24 hours no cigarettes

Quitting the smokes cold turkey, anyone else trying to quit too? Any quitting tips for us smokers?

pic sorta related

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try nicotine gum or patches

Read allen carr's book. It comes off like a used car salesman, but he's not trying to sell you anything. Just ignore the tone and read it.

Just smoke a pipe in the evening

Second this - the book blew my mind - quit smoking fear free it was amazing

i'll quit with you buddy
last cig I had was at 1am already full of rage

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Only thing that works for me is vaping nicotine salt, the habit is what gets me the most. The problem is that shit is fucking expensive and it's so cheap to roll your own cigarettes so when I run out I always end up going back to the cancer sticks. Nothing else gets me to stop smoking for more than a couple hours though.

user after 15 years heavy smoking i am free for 2 years now.

this is about willpower only. be this iron guy..never even touch a cigarette anymore for the rest of your life.

you got this! man up you faggot

I'll check it out. Thanks.

We're in this together man. Reach out to your fellow Jow Forums-goers or go exercise if your cravings start to get bad. It's helped me so far.

I feel you. I just like the routine of smoking. After my coffee, after eating, when I'm drinking... I know that shit's killing me but it feels so good. I'm just taking it one day at a time for now.

Good job man. Keep going at it, mad props for giving it up.

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Thanks for the inspiration man, I'm hanging in there.

yeah man I'mdone with smoking it's been fucking up my sinuses and wasting my money
just gonna keep drinking lemon water and meditating till I can hit the gym tomorrow

You are literally quitting something with the worst you'll have is agitation.

> t. former opiate, nicotine, and alcoholic.

There you go. Just replace the smokes with something healthy, make it a part of your routine.

Thanks dude.

True, if I can't quit cigs, then I am for sure a weak-willed faggot.

Sorry that was a bad post. Put that agitation into something constructive like your lifting. Try a little more cardio to see the effects of your lungs anf body cleaning themselves. You WILL notice a difference.

Why quit lol

Same, I was told to cut out things that were smoking rituals such as coffee and beer but that just makes it even harder to quit.

just stop smoking, if you really want to quit that's gonna work, no books or any other bullshit won't help you, at least that's what i did and i was smoking a bit over half a pack a day for 5 years

I heard black liquorice and macadamia nuts help curve cravings really well. Haven’t tried it yet.

I'm 2 months smoke free with little cravings. I think it's because I'm still battling with Internet porn

Been trying to quit for about a year or so now. I'm pretty good when I'm sober but as soon as I get a touch of booze in my the first thing I go hunting for is a pack. It gets easier. I've started chewing gum whenever I get a cig craving. It's kinda weird how well it works. As soon as you start getting a craving, eat a piece of gum and chew it till it loses flavor and then spit it out. Rinse and repeat forever. This helps replace the reward system that cigs have created with gum and eventually you'll just be chewing gum instead of popping out for a smoke.

This all being said I last smoked this weekend and I'm ready to smash my head against a wall. Back to the gum.

I also quit with by smoking pipe

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It will catch up to me and I know it. I'm only 22 but I only have one life and it pains me to think about my wasted potential if I stay a smoker for the rest of my life.

This is true. You gotta find it within yourself to quit, you can't use books and shit as a crutch, but they do help if you don't solely rely on those things.

You got this man. I'm the same way, I gravitate towards cigarettes when I'm drinking, it's just habitual at this point. Trying to break that habit for good, though

Ayy I'm 22 too
But I'm tellin ya man. Try the gum for a week. Any non-nicotine gum, preferably minty.

checked and I'll give it a shot man, thanks.

Can some smoker explain to me what drives you so nuts when you dont smoke for such a little amount of time? Why does it rage, you dont get anything from smoking cig, no high, no drunk no nothing.

Can you also explain to me how you guys got addicted in the first place? Didnt cigs taste shit and hurt your lungs?
I smoke cigs from time to time, but they are so uncomfortable, i couldnt get past the point where i would actually enjoy them.

I can't remember how I quit the last few times. It definitely took multiple tries and persistence. But what I want to say is every time I see people smoking outside and they seem miserable it reminds me of how unhappy and unfulfilled I was, no matter how many cigs I had it was never enough and having to go outside every hour and after anything stressful became so exhausting. It was ruining my life and I could tell everyone looked down on me for smelling like smoke or being seen having to smoke a cig in random locations. It's a sad habit that only smoking with other people while talking could vaguely mask. Shared shame feels less shameful, but its still shame all the same.

Being free of the habit for over a year now, life is better.

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I quit and still have smoked a cigarette here or a cigar there, it didn't derail me. It would be really hard to get me back into the habit now. What a relief to know you're finally free and even just a taste can't bring you back. It's like being over a girl.

My best tip would be,after sometime just smell the breath of someone of drinks coffee and smokes for breakfast.Most disgusting smell by far.If you come to that point i think you will cut that shit forever man.

Just stop

It is actually that easy

Stop thinking about how hard it is

Read Allen Carr’s Easy way to quit smoking.