Does jelqing work? Girth or length? How dangerous is it?

Does jelqing work? Girth or length? How dangerous is it?

Any anons with experience post itt please. I have a fairly large dick but I'd like it to be bigger.

Attached: salami.jpg (900x675, 102K)

Why don't you figure out how to use it first read Sperm Wars.

Yes, gurth mostly but its best used in combination with kegels; a stretching device and some light dick pumping. Basically a lot of work for very little results.

Don't do it.

Tbh nofap and cardio.

I'm doing this for 3 weeks now, I have way stronger erections and want to fuck everything that moves. But I'd still like a bigger weiner.

How about the traction device they use for micropenis and Peyonie's disease?

I'm gonna start the jp90 routine on monday. I just really want 0.5 inches of girth. My dick is curved to the left so i can still satisfy my gf with clever dicking, but I want to destroy her instead of just making her cum a 2-3 times.

>tfw 8.5 inches in length but only 5 inches in girth at the thickest

girth grows in after length, r-right?

It works somewhat. Very minimal gains for lots of work every day. Also if you stop, the gains go away. Also you can possible damage your dick by constantly squeezing at it and stretching it everyday.