What you're drinking right now and why

I'm a Dr. Pep-tard because it tastes like a orgy of 20 soft drinks in one and I want to die from diabetes.

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am southern, can confirm dr. pepper is best soda on planet

>best soda
>not cheerwine
gtfoh with your pleb tier tastes

Am Canadian
Can confirm Dr pepper tastes like shitty fake cherry
Diet coke or bust

What is cheerwine like?
I've never had it before.

that shit tastes like apple seeds

>tfw mom buys the minicans thinking i'll drink less of it. i just drink two at once which is 444mL whereas the regular cans are 355mL

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Tea, tea that I made this morning and forgot
Also drinking mercury, the water in this state may as well be mercury, I can taste the heavy metals, it makes me feel like I have a flu while I drink it

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drinking coke is like drinking liquid sand
it's rough and coarse and it feels weird on your teeth

eh i don't mind. if i had to choose i'd go with mountain dew or fanta but i haven't left the house in months

It's good, it's cherry flavored and very carbonated. Just make sure it's cold before you drink it.

I think its hilarious how everyone is pretty much, literally drinking their spit practically 24/7

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Alright, I'll try it. Thanks for the tip.

>Am Canadian
Opinion discarded

Dr Pepper is easily one of the top sodas, in comparison coke is bitter and pepsi is sweeter but artificial, lackng the fruit-like flavor of Pep, at least according to my tongue

If pop wasn't teeth melting diabetes water I'd drink iit all the time
If pop


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Wow. You need to start /sippin/ brother. