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Maybe don't fast if you don't want to lost muscle mass?

That's not an option man
I'm part of a religious army, so they don't feed me anyways


Thrilled to see how this thread will turn out
I don't have any advice, sorry op

I hope you have a beautiful wife and many well-raised children. I wish you many gains

Just eat. Allah forgives all of the incest and goatfucking so I'm sure he'd look past you trying to preserve your gains.

Asalamualeykum brother, you are one stupid fuck. Do you know what you just started?
Anyways just eat alot of protein and drink alot of water throughout Iftar and suhoor. Workout either as the first thing in the morning or 1 hour before iftar

I hope you will get a job promotion and that you will have a big house in the future. I wish you many gains

eat all your calories you have to during the window youre allowed to eat??? not that hard. also try eating slow digesting foods like complex carbs and fats

I was just going to call you a sandnigger but now something piqued my interest
Are steroids haram in the islam

Tren time?

What have I started brother?
But thank you for your interest in answering my question. I wish you many gains.

there isnt sufficent evidence to say steroids are harmfull when taken in moderate dosages it becomes harmfull like any other drug when you abuse it

It has to do with your intention and whether the steroid is harmful
Any harmful substance is unlawful (haram)
But I know a brother convert (revert) that was Swedish, he couldn't grow a beard and wanted one for Islamic reasons, so he took steroids for it.

look up /fast/ in the catalogue

this isnt even a real mudslime, its a nigger mudslime which is even worse. no culture, really an african convert, has to compensate.

I'm probably whiter than you, and my culture is probably also vaster than yours

retard check out a fast thread im doing 23 hr fast with 1 hr eating window each day and 48 hour fasts on the weekends your just a pussy

that's basically IF, just read up on that guys use it for lean gains pretty often.

just fucking bulk out of your mind right now and consider ramadan cutting season

Are muzzies really this retarded? What kind of advice are you even expecting? You have an eating window, any you have to optimise it, what are you even asking?

Goddamn you people are thick

You dont lose muscle while fasting or OMAD but you do on low calorie regular eating diet. Check out the info /fast/ general if you don't belive me. I would recommend that you stay active while fasting, it will be a great cut.

Become a Christian and you will preserve all thy gains

pic related Better be a women's only gym

>not pretending to fast with your family while eating behind close doors

You'll never make it akhi

>tfw ex-muslim but still have to pretend im doing Ramadan

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Just eat a fuckton of food when you can so you have a lot of energy saved up.

i know this feel

i end up eating double during ramadan

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intermittent fasting is fine bro just eat high protein meals before/after sunshine
im not muslim but im probably going to give ramadan a go this year for fasting purposes/as a test of willpower

>But I know a brother convert (revert) that was Swedish, he couldn't grow a beard and wanted one for Islamic reasons, so he took steroids for it.

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fucking isis shitposting on Jow Forums

IF is your best bet. My ex was Muslim (convert) and was super upset about losing gains through Ramadan. Good luck to you

Just eat during the night

Fucking sandnigger, go fuck some goats

Assalamu alaikum brother,

Believe me, just dont worry about that, eat a lot of good protein with suhur and iftar. How do people manage with intermittent fasting? Just dont worry, its just losing 5 - 10 lbs for a month. Dont forget the hasanaat

i'm not a fan of alcohol or pork, i smoke hash for medicinal purposes (as any good muslim), but can't grow facial hair. am i fucked?

>Mudslime sandnigger dune coon terrorist monkey roach kebab tupac is serbian etc etc

Also Ramadan is just IF plenty of people make gains on IF just make sure you hit your calories at night. Alternativly declare a jihad so you can avoid adhering to Ramadan

Any tips on how a Jew can keep their gains during Yom Kippur?

God dam sandnigger,in the future,many mushroom clouds will be seen above many middle eastern shitholes including Israel and Saudi Arabia

Fasting promotes HGH and test boost. Its the best way to keep gains.

Lmao fucking pussy mudslides

>be me
>fast 20 hours every day of the year

2018 and people are still placing restrictions on their lives due to some cray ass fairy stories. Nice one.

