Reduces anxiety and stress

>Reduces anxiety and stress
>Like alcohol without the intoxication
>Legal, easy to order online or in some specialty store
>Makes it easier to fall asleep at night
>Wake up well rested.

Is this going to help me make it?

Attached: phenibut_hcl_fine_crystals_200_grams_image2.png (512x512, 356K)

It does fuck all. Have taken grams and grams of the stuff. No one IRL I know has noticed anything. I'm sure this is one of those things thats just true on the Internet.

Doesn't really work for me anymore unless I take 3+ grams

If you don't cycle on and off that shit, you're going to fuck yourself.
That's what has been said.

Yeah that's true. I should have listened.

How often and how long have you been taking it?

About a year. Used to take it maybe once a week or less. Now I take it 2 - 4 times a week. Going to try and take a few weeks off.

Don't let it get control. How does it make you feel? Do you notice an improvement in your day to day life? I have some coming in the mail and would like to collect as many anecdotes as possible.

I took at least one gram on Friday and felt the effects we're so subtle that I'm just going to consider it placebo affect.

I didn't eat 24 hours prior to taking it and at least 8 hours after taking it so I guess I just didn't take enough.

I planning on taking more on Tuesday.

more like penis butt, fucking faggot lmao

>literally one of the most insane drug withdrawals you will ever have in your life

is this stuff really worth it to be slightly less socially awkward?

not to mention nobody knows what the long-term effects will be

It's alright.

Check out Bromantane.

If it can help me get shit done with out secretly pre drinking for every damn thing, I'll take it.

It looks like weaker phenibut but without addiction/withdrawl. I will keep this in mind.

Lmao are you me? I used to take xanax before social outings but it made me try and kill myself one day. Now I slam 2 beers before going anywhere with my lads.


>not knowing how to circumvent the withdrawal
>not knowing how natural phenibut is to the brain

>this is me too

I tried going to a lecture fully sober a week ago, ended up with the shakiest hands ever and checking my corners frantically. This isn't how life is supposed to be.

>not to mention nobody knows what the long-term effects will be
Didn't they do some 3 decade study on this in Russia (where it was invented so astronauts wouldn't kill themselves from loneliness in space) and found no bad long term effects?

Either way, pheni is the truth. When my ex came over to break up with me a while back, I dropped two grams a couple of hours before and took it like a champ. No simp shit; I was just neutral and pretty uninterested, ready to take the L with a little smirk. I could tell she was having second thoughts.

how do you deal with the withdrawal?

like alcohol it makes you less critical and investigative of other people. It also dulls your social sense, your skepticism. If you are surrounded by good people then it sure as heck helps, if you are not, they would be better at reading you than you at reading them.

once you feel off and depression is about to set in just take tyrosine or phenylalanine


cool, I was searching for those things that help easy withdrawal, I came to ashwaganda ksm 66 as one of the things (as it affects the beta a receptors?) But if your stuff works well, then there is no downside whatsoever to penis butt anymore.

If you take it too often you can build up a tolerance and have to take massive doses to feel anything.

hold on a sec, I have 5htp and took it and didnt feel much. Christ. Is it alone enough?

ashwagandha still helps i reckon
oh yea and i only took 1.5max albeit almost daily, higher dose than that this might not work and you're on your own

5htp seems unhealthy from my research, i take tryptophan instead and even that is still shown in some studies to accelerate aging

I took the very basic and minimal dose of 1 gram I think, sometimes twice a day though. Still, even after just 2 days I still heavily regress, VERY heavy withdrawal symptoms. Had to stop because was too mopey in the weekend. Felt like death.

If you know you have an addictive personality don't bother with it. All these stories you hear about people going through withdrawal were irresponsibility taking phenibut daily and in large amounts. Don't try it if you know you can't stick to a routine of not taking it more than twice a week.

Took two grams of this last night. Can't control my drinking habits so I still had about 10 pints.. Friends told me I seemed fairly normal and not overly drunk. Had some pretty weird dreams and a really nice afternoon nap the next day but that's all.