
Hey americans, good news!

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wtf I like Feinstein now

>jews actually don't want to fuck our hormones

How the turntables


wtf i love jews now

Its almost like Jews aren't a secret cable with nefarious purpose

Lmao don't a bunch of Americans not have access to potable water still? Why do you guys elect people who allow you to suffer like that?

>jews don't want us exposed to phthalates
wtf i love phthalates now

it's all a ruse, this is to save their public image when they all know nothing will change

I know it's aweful, we can't carry water anywhere here in America.

>average income is lover than that of Mississippi or Louisiana
lmao you "people" are so sad

wait she wants to remove the phthalates from packaging
or she wants to remove the word phthalates from the packaging where we wont know if a food has certain phthalates or not


Did she pack gun control into the same bill as usual?

Feinstein is getting dumped by cali dems for some illegal comie. This her on damage control, it won't go anywhere
Fuck that gun grabbing kike.

>get shot

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Not falling for it, juden.

It's almost like there's a group of Jews that are bad but not all of them are bad. A "synagogue of satan" if you will.

Louisiana checking in. 150k

>*throws acid*

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What's wrong with owning a nuke if you're not gonna use it for violent purposes? Surely the act of detonating the nuke and threatening to detonate it are acts that should be prohibited rather than the ownership of the nuke itself.

You clearly have never lived in California. Feinstein belongs in an oven.

There’s something they’re not telling us

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Really makes you think, it’s almost like murder is already illegal