You can drink when you're doing IF, mudslimes are fucking retarded and don't drink until it's night

intermittent fasting does not cause lean muscle loss as long as you increase your protein intake

people use intermittent fasting to get shredded

Ex-muslim as well. Why don't you just use it as a cutting month? I love ramadan. Perfect timing right before summer as well.

wait what, my ex gf was a muslim with religious parents yet she swallowed my cum during ramadan. did she betray her six handed elefant or whatever muslims believe in ?

OMAD; not hard after first few days.
Also, seek Jesus.

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Yes. They can't even have sexual intercourse during the whole month of the ramadan
Women follow whatever religion/political ideology their man follow, anyway

Rot in hell you murderous goatfucker

just become nocturnal and eat and workout your ass off during night

Cum on your own mouth for proteins, raghead

17+ hrs isnt a fast and wont breakdown any muscle

Step 1: Move to Antarctica below 80 degrees south (Antarctic Circle)
Step 2: Eat whenever you like because no sunrise!
Step 3: Fuck Penguins instead of goats or camels
Step 4: ????
Step 5: Profit!
Bonus #1: You'll be super high test because of the cold environment
Bonus #2: No Jews or Infidels around, so no need for your trucks of peace (and suicide bombing really kills the gains)
Fun fact: If you're standing on the south pole, Mecca is always north, which is any direction you face, so you always know which direction to pray towards!

>bro you can fast if you want to it's just a tradition so you can better understand My suffering

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waddup bhais and akhis.

ramadan is scaring me bruh...i always fall off cut then. mom only makes carb and cal heavy foods so after a 18 hr fast i binge like a MF and scarf down my whole daily cal intake.

also, sleep deprived for days so dozing off while driving on the highway.

too tired and no time to exercise/lift.

funny thing is i work far enough that i'm actually a musafir (traveller) so i may not have to fast. still will tho.

Either become an apostate or use pic related

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In fact, just do both, you'd minimise muscle mass more effectively that way

Assalamualaykum brother. Consider it cutting season. If you’re already skinny, drink as much as you can throughout the night. Keep going to the gym but early in the morning. Go for low rep, high weight. You don’t have to do anything but maintain your primary lifts. Do accessories if you can tolerate the thirst. Should take less than 45 mins a day. I actually got stronger last Ramadan. Also do pushups through the night. Go for fatty, high protein meats and refrain from bread as much as you can. Break fast with 2-3 dates so your body doesn’t crave so much sugar throughout your meal. God help you.

No, you can have sex after breaking fast.

Salaam bro. Low rep high weight. Gl during holy month. And to all the people hating on our religion in this thread, I wish you happiness and peace!

I have often wondered this.

Can you skip on eating in the morning?
Just eat one meal a day (OMAD) in the evening, make it as big as you will, and lift within an hour or two before eating.
22-23 hour fast; 1-2 hour eating window. Start stretching your stomach so you can eat a bigger OMAD.
If you do have to eat in the early morning to honour your faith (?) then make it less than 50 calories if you can.
Also could be a good time to try dry fasting for a day or two, see /fast/.

Drink electrolytes with lots of water through the night/when you will.

Do 1x5's on compounds and higher rep accessories as you can tolerate, should be reducing total volume a bit. Basically treat it as a cut with intermittent fasting.

My opinions at least. Peace be upon you.

u wot m8?

I've been doing IF 18/6 for months, no muscle loss (lifts have remained the same) while shedding fat like crazy

eat a lot of protein if you can to be sure, enjoy your cut

not an issue, a single day means nothing

Protein is a last resort fuel source. You wouldn't burn your house down to keep warm, would you? You won't lose gains from a 17 hour fast.

neat post

Best answer in the thread so far.

just fucking feast on a whole jar of peanut butter

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>I'm part of a religious army

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Get the fuck out of my gym you smelly Arab you stink and are constantly doing autistic things.

>Break fast with simple sugar i.e. dates
>Hit gym immediately after breaking fast
>Have three meals eaten every 2 hours or so
>Keep meals high in carbs

It's basically IF.

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food for thought

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