/owg/ Olympic weightlifting general

Poopoo peepee bumps edition

>If you are new to weightlifting please read these first and check the other sources they link to before asking questions:
pastebin.com/1HgVcGam (embed)
pastebin.com/wCXeXfkk (embed)
[Gist] wl.md (embed)

>The information that you are looking for is probably in the above links.
That includes routines, shoes, information on the lifts, etc. Check out the pastebins for literature or the reddit faq for general information.

Included in this youtube playlist are videos related to weightlifting which you may find useful or insightful:

Feel free to post PRs, form checks etc

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Nice to see Boady crying like a bitch

Attached: kari 216kgs.webm (400x224, 1.33M)

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Who the fuck is that?
Also, fuck cleans

Finally had the training session I was looking for.

Snatch - 100, 108, 111 PR
C+J - 130, 136, 140
This was a 6kg PR total at 251.

BW at 94.8, so on track to be exactly 94 in 3 weeks at my meet.

I have just not been feeling it lately. It's not that I don't want to WL; I think my foul mood in recent weeks has been because I've been unable to continue lifting. I've had these tension headaches that have prevented my from lifting for a while; I think I've fixed them by moving my bar position down ever so slightly. But then I've been getting these acephalgic migraines, which are purely visual disturbances. It fucking sucks. I haven't had a consistent workout week in about three weeks. Maybe even a month. Anyone have any experience with something similar? I have a referral to a neurologist coming soon.

>too much of a soft, manlet, GDE bitch to compete in powerlifting/strongman competitions
>discover you can play with a bouncy bar instead
>become a crossfit cuckold

what it's like being such embarrassing, weak little faggots? you look like shit, you (might) do some totally useless bar bouncing instead of actually lifting weights and everybody thinks you're a bunch of pompous shit stains since EVERY crossfit dumb fuck fits that bill.

tell me so i have more reasons to laugh at you. also, your last crossfit general went into the archive after FEWER THAN 25 POSTS. L M F A O !

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Steven Kari, made up a 14kg deficit from the snatch by clean and jerking a commonwealth record of 216kgs on his second CnJ attempt. Beat out Boady, who had a temper tantrum backstage.

working snatches and p cleans tonight, wish me luck

Guys I want to get into proper weight lifting but my squats dont go low enough. If I try to I fall on my back. I have good shoulder mobility and I'm able to do front squats properly with the bar but without it I can't go low enough.

Does anyone know a good stretch routine? I found something on youtube that suggested progressions on squats and I went through all of them but I still cant go to the last step and do a proper squat without any weight

>without weight

a lot of folks with "normal" mobility (and i say normal because most people don't train near as much as competing weightlifters, who can definitely BW squat ATG without thinking about it) look like dogshit until they get a little weight on the bar. your mobility will continue to improve the more you WL.

Can you sit stationary on your heels in the hole position, hamstrings flush with calves, with arms extended in front? If not, work on this every day\

Damn, wish I'd been able to watch that live, struggling to find streams as I'm not from shitpostingland


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he should definitely continue working on his mobility, but that's not to say that he shouldn't start WL-specific training. overhead squats, power variations, etc. he's just wasting time if he's not already programming those movements.

>And the gold medal for the most consistent /owg/ bumper goes to...

up up, QT. up up!

Attached: Kanae Yagi.webm (854x480, 2.73M)

Attached: maxlangsnatch.webm (1336x748, 2.9M)

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my fucking shoes still havent arrived REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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what did u order

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Zt is a good guy


Zack pls

what's /owg/ opinion on that trans girl from new Zealand or wherever?

should not be allowed to compete in the women's division full stop

I can feel my lower back when I do the overhead squat. Is this an indication of something wrong? What should I be doing?

She/he/it dislocated its elbow on a snatch

should not be allowed to live*

what do you mean you can feel it? is it causing you discomfort/pain?
lower back should be working at all times, but it shouldn't feel strained in the overhead squat
you might be unbalanced, but it's hard to say

p sure zack both lurks here and sometimes steals content or ideas for his videos
like his latest video has footage from one of deliuge's old videos that was posted here in one of the last threads
yeah, i see you zack

It feels strained is what I mean. I guess I need someone to check my form.

fuck anyone else wish their parents got them into oly lifting when they were like 14? i started at 21 but had to swallow the redpill that i'll literally never be as strong/good technically as someone that started young. sux

Are you hyperextending it while doing squatting? Don’t do that. But post video for us to make sure.

lmao I actually wrote an essay for class that talked about that fatass

No way

Are you sure it's not a tight or injured muscle somewhere in your neck/upper back that either gets aggravated or causes strain on another muscle when you lift therefore causing headache?

Max is truly /ourguy/

robbed like shannon noll

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My knees hurt

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That screenshot better have not been of the lowest you went

oww my knees

Boady who hit and ran.

Post your lifts boys

Snatch: 65kg
C&J: 85kg (have done 90kg but was a press out)
BS: 130kg x 5
FS 110kg x3
BW: 78kg

>weak af I know

Thinking about going to a local gym with WL coaches once a week as technique is definitely holding back my snatch.


I meant videos

>only squatted 210 this weekend
>missed 220 3/4 of the way up cause I let my chest cave and I had to dump it


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shuld have done your 100 reps of upper back

ever since starting oly lifting (like 8 months ago now) and squatting like 2-3x as much as i use to my sex life has gotten so much fuckin better holy shit lol. my glutes/hips are strong as fuck and i can pump like an absolute mad man. bless this board for getting me into it. anyone else noticed the same?

stay alive nigger thread
expecting some PRs next week

At one point i did. Then i realised that many great lifters i know now have fucked up knees and back. Every now and then their old injuries pop up again.

While i'm completely healthy and can lift without pain. I also have higher education than any of them. Yes, maybe compensation but at one point you realize that WL will not pay your bills. It's best as a hobby. As long as you enjoy it and kepe improving, it's the best.

i'll try and do some recordings later
will be babby weight as it's recovery week but thank god because my body is fucking destroyed
also >no u

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Why even focus on squats for now? Like clearly it's making you more stiff and slow than producing anything beneficial.

Unless you're someone like me who cleans his front squat

>Unless you're someone like me who cleans his front squat
panzer can frontsquat 180 for 3 and his best clean is 130 lmao

Muscle snatch + snatch below hips +snatch low hang

Owwww my lungs

And how much can he jerk?


Holy shit klokov is going to FIBO2018

That’s kid that snatches 135 like shit and wants to be your coach

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i'm incredibly inconsistent in my foot width in my snatch. a wider stance doesn't allow me to catch below parallel. how do i drill consistent foot positioning?

yep, the mobility and hip flexors working makes a huge difference during sex, thanks oly lifts

I made to 205 bois. The road to 300 begins.

>tfw fat as fuck tho


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