>everyone spamming to delete Jow Forums
why don't they want us?
well said hiryuki
Jow Forums needs to secede from Jow Forums and become it's own site. All the other boards dump their psy ops we need to be unlisted from google to get rid of normans
Hiryuki is a fucking normalfag
Reddit took over the board.
/qa/ have always been a bunch of whiny cunts who have no business being on Jow Forums. I'm convinced its mostly butthurt tumbrites and r*dditrs
if there is any board that should be deleted its /qa/
>Jow Forumsjr, which means it is infested by Redditfags
>only decent threads are MBTI threads, every other consistent "general," for lack of a better word, is fucking shit
>board is now full of faggots that delude themselves into thinking they are the victims of a big bad world, and that the only way out is by orbiting some dumb slut that will never even know they are alive
>at least three threads a day about faggots-in-denial
>shit up other boards with their incel shit, even for the most far-fetched reasons
>overall a board about accepting misery like a fucking cuck, instead of bettering yourself and sharing experiences
This board and Jow Forums need to be fucking nuked.
how cute the roast thinks her opinion matters
>not knowing about wizardchan
>the entire site should change because I don't agree with its culture
Man who the fuck even finds MBTI shit exciting? Are you female by chance? Glorified astrology no wonder you folks eat that shit up
Jow Forums has a dangerous "Us vs Them" mentality
No other board takes the term Normalfag as seriously as we do.
This isn't a special club where people are appreciated for being different.
Its where people go to learn how to hate everyone around them.
Typical incel mentality. As soon as someone doesn't agree with you, you think they're a cunt, don't you? My cock's bigger than yours, faggot.
>of all of Jow Forums
Yeah man, everyone here thinks women are the devil, and that they are at the ass end of a conspiracy to keep them virgins and whatnot. Mind you, adhering to board culture is the worst case of sheep mentality and is what makes Jow Forums such an echo chamber, but this fucking board is worse than /a/ in terms of that. You can't think for yourselves, all you do is cry "muh board culture" when you can't defend your reasoning.
I don't, and I'm not, but by God, they're more entertaining than orbiting threads, threads about how Chad is fucking your oneitis, racial threads, etc. At least people there actually discuss shit, with more depth than
>wah the world sucks, i'm gonna kill myself
Absolutely pathetic display after display in this board, day after day.
/qa/ is the containment board for redditors so they can bitch
>i'm a brainlet and I can't handle being exposed to other people's worldviews
Its less hive mind and more of a congregation of the ostracized. While there is whining, there are plenty of good points made. You don't seem to see that you're surrounded by people who disagree with you, you are the outsider here. And yet you come in and demand this place be shaped to your liking. Elitism encourages competence. It keeps the norman who aren't engaged enough to dig deeper away.
Jow Forums should go away, and incels should be hunted down. You don't deserve love, and you don't deserve the chance to rob it from anyone else.
Too many mass shooters and negativity came from this place.
Honestly, I hope he does delete the board. Its a shell of its former self. Nothing but gay shit, threads about bbc, and endless tween drama that im too old to give a shit about.
>incels should be hunted down
I'll be more than glad to stomp your face in
i got perma banned from wizchan for admitting im not a virgin
How is Jow Forums in anyway fucking elitist? You're the fucking newfag for not remembering what robot1.0 was about. I would have agreed with your first point in 2011, but right now that's nowhere near the case. And you guys sure bring big boy arguments into the fucking table with this kind of shit
>fuk negurz cause they're black
>REEEEEEEEE why don't women like me?
>This is my wife, Crispy/Muffy/Agatha/Ciara/Kelly, please say something nice about her!
>I can't take it anymore guys, I'm gonna fucking do it AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
You want elitism, go /mu/, go to /lit/, go to /sci/, or go to fucking Jow Forums, newfag.
oh no a normie gets banned because he's a normie how could they
you didn't belong there then
Leftists and Jews recognise the political potential of these places.
There's nothing good about identifying with an ideology that shuns away people for being different.
Robotism only seeks to make everyone a defeatist loser that blames all his problems on everyone else.
Oh yeah I was going to add that Jow Forums isn't as elitist as it used to be and that's what allows people like you to feel entitled about how this place is. You're like an american going to japan, acting like an american with complete disregard to the environment that has been shaped by the population around you made.
Anyway, what do you gain from sitting around and getting angry at posters who disagree with you? If this all annoys you so much, why don't you find yourself a place that is comfortable to your sentiments.
>There's nothing good about identifying with an ideology that shuns away people for being different.
Why? If you can't jive with the people around you, maybe those aren't the people to be around. There are plenty of people in this world, you can find your own like-minded niche.
I agree with your point on robotism to an extent, but there are more than bitter virgins crawling around here, there are plenty of mental misfits, for example shizoids. Also i'm not so sure about blaming the world around you either, seems like people are very self aware of their condition and why they fuck everything up. They simply don't try to do anything about it.
No shit, just like you'd be told to leave the ladies bathroom if you're a dude.
>muh board culture
So do you know how to fucking argue, or is this inane shit all you're going to say to me? I've been here longer than you have, and while this place was never gold, post-ironic memes ruined this fucking site. If you like the current state of Jow Forums, then you're part of the problem, and you should fuck off.
fucking reddit incels destroyed this board
lol calling out how i'm arguing, I explained my position. Its not anymore inane than what you're saying. I'm not saying the current state is good, I've also made that point. I just think its absurd you think that Jow Forums and Jow Forums should be deleted just because you don't enjoy them.
Reread my first post, you benighted, illiterate faggot. It goes beyond my not "[enjoying] them."
ur a meme my man, slow yer roll, gettin a bit upset on me my boy
r9k would be just fine if it was just people being sad about their situation
The issue with this board is that it inspires too much hatred towards just about everyone.
The only common target of hate is (someone happier than you).
Then robots associate this happiness with a quality they don't have, typically something they can't change too, like being tall, being a nonvirgin, being neurotypical.
I don't think they're all bad people that would shoot people for being handsomer than them.
I just wish they could let go of their obsession for what they can't have.
I love how ITT nobody directly answers the OP question, yet the entire thread entirely answers the OP question.
I would literally die without R9K
It is part of my contract.
>happy people don't use the internet much
Horse shit, normies can't put down social media.
>i'm a brainlet and I can't handle being exposed to other people's worldviews
I could not describe your post any better. You really are what you hate.
As bad as Jow Forums gets, they are not the cause of school shooters.
>Its a shell of its former self.
It went to shit pretty quickly, I don't think it was even a year before it turned into what it is now. In fact, it's actually been a little more cheerful with the MBTI threads.
>I just think its absurd you think that Jow Forums and Jow Forums should be deleted just because you don't enjoy them.
Yeah because you guys are just fucking living it up here and I'm just so fucking jealous of what you guys have going on here I have to go full fun police mode just to stop you guys. From enjoying yourselves. So much.