What are your thoughts boys?

have I made it?

Attached: aUdqet3.jpg (750x1334, 86K)

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>not posting one rep max

Attached: 1521959022054.jpg (1200x798, 257K)

something seems really off about this

u mirin brah?

lol curl bro looks like shit

no im buff

Nick looks okay in this pic but has a weird weak core and under developed chest.i was struggling to believe when he said he had managed to do a front lever on the pod, but then I remembered he's like 5'3 so it's possible

Sigh. Some people just do not respect Mother Nature. Bodybuilding isn't for you, kid. You look like you should be living in some Chinese tenement obsessing over model trains and talking to your pet bug. Leave the lifting to the gifted, sperg.

Not op but post your body faggot


You look weird and dyel, lift more and heavier

Yeah looking very decent matey! Keep doing your workouts though. But you look like you know your shit so well fucking done!

it's the zero core + weird pose

Please keep this nick meme alive. If it stays relevant he will call me gay on the podcast again so i wolnt feel like killing myself.

Were you the guy he sent this to?

Do you still post on Jow Forums? Then, no.

How do I get close enough to the Bois that I can get nudes
I want Adam to send me pics of naked dasha

Need more chest and less love handles but you are on the right path

Fix your fucking posture

post more. Or the dms that led to this.

I been DMing nick about lifting lately. he seems pretty knowledge.

dude definitely is a gym autist

You didn't join the Official Fitness Server on Discord yet??
Share ideas, motivate each other, awesome greentexts stories, feels, food and diet stuff
We i host a contest for best progress every month with real money as a prize!!! :)

Only quality contributors are welcome.

Attached: buckwheatinfo.jpg (700x525, 62K)

fuck off with your gay discord. Strive is a Muslim cuck

Be funny.
I dont want to hurt nick again. If he stops dming me ill kill myself. All i have is lifting and cumtown. My life fucking sucks

lol. whyd you release em in the first place, all I had to do was post a (x)doubt meme image and you gave em up. Clout over nick?

woops for got to turn off my name

I enjoyed the "not being gay but havie a plan to fuck a dude in case of emergency" bit. that came from you putting Mullen on blast

I dont know dude i dont think about anything i do otherwise it devolves into wanting to kill myself


but you would look 1000x better with no body hair.

if you were obese, bald and missing a tooth, you would be a tier one pussy eater

you made me log of f Jow Forums for the night

you definitely made it, congratulations

now clean your fucking room