Well Jow Forums?

Are you a friend?

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Sharia law

yes, gay bf status

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I'm 5,10 but I'm no friend of this thot and never will be. I have acquaintances that looks and behaves similar and they are bitches. Heard a story about them from a friend who was at a homemade lunch with those bitches, and she said they waited nearly two (2) hours before starting to eat because they wanted to take the ''perfect'' picture each to post on instagram. I mean, why bother with life? Just fucking kys.

her name sounds like how sean connery would pronounce sauna

>what do you call a girl over 5'8
>a man

Irish name

No I don't see any reason to associate with a woman I'm not going to be intimate with. Women aren't friends they're either your gf or your friend's gf or friend's relative that tags along.

She looks 28.

Are you 7?

>What do you call a girl over 120 lbs?
>a friend

bluepilled fag

thish shauna ish shteamy, hot and moisht

Times on our side friends, don't lose heart!

Behold the debt all thots must pay: You cannot defeat the most powerful god of all, Time.

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Apparently not being a autistic NEET is being "bluepilled" now

I LOL'd at this then I remembered my career succesful brother married a good looking but used up THOT and she divorced him took a lot of his money.

post pics of thot

Could not find them on FB....DON'T GET MARRIED. It's the ultimate loser thing to do.

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Getting the state involved into your relationship yes the best way to get back at (((them)))

>Not fulfilling the most primitive and basic task of every single organism that has and will ever exist

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Yeah, but I'm not being her friend

t. 5'11

You mean having kids, right? You don't need marriage for that.

You don’t need to be in a relationship to reproduce. And you don’t need to get married if you do want to be in a relationship

>being bound by primitive instinct knowing that it affects you negatively

you must be a low T faggot

flat chested girls dont even count desu, they're basically men.

You havent taken 5 seconds to think about this topic

>Having kids out of wedlock
Found the niggers.

Oof, how do they do it? How do women act so shallow? Hits hard, friend.

>There are people who unironically believe men are more shallow than women

>not getting a prenup

Just why

They had some type of agreement on assets but judge threw it out, given the length of marriage was longer than a decade. Lawyer said it was common,though lawyer robbed my Chemical Engineer brother blind so I am not sure.

Point is these good looking used up women settle with "acceptable" betas. All they have to offer is their smelly pussies bros no joke, and they can't even do that right.

Pre-Nups get thrown out a lot.


>He thinks that judges respect pre-nups regularly

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Are you a faggot?

What an absolute legend! I don't beliieve it at all but makes for an interdasting read

>They had some type of agreement on assets but judge threw it out, given the length of marriage was longer than a decade
This shit makes me unbelievably angry, activist judges making up shit as they go along. This should never happen.
And women have the nerve to think men are oppressing women....men always get shit on in divorce court. At the very least a prenup gives you a bargaining chip, every man should have one no matter what
>wife leaves you, wants at least half your stuff
>wave the prenup in her face, threaten her with nothing
>eventually compromise and offer her say 1/3 or 1/4 of everything in an out of court settlement, if she goes to court she may get nothing

Sure, some women will ignore that and go to court and try to get everything (I'm fucking amazed this is still a thing) but I think it's an important card to have up your sleeve. You can make them doubt themselves and be happy to get something instead of going after everything.

Also, even if it gets thrown out the amount of time it takes to get the prenup out the way gives you time to hide assets.

>tfw 5'10 dyel fatass

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slags pls go

What do you call a british teen? Groomed

Wtf I used to go to school with this chick this OC?

Inshallah brother

Found the guy who's gonna spend a lot of money on stupid traditions peddled by merchants

nigger I'm the father to the kid you incels raise

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No I'm not a boy, I'm a man and men are at a minimum of 6'1.

Was it autism?

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>TFW 5'4


One of the few things that keeps me going in the war against feminism and the pursuit of pussy


I shall do this as well, if I dont get a gf by the end of the year, today is my 24th birthday.

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>not even a man as a grill

I don't understand the connection to the tweet, it's pretty commonly accepted that many self described 'nice' guys are actually little shits

6’2” and i’ve never even spoken to a girl for longer than 5 minutes. It’s all about social skills first and foremost.

