Any /babyface/ fit-izens here?

any /babyface/ fit-izens here?
how do you deal with it bro's
tfw no matter how much you lift girls will still think you are underage
tfw 21 but look 15
tfw a girl told me i was too young for her(she was 3 years younger than me)

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Growing a beard is the only real escape from baby face. A whole lot of bears are really baby faced under the beard

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Babyface as fuck here. I'd grow a beard but I get really slow, really patchy growth when I don't shave and it just ends up making me look even more like I'm still 15. What age do most guys start being able to actually grow a full on beard? 19 here.

i-i can't
my beard gains are garbage
i only know one other guy irl who has shittier facial hair than me who's about my age
all i get is some peach fuzz on my face and then some beard hair on my neck
kill me bro's

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You guys could try minox. It apparently works pretty well for beard growth. Roiding + minox is probably really good for beardlets.

Alternatively you could just embrace the babyface and go full twink build.

I grew a beard. With beard I look my age, 23, but without it I look 16.

>tfw babyface with no beard
>tfw look 5 years older with beard

Babyface isn't a curse unless you are ugly. I'm 21 and it works for picking up girls who are 18 or girls who are actually a few years older than me.

You won't be every girls cup of tea but that's life, roll with what you got and know your prime has yet to come.

Its for everyone like that, beards just make you look older.

this, tfw hs girls still mirin and flocking to me

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