
How many of you bros have had success with this program? Is it good for intermediate lifters? Any advice on how to make this program the most effective?

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Here come the "5/3/1 is shit" shills

Why isnt international playboy an option

My current budget doesn't really support that

I think 5/3/1 is great.

My advice right now would be to make sure you have enough volume in your program.

or be a good looking 27 year old like me and begin dating a fresh phd grad
27 is the perfect age for med school/law school/phd grads

How should I do that? Do 5 sets instead of 3? Do boring but big sets at the end?

too late for me buddy. Norwood 3 at 24

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You're on the right track. A fundamental part of any 5/3/1 workout is to do more sets of your main lift if you feel you can, so that's a good first step.

Another thing is to do those lifts on other days as well. For example, I used to only do squats on my Squat days. When I was complaining to a friend of mine (He competes in powerlifting) about how my squat was doing poorly relative to my deadlift, he suggested that I should do more squats on another day. So in addition to all the leg work I do on my Squat days, I also throw in extra sets of squats and maybe leg press on my OHP days; not only have I been able to recover from soreness far more quickly, my gains have finally been consistent.

To give you an idea of what my typical week looks like:

ABxCDxx (A = Squat, B = Bench, C = Deadlift, D = OHP)

So I'll do additional squats on D, trap bar deadlifts on A, additional benching on D...you get my point.

Attached: AC5FRSP.png (302x297, 175K)

Been doing it like this:
Joker sets when possible and I do the second set last amrap.
Squats 5/3/1
Front squats 1×5 (65%)
Leg press 3×8 (week 1)
Power cleans 5x3 (weeks 2 and 3)
Bench 5/3/1
Weighed pullups 3×f
Other shit 2x8
Deadlift 5/3/1
Squats 3×5 (75%)
Press 5/3/1
Weighted pullups 3×f
Other shit 2x8

Been making steady progress and it's fun, so that's what works for me.

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>the /a/ spic meme was really
holy kek

>How many of you bros have had success with this program?
I have
> Is it good for intermediate lifters?
>Any advice on how to make this program the most effective?
By not doing it as it's memed and just adopting the 'heavy top set of compound movements plus bodybuilding accessories' mindset.
Also don't fucking skip the cardio, it's literally half of the program.

It's all too real.

Look up the geneswest 5/3/1 variant

Yes, I have had fairly good success with the program, after trying to do SS for over 2 years because of a meme (lol).

I use the BBB template.

1. Bench 85kg ---> 110kg
2. 115kg ---> 133kg on squat
3. 60kg --> 70kg on OHP

in about a year and a half of maintenance + cutting. DL is stuck kind of however this is my fault (shit form). Many have better progress than I have but I guess for my size (71kg, 5'6) I'm happy and I have always grown slowly anyway

Plus I've put on a fair amount of size. The workouts are enjoyable as well. Went from DYEL on SS to kinda look like i lift.

I would consider it to be a sustainable, fun program especially if you love the big lifts. Since you're not having to constantly lift at max intensity every week the workouts are not stressful, but you will consistently make PRs across rep ranges. The workouts, atleast for BBB, have a strong focus on building muscle mass for the purpose of increasing your lifts. Since I enjoy strength training a lot more than focusing on aesthetics but still want to look good I guess this program does it for me.

you realize that you can legally marry an 18 year old before she jumps on the cock carousel right?

>before she jumps on the cock carousel

fair point. you can marry an 18 year old before she has spent as much time on the cock carousel.

you can legally do that, but are you capable of it?

If you consider yourself an intermediate lifter you should know that asking fit for advice is a waste of time

>having anything but one night stands with women older than 25

I need to add that basically by definition as soon as you're done with novice gains, novice programs will not work for you as you have become fairly efficient at the lifts, and now the main factor to increasing total is muscle. So you need something with high volume like a 5/3/1 program with BBB or wendler's other popular templates.

this, i don't lift but i respond to every advice thread

Couldn't you just date someone younger?

Meant for

not him, but depends where you live.

You people need some help

>Any advice on how to make this program the most effective?
wendler's shit is a ripoff, and ball-less, don't do it, do bfs bigger faster stronger instead

bfs bigger faster stronger is a program that's been around since 1976 and wendler lifted using it when playing football, it's used by thousands of high schools and hundreds of colleges nationwide
weeks go 3x3, 5x5 (3x5 if you are short on time), 5-4-3-2-1 (5-3-1 if short on time), and 10-8-6 (4-4-2 for the clean and deadlift), last set is always amrap
standard bfs doesn't use percentages it uses a logbook and you chase rep records or total weight used record, doing it this way enables real autoregulation from set to set via weight selection
they sell coaching tools that use aggressive percentages for the main lifts (78%, 82%, 86% for 3x5) with a real tested 1rm for the training max
they use 3x/week mwf two main lifts a day, usually squat and bench, clean and deadlift, and then squat and bench variants on the third day like box squat or front squat and towel bench (essentially a board bench) or close grip bench on the third workout
then aux lifts usually 2-5 of them usually 2x10
tues and thurs are conditioning and sprints etc.

so you can see that wendler pinched it directly
took the short workout and changed the week order
put a very ball-less south of vag deload week where the higher rep week was
you only do one main lift a day i mean how low-intensity is that?
used some very easy ramping for the sets (65%, 75%, 85% for 3x5) so that the first two sets of the workout are worth far less
used a stupid 90% training max so that the "workout" is two easy warmups and a high-rep burnout set (59%, 68%, 77% for "3x5")
now it's "auxiliary lifts: the program" because when you only do one set of one main lift each day then you need lots of auxiliary volume or you need gimmicks like first set last and joker sets to compensate

After a few weeks of starting strength some friends recommended it. Doing big and boring. Liking it a lot.