Based Chad


L O N D O N ?

do these ingredients acutally cause a miscarriage ?


What do you call ugly bitches? Nothing, they'll come to you.

Lmao cope harder manlets


Lel, try harder manlet

Chill the shit down. Be attractive and a chick like this will suck your dick even though you're lacking 1.592 inches in height to reach fucking 6'.

>thinking marriage is a Jewish tradition
God, you're retarded.

You fucking kidding me?
It only starts to get wonky past 6'0. Fuck I'd be with a girl up till like 6'4 honestly. But maybe that's cause I'm 6'5.

>under 6 ft?

A dead Bod?

I'm 5'5"


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Damn it feels good to be 6'2. Its crazy to think that will be considered manlet status by roasties in 5 years.

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friendzoned cuck detected lmao

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>tfw when being over 6ft 6 puts you in a similar bracket to 5ft 5' manlets for potential partners.

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Virgin NEET detected. You don't interact with women because you're not around them. Somehow thinking that it's alpha to not interact with women outside of dating is incredibly retarded. Go back to posting "tfw no GF" in anime threads faggot.

>tfw 6'
Doesn't feel amazing but just barely made it.

5'9" to 5'10" is the cutoff for me. Anything more than that and I'm sweating if she puts on heels.

>all that cope and projecting

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Wait you're not working out the soles of your feet to gain height?

Stay a manlet

Fucking kek

>One of the few things that keeps me going in the war against feminism

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Here's the evidence, 6ft the optimal but 5,10 is better than 6,2

Everyone can stop complaining now

Delusional manlet.
Most women would say 6'2 - 6'3" is the optimal.

he's saying it's been turned into a money making scheme by merchants, went from something everyone did rich and poor to now it's become that even if you're working class the woman needs a ring that is worth 3 months of your wages, a wedding that bankrupts your family and if it ever comes to divorce; which is about 1/3 marriages now, then time to pay up for the Goldstein lawyers and she takes the house your kids and your dog anyway

>le cope!! le project!! xD
Wow great counterargument, NEET. Maybe you can reply with a doge meme next.

>divorce; which is about 1/3 marriages now
It's closer to 1/2 now.

You can have weddings without going bankrupt. This isn't a relevant argument for not getting married and raising a family.

i'm 5'9, literally crying right now, Shauna won't be my potential ex-wife :(

>getting married
>having kids
>muh legacy
>b-but you'll die alone

laughing all the way to the grave, monk mode and nihilism is true happiness

>tfw 5'9" but have been this height since i was a kid
>thots who knew me back then always say "didn't you used to be tall?" "i used to think you were so hot, its a shame you stopped growing"
fuck this shit, not only do i have to live with the fact that ill never experience being tall again, but now ive got thots and even old male friends constantly reminding me of how i used to be tall and rubbing it in about how they're now taller than me

I don't know man. I went an visited my old m8 from school and met his hot wife and three kids. Really got my noggin joggin.
Then I went home lifted and played video games and felt better.

Lmao, why are you friendzoned incels always so passive aggressive and condescending? Is it the frustration of knowing other man smashes while all you get to do is take her out for a cup of coffee and listen to her gossip?

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i'm happy for all the tallfags who are genetically gifted enough to get a spot on Shaunas cock carousel

6ft, king of the manlets here.

I've seen so many women with manlets it's ridiculous. This meme is exaggerated.

lmao, typical manlet

5’10-6’ girls are hot as fuck

Lmao, why are you chad wannabes always so passive aggressive and condescending? Is it the frustration of a fly looking at you the wrong way that sends your insecurities into a outrage?

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>implying girls with no tits aren't as bad as manlets

lmaooo when will they learn

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>Tallest guy at work
>only 6'1
Fucking Australia is awesome
>Go to any Scandinavian country
>im a fucking midget

>at scandinavian university campus
>fucking everyone is tall
>1 in maybe 40 guys are as tall or taller than me
>OCEANS of 6'1-6'3 dudes
There are lots of manlets too, that's how it works when there are many people, but most of them are not scandinavian.