any /babyface/ fit-izens here?
how do you deal with it bro's
tfw no matter how much you lift girls will still think you are underage
tfw 21 but look 15
tfw a girl told me i was too young for her(she was 3 years younger than me)
Any /babyface/ fit-izens here?
Growing a beard is the only real escape from baby face. A whole lot of bears are really baby faced under the beard
Babyface as fuck here. I'd grow a beard but I get really slow, really patchy growth when I don't shave and it just ends up making me look even more like I'm still 15. What age do most guys start being able to actually grow a full on beard? 19 here.
i-i can't
my beard gains are garbage
i only know one other guy irl who has shittier facial hair than me who's about my age
all i get is some peach fuzz on my face and then some beard hair on my neck
kill me bro's
You guys could try minox. It apparently works pretty well for beard growth. Roiding + minox is probably really good for beardlets.
Alternatively you could just embrace the babyface and go full twink build.
I grew a beard. With beard I look my age, 23, but without it I look 16.
>tfw babyface with no beard
>tfw look 5 years older with beard
Babyface isn't a curse unless you are ugly. I'm 21 and it works for picking up girls who are 18 or girls who are actually a few years older than me.
You won't be every girls cup of tea but that's life, roll with what you got and know your prime has yet to come.
Its for everyone like that, beards just make you look older.
this, tfw hs girls still mirin and flocking to me
I'm in my late 30's and look like I'm in my mid-20s. I've been pretty lucky to have women consistently hit on me through my 20s and 30s, but when my age comes up they're always surprised and for some that's always secretly bothered me. I guess it's more of an issue that I have about it than they have. Overall, I've been happy with the quality of my sex life, so I can't complain.
Best advice to you user: they can't all be winners. Just forget about the girls you described and keep moving on.
Pic is my recent ex
checked and checked again
dont feel bad user, it works out in the long run. I was getting id'ed at the liquor store until I was 32, even now I have people think im only in my late 20s when im really 37.
i know this is sort of a long con and will pay off in my 30's(if i don't go bald)
but was just wondering if theres anything i can do right now to look my age aside from dumb fuck beard growth supplements
i used to be baby face, believe me when i say it gets %100 better just give it time
I have babyface and it's fucking awesome. If you workout your neck/jaw, shave your head short you will look like a "pretty bad boy". Girls dig that shit.
I had baby face, looked 5 years younger cause i wasn't Jow Forums and had hair, after i got Jow Forums n shaved my head girls acted totally dif to me.
>no facial hair
I'm 19 now and people assume i'm in grade 10 but i'm in my second year of college. I want off this ride
minox test and masteron
be chad by the end of the year
>Look like a child
>people treat you like one
>react like one
>live like one
Ill give you 1 chance to guess which line of the above needs fixing.
20 here looking 14-16. The “you look so young” comments is such a norm. It’ll be a blessing later in life I hope, because that kid from home alone has a baby face and looks weird asf. And the chubby kid from Even Stevens.
There’s even some insecurity when answering my age
If you guys can't grow a beard perhaps you could enhance your jawline to make your face more "strong edged".
There are videos of how to get a more defined jawline on YouTube, and they all recommend to constantly chew gum as a method of strengthening your face muscles.
i'm the opposite, everyone thinks i'm older
>pretty bad boy
Just gotta have good hair gains. Go to a barber and get a proper cut.
I'm 24 and look 18-19, worst of it all is i am a bouncer. Always get told by men i have a "pretty good build", "look pretty fit" etc.. women will occasionally grab my bicep when talking to me or a fag will rub my chest as he is walking off.
Older people 30's and up will always mention something about my age, especially when they are getting kicked out or i am warning them not to do it again or they will be asked to leave (When in reality, it will end up with me grabbing your throat and dragging you out with another bouncer).