What are easy daily habits that should be done to help become a better person? Certain foods, drinks, cold showers...

What are easy daily habits that should be done to help become a better person? Certain foods, drinks, cold showers, reading, etc?
What are your small daily gains Jow Forums?

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Read the Bible

This. Also, The Bible Project on YouTube has short videos on each book that gives context to the story. It’s fantastic for beginners.

make a habit of being productive in society.

just be productive ALL DAY every day

Filter all tripfags

1. Never sleep in. Always wake up at the same time everyday. Preferably have a daytime job/life. Wake up by 6am, asleep by 10pm. Use f.lux on your devices.

2. No soda, no alcohol, no drugs, no fap, no smoke.

3. Keep your room clean. Thanks, JBP.

4. Have a calendar/cork board/white board on your wall. Keep track of important things you want to do, and do them.

5. Only check email/Jow Forums/internet at set times (for me, it's right before lunch and right after work).

What do think a better person is?
Theres probably somebody specific you are thinking of.
Just stop doing what you're doing and do what they are doing.


Read the Bible with a black coffee (and on weekends a splash of brandy) in the morning.
Make sure and get at least an hour outdoors every day without electronic distractions.
Stretch and pose in the mirror after waking up and before going to sleep. Avoid destroying your body with excesses of pre-workout, fitness supplements, and alcohol.Try and limit your sugar intake as much as you can. Don't let yourself just sit and stare at your phone for long periods.
That's all I can think of.

I quit my job a year ago and launched a side biz so I think I have some insight into making use of your time (back to a full-time gig now though).

-Get rid of cable, it's a waste of time
-No zero days. When I built my side biz I made sure I did something geared towards my goal every day. Some days you might only get one thing done, but always do something.
-Wake up at a reasonable time. I chose 9:30 AM because I didn't have a job. Typically stayed up until 1:00 AM but I was usually being productive.
-Mount a whiteboard in your room to cross off tasks and remember shit.
-Incorporate leafy green superfoods into your daily diet. I made a smoothie every day consisting of watercress, some coconut milk, a spoon of peanut butter, and a banana.
-Read the Bible

Read the Bible cover to cover and then reflect on how fucking retarded it is that modern people believe in a religion created by ancient sheep herders.

Why so many Bible's posts on this thread? Its great but to me there.are more relevant books (meditations, it's very useful, every time I pick it up I read something practical that I can integrate into my life)

Here is my tip though. Create some obtainable goals for the day and write them down ..when you complete one congratulate yourself, and write down something like Great job!! Or wow you did it you beautiful bastard! And so forth.

i am desperate to not have to wageslave anymore, what brought you back?

>wake up
>eat healthy breakfast
>read Bible
>go to work
>come home
>eat dinner
>take shower

Financial reasons. I originally quit for a year to take a break, the side biz just kinda spawned from my free time. It doesn't generate enough steady income to live off of, it usually makes $100-$2k a month. It's an ecommerce site with some big ticket items and I stopped running ads so that's why the range is so wild. I'm hoping to use my new full-time position to improve the side biz.

>biblecucks expecting their big daddy in the sky to fix all of their problems instead of taking the initiative to try and fix them on their own

So edgy

>suggests a bunch of pseudoscience mumbo jumbo

Ha. No thanks, all I need is the Bible. If I wanted fiction I'd go read Harry Pooter

You should pray when you wake up too but this is good

Praying and working hard aren't remotely dissimilar

You need the Bible and the Church friend not just the Bible (which was compiled by the Church btw)

Attached: napoleonquotesjesus.jpg (1507x600, 417K)

i think he means Aurelius' writings on Stoicism.

Do you have a good Church routine? I currently only go three times a week.

>For it is God who worketh in you, both to will and to accomplish, according to his good will.

Infidels btfo

Three times full-soul routine is good.

who is this on left?


Why has no one mentioned reading the bible?

Don't know, but you could find 100 other girls like her on ig.

I'm trying to get back into religion. Whenever I do get up and pray in the morning, I feel awkward and I don't really feel the same connection I used to have with God.
Why am I like this?

Attached: You.jpg (1168x1024, 237K)

>"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.

>"For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?...
Apparently God doesn't want you to count macros. That's reason enough to disregard.

>want to better yourself little by little everyday, working toward a goal
>suggest reading the Bible
>Bible says stop making goals, stop making plans, stop caring about yourself and what you're gonna do

i want the name of this one BibleThump

Terrible exegesis. Planning doesn't constitute worrying.
Haters of God will find any excuse to refuse him

So just take away all forms of recreational fun

How come we post girls getting mugged like ops pic?

>all these biblefags
Just fuck off already. Sure, it's interesting stuff, but it's just one religious text amongst many - if you really want moralgainz, read as many as you can, and various commentaries and analyses thereof

I don't hate God. I just happen to love my parents. It's Jesus who said I can't both love my parents and love God.

Because you haven't done it in a while. It gets better. Keep going.

Out of context. This is in regards to those worried about affording food or clothing.

That's a normal feeling, and not an indication you're doing anything wrong.


The book he quotes from is not a long read if you're interested in reading further.

You'll get the most moral gains by reading scriptures teaching contradictory morals? That's like saying you'll get the best gainz by doing as many different programs as possible. And unlike a training regimen, which is just a means to an end, the life of grace is an end in itself.

Prolly because you spend too much time on the internet where everyone's a fedora


will God get mad if I pray for the destruction of my enemies or does he like it?


Psalm 118 6:7

>God doesn't want you to count macros.

>cold showers
>have a set morning routine
>read the Bible daily
>write down reasonable goals and accomplish them

Ave Maria until failure

Uggghhh what do I have to do so that this bitch will let me impregnate her

Cold water reduces hypertrophy


1. Stop posting on 4chins
2. Slowly transition to not reading 4chucks
3. Value RL people more than intrwebz ones

>Learning a language 30 mins a day
>reading for 30 mins-1hr while commuting or just in the evening before bed, be it some self improvement book, good literature or study material
>meditation 15 minutes every day(this is hard to keep up for me personally but in times where I am more stressed it really feels good)

If what user listed is everything you consider to be recreational fun I pity you. There's a lot more to life than cope-with-my-shitty-boring-life substances that affect your mind. Try some new hobbies, working towards goals and achieving them in small steps a long the way is far more rewarding than going out and getting drunk. Plus it actually gives you something to wake up for and look forward to every day.

I always wanted to do cold showers but cant due to my cold urticaria, rare condition whee I break out in hives do to cold exposure also possible anaphylactic shock

I agree hahaha. But I still go to bible study because the people are nice and always have something good and interesting to say and talk about

Don’t bother using this argument man, they’ll just say that you’ve interpreted it incorrectly. Biblecunts will say “he just means put god first” at least that’s what my pastor said

I think reading for 30m/1h before bed is by far one of the best habits one can take up. It helps you stay away for electronics and eases you into sleeping and keeping a regular schedule.

There are plenty of good reads out there, don't fall for the Bible meme.