Why do some people get fat by accident and others get thin by accident?

Why do some people get fat by accident and others get thin by accident?

I am a fatty. My whole life I have enjoyed eating as much food as possible. I struggle to not stuff myself every day.

My gf on the other hand is skinny. So skinny that the doctor told her to gain weight because she was unhealthy. She tells me "I just get so lazy that I don't bother eating anything" which is unthinkable to me because I love food so much.

Is there a genetic difference in our brains that makes some people enjoy food more than other people do? That seems to be the case to me. I just don't understand how I can absolutely love eating food, while she can just go without it all day without caring.

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>fat fuck has a gf and I don't
why am i alive

Well actually I said I am a fatty, but right now I am just modestly overweight, about 10lbs over the top of the BMI for normal weight.

In the past though, I have been morbidly obese. I still consider myself fat because I look chubby in the mirror and personally would like to lose at least 25lbs more. And I spent most of my young life being obese.


Yeah it's a difference in genes. Most likely also a difference in gut bacteria.

>I love food so much
You don't love food, you love the dopamine rush and sensation you get from putting food in your mouth and swallowing it. You're an addict. Recreationally enjoying food doesn't involve getting fat.

You don’t stuff your fat fucking face accidentally. Unless you’re in a coma, you’re intentionally shoveling garbage into your disgusting hole.

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Endomorph Ectomorph.....then the God Tier Mesomorph

>ou love the dopamine rush and sensation you get from putting food in your mouth and swallowing it. You're an addict

You don't have to tell me that. I know I am addicted to food. Another problem is that I eat to relieve anxiety. Still working on that.

What I mean "by accident" is that if I stop paying attention to what I am eating, I will gain weight by just eating whenever I am hungry, because I naturally overeat.

But if my gf stops paying attention to what she is eating, she naturally loses weight, because she under eats.

Doing something out of habit is kind of accidental. It's like kids in their teens who start doing sports. They don't realize it good for them, they're just getting fit by accident.

She either gets less pleasure from eating, doesn't feel hunger as much (either of these could be genetic) or she has conditioned herself into not wanting to eat a lot.

It's just eating. Skinny people don't fucking eat. That's all there is too it. My mate is like this and constantly says he eats shit and like a pig and doesn't know why he isn't fat. I have never seen him finish a meal bigger than a bag of crisps. He does eat like shit but I'll be surprised if he even gets to over 1500 cal in a regular day.

>doesn't feel hunger as much
Must be that. I have that. I'm currently bulking. Sometimes when i'm busy i'm literally forgetting a meal. When I was living alone I was forgetting I din't eat dinner.

>conditioned herself
This is an important point for OP. Maybe try some fasting. I've heard people can get over their unhealthy food cravings and hunger feeling pretty effectively just by fasting.

Approach it slowly though, try intermittent, shorten the window, do OMAD and eventually try fasting for multiple days.

Another important thing I've noticed, be active and outside the house. When you're home all day long you fall into this comfy mode where you just wanna eat some stuff. I still get it too, especially when I'm cutting. But when I'm out and about having business or activities to attend I completely forget about my hunger cravings. Watching anime works too for me.

>be active and outside the house.

This would help but I literally work from home. I'm pretty low income so I can't afford to do anything expensive. I do have a gym membership though.

the whole set point thing HAES fatties are obsessed with isn't entirely false - there is a hormonal feedback system controlling hunger based on downregulating leptin when you're under TDEE for a given "set point." The set point can get modulated up by repeatedly binging on low-satiety junk, and can probably be modulated down by loading up on fibrous meat and veggies. This is why eating clean when cutting matters, unless you want to have to waste an unnecessary amount of willpower on resisting your leptin-induced urges

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It is that. I'm trying to lose weight now and the constant hunger feeling is fucking awful. Tea, more sleep and meditation actually helped me a bit.

>can't afford to do anything expensive
Walking is free, I'm doing it with my old vans. I've literally spent up to 5 hours just hiking. Or if you're luckier than me, you might still have a bike lying around or can get one for cheap on craigslist. Biking is so much fun, especially if you're in an area that doesn't have too much traffic.

>waste an unnecessary amount of willpower
Willpower is infinite if you want it to be. I'm cutting on chocolate and cookies. Of course I still gotta eat protein dense stuff like chicken breast and micronutrient dense stuff like fruits and veggies but those are so low in calories they make up around 30% of my daily calories. The rest is just unhealthy shit I can manage to fit my macros. I've got no problem whatsoever cutting.

>fibrous meat

t. Mr. I have never eaten meat off the bone in my entire soy filled life.

Nigger, meat might have muscle fibers but that's not the fiber we are looking for in nutrition. Are you actually that dumb?

Faggot you eat the bones too.

when i played football i was accidentally thin then i dropped football and replaced it by drinking lots of beer and i accidentally got fat funny how that works

I'm Ethan...

What did you think about Bobby Lee?

>thinking H3 goes on Jow Forums
nigga's the embodiment of a redditor

>Is there a genetic difference in our brains that makes some people enjoy food more than other people do?
Yes, for starters there is a thing called epigenetics. What this is... is basically based on the external conditions under which a baby is concieved and carried to term... it influences or determines which genetic expressions will be "turned on" or "turned off." It's one reason why a lot of the people who were born during the great drepression for example tend more often to be thinner and are pack rats. It's why boomers are all disintegrating type 2 diabetics with chronic inflammation from gorging themselves on the bounty of WWII.

Epigenetics isn't the only factor obviously... the habits a child forms during formative years "set the tone" for how that child will grow. Thats why they're called "formative" years. Fat boomer parents have in large part fucked current generations with their glutonous addictions to convenience and sugar. If you're raised a certain way that defines your "normal" and you're more likely to continue that behavior after becoming an adult.

A lot of people are not fully actualized or self determined individuals... so having the awareness to significantly change the trajectory of ones own life is rare unfortunately. Some people can, most people are fairly mechanistic and incapable of changing their circumstances. Some refer to these people as "non-player characters" (NPCs) or "sheep" or whatever... it is the stupor this miasma causes they are referring to.

On top of that you have to consider there were recently entire generations of people literally poisoned by leaded gasoline, nicotine, etc... and now our soils are so depleted of vital nutrients from factory farming... I'm surprised people function as well as they do desu...

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tfw nobody replying to the threads I like

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