Reminder that you will never be good enough women are biologically programmed to wait til someone better comes along

reminder that you will never be good enough women are biologically programmed to wait til someone better comes along

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Meh, dont care. The person I'm interested in right now is a trap, so don't have to worry about the "biological woman" boogeyman

What is it like living with no self awareness?

>the person I'm interested in is mentally ill so I have nothing to worry about
sure thing user

I know. This is why I choose to be single.
I stopped paying attention to women a decade ago.

>mentally ill
Not really user. The DSM only classifies it as a mental illness if the gender dysphoria causes so much mental distress that it leads to depression

The beautiful thing about definitions, is they are colloquial and not based on "authority" sources.
If the DSM were to suddenly say "narcissistic personality disorder is no longer a mental illness" that wouldn't make it true.
Trans people are crazy and theres nothing you can say to stop that from being true.

Hypergamy at it's finest.

Hold on
Maybe this will convince black girls to go exclusively for white guys and all of us white robots can finally leave!

It's even worse then it seems, this is an old screenshot, it has almost 50K retweets and 170k likes now

Megan used her men like a ladder. One guy gets her into Hollywood, the other into royalty (every little girl's fantasy). She's an opportunist, now she's at the very top. This story is the epitome of women trading up.

>The beautiful thing about definitions, is they are colloquial and not based on "authority" sources.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so basically things are true or fit a definition if you feel it should be so? Very rational of you.

>If the DSM were to suddenly say "narcissistic personality disorder is no longer a mental illness" that wouldn't make it true.
The only reason you know narcissism is a mental disorder is because researchers have classified it as such. Seriously try to explain to me why narcissism is a disorder without using authority. You're decrying authority while using it at the same time.

>Trans people are crazy and theres nothing you can say to stop that from being true.
There's nothing anyone can say to stop you from FEELING that it's true but your feelings don't mean anything.

Unfortunately for you, transsexuals tend to have the brain-structures closely resembling that of a real female's, effectively making them no different.

this is some legit redpill shit tho

Ignore them. Listen to me. Gen X fem here. Stay away from the attention whores. Go to the library or a church festival and meet a good girl who wants to be adored but she gets ignored by the Chads. Trust me. Attention and love will make a plan girl blossom and treasure you. They are out there, and you are looking past them at the roastie who will never get married and her eggs will dry up. You guys GOT this. Snap out of this, and go make good babies and make me proud of you. Love, Auntie.

>AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so basically things are true or fit a definition if you feel it should be so? Very rational of you.
No, it's define colloquially like language always is, as I said.
>The only reason you know narcissism is a mental disorder is because researchers have classified it as such. Seriously try to explain to me why narcissism is a disorder without using authority. You're decrying authority while using it at the same time.
It would be a mental disorder whether or not people classified it as such. The classification is secondary. A rose by any other name.
>There's nothing anyone can say to stop you from FEELING that it's true but your feelings don't mean anything.
Exactly, trans people's FEELINGS that they're the wrong sex don't mean anything.

Typing out "hahahahha" is cringe.

>There's nothing anyone can say to stop you from FEELING that it's true but your feelings don't mean anything.
Like thinking you're actually a woman? If I legitimately thought I was a dog, would you consider me crazy, whether or not some guy in a labcoat said so?

man I know this shit worked for my parents generation but not so much anymore. sorry for the term but the sexual marketplace has changed. dating apps, proliferation of smut, radfems, and lately extra effort on society's part to ostracize lonely men have all made it really hard to get with a girl if you're not checking a bunch of common requirements. desu feels like if you're not some kind of typical sex symbol (like the nerdy guy, or the hunk, or the bad boy) women aren't sure whether to trust or even notice you.

All women should only marry royalty because women are the master race

And this is why if I like a girl imma impregnate her asap so she can't leave or will have limiter shittier choices

Cant give them attention if they ghost me

That tweet has 118k likes right now

Bahaha women such a inferior species they stuck holding the grenade when it goes off whilst men can just leave at will. Like the guinea pig who impregnated 200 female guinea pigs

>as if there were any reason to still settle with a roasty anyway

The real test is gonna come when this generations next level hypersluts are gonna turn around and try to marry this generations men. I'm 99% sure we're collectively going to pussy out and this shit's going to become the status quo.

All the girls at my church were paired off at 14
Even the one virgin girl I found on OkCupid ditched me for a classmate
I'm fucked man

This is a man that has lost it.
This is a man that has given up on women and settled for a man in drag
This is a man that rather delude himself then to keep on fighting for a genuine relationship with a woman.
this is a man that won't accept tranny's are mentally unfit because that would mean that he is in fact, in a relationship with a man (women don't have penises dumbass)

He is hopeless, don't be like him.

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user likes someone, what's wrong with that?

>but she gets ignored by the Chads

Yeah I'll try hard to get and keep a gf just hoping that no guy she ever sees looks more attractive to her
I'll search out this girl and shower her with attention and love. and maybe, just maybe, if I'm lucky, (every) chad will continue to ignore her
sounds gr8

But I am the best there is.

I watch those library type introvert booktube females. Some of them are attractive but all of them have terrible personalities and heterodox political views. With some of them similar to tumblr art hoes with all kinds of heterodox sexual labels they give themselves and whatever

No thanks il go for a Belarus mail order bride

>mail order bride
please tell me you're trying to say that introvert bookish girls are an even less reliable idea than mail order brides so you may as well just do that and are not actually going to get one?

>Go to the library

How the fuck are you supposed to interact with someone in good faith when you're in a space specifically meant for reading/studying in solitude with as little talking as possible? Fucking retarded woman

Illiterate woman meant to type bookstore but instead wrote library

Dumb woman

Oh man you are so mad that someone told you what you secretly know deep down, that transexuals are insane.

>there will always be a better person out there with better looks, more money, and finer things.
this is a redpill?

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>there is always better

So there's still better?

I worry that loads of women close to the wall fall for this trap and leave their husbands behind for someone better only to realize their husbands were the best they could get. I anticipate a lot of bitter hags in the future regretting their impulsive life choices. The quality of the dating pool drops with every year you age, and it gets pretty abysmal if you're in it in your 30s or above.

It's sad that so many people are incapable of being happy with what they have and only focus on what they don't.

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What is it like delegating the formation of your worldview to some imaginary sect of coolkids constructed by your nation's gestapo?

>Go to the library
Already tried this. Found a bookworm chick who was pretty cool, but it was clear she had some red flags. After having some good conversations for a week, she basically ghosted me. You have to understand that the world has changed, and while there are some chicks out there like the ones you described, it is just not worth it to pursue further.

To add an end to my saga with the bookworm chick, I ended up finding another bookworm who seemed cool, but it started to bring up negative feelings from reminding me of my experience with the first one, so ended up ghosting her.

>I anticipate a lot of bitter hags in the future regretting their impulsive life choices
I eagerly await their anguish, assuming I haven't killed myself by that time.

There are none, they don't exist, and they get farm Chads who wife them down barefoot and pregnant

FUckin retard