Training between classes

For the next couple of months I'm going to be tight on time so I have to manage my time really well to still be able to workout.

My longest breaks/lunch are as follows:
1:25 Monday
0:40 Tuesday
0:45 Wednesday
0:45 Thursday
1:00 Friday

Is it even possible to get a good workout with these times?

If so, what's the best strategy when it comes to spliting muscle groups?

Keep in mind that going to the gym, changing clothes and showering probably takes up about 15 minutes if I hurry so subtract that from all times.

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I'd cut my 10 mil to 5 and then I'm set. Gun for insurance.

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On second thought, I realized a few minutes ago that I could cut all of the money out and make it back when I get out and publish a book on my escapades in the NEET prison. I add the unlimited drugs then.

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patrician taste

t. a guy who is not going to live for the full 10 years

>stunning 18 year old
>adorable puppy
>HD camera
>gun with three bullets

It's possible if you never take breaks during your workouts, though it's definitely going to be hard to stick to a set regiment if you don't have the time to wait for a bench/squat rack/etc to open up.

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would cut it to 5 mill and get 35 points

assuming I'm already given food and water I would take

1. 18 points, the woman(better fucking than fapping also I don't want to go insane from no social interaction)
2. 2 points, sunlight, I don't want to go blind
3. 5 points, workout routine, don't want to die and turn into a lard, also don't want my qt turning unattractive
4. 4 points, the library, want to keep my brain healthy
5. 2 points, garden, want to stay healthy and sane by being with nature
6. 4 points, all movies and tv shows

would do the exact same as you

if I'm not given food and water I would do this instead

I'll be vegan body builder with roids and $10mil richer.

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What are you going to eat?

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Thank you, first answer in this thread.

I don't have to wait for the racks because almost no one works out around lunchtime.

What do you think is the optimal muscle split?

Splitting them up a lot= high intensity, low frequency

Splitting them up just a little or not at all= low intensity, high frequency

Nice double reply.
I(OP) would eat after school.

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oh fugg i didnt see the library, i gave up when i saw how much the internet + girl would be.

Thats my choice too brother.

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18 year old, camera, tv and the sound system. We don't need the movies or tv channels.

>implying that camera isn't going to get old quick
>not getting the jacuzzi if you're going to get 18 year old

You should've thought this through more.

>full kitchen 6
>skylight 2
>gym 5
>library 4
>drugs 5
>workshop 6
>medical care 2
become jacked, learn how to cook and build shit and get smart

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He's going to eat lead.

what tv are you going to watch all of those shows on?

In your situation, I say split them up a lot for high intensity and low frequency, because I doubt you'll have the time for low intensity and high frequency.

This is a very easy one.
>7pts money up front + stocks
This nearly doubles your expected value; place all stocks in SP500 tracker or other very low-fee diversified instrument

>6pts kitchen
Health is a big concern. Cooking is a good exercise, you will be fine able to cook daily, plus you can always eat many ingredients raw as well to save time

>4pts library
Jesus christ this is cheap

>5pts workout room

>2 garden

That's 24. Choose something else for entertainment: video games, all movies + tv, drugs, kitten, workshop, whatever

This picture always bothered me.
Internet is way overpriced for what it is.
All I use the internet for is fucking news, work, and Jow Forums, that's not worth 16 + 6 point




i win

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It's funny how people pick the grill for le secks, since she's an absolutely vital pick. No social interaction for 10 years and you're gonna kill yourself.

Pool table

>4 Barry Bonds
>1 pool table
>1 gun

Probably won't survive the 10 years, but the first week should be entertaining

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The objectively correct answer.

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Doctor (mayo obviously)
That’s it

I will emerge like a butterfly a new reformed man

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>no one choosing hygiene products
>no nail, hair, or facial hair trimming for 10 years
Lmao have fun

>tfw ywn be paid 5 million dollars to get jacked, become a top-tier chef, learn new languages, and fuck a qt for 10 years

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6 pts full kitchen
2 pts skylight
16 pts internet
2 pts garden
4 pts library and study
2 pts sateliteradio


If I had 31 points I would get the phone instead of the pool table and gun.

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Reduce pay by 50% for 35 points total:
18 on Girl
6 on Kitchen
4 on Library
5 on Gym
2 on Greenhouse

Greenhouse by definition would have sunlight, plus plants!

40 pool tables is the correct answer

Same, but switch gym for skylight and phone.

Step aside boys

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Kitchen = 24/30
Skylight = 22/30
Hygiene = 19/30
Gym = 14/30
TV = 7/30
Workshop = 1/30
Pool Table = 0/30

That was too easy and nicely set up. My math must be off.

I suck at gardening and then I would just have rotted plants

18 Girl
7 Tv
4 Movies/tv shows
6 kitchen
For 5MM, I think I could do it.

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>0 companionship
>Doesn't even have internet
Youre not going to make it

>Cut the 10 mil to 5 and take the:
>kitchen, skylight, greenhouse
>music, gym, library
>hygiene products and medical care.
34/35 points used.

Use the last point on either:
>the gun
>pool table
depending on how well the doctor and I get along.

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Wtf Internet but you can't download or stream anything? You do realize that the contents of any webpage are temporarily downloaded and placed in RAM in order to be displayed. Also streaming is just downloading temporarily. You can't magically view information on your computer without having it stored somewhere in either your RAM, main disk, or somewhere in the processor's memory.

girl, gym, kitchen, pool table

Cut to 5 mil
>full kitchen
>library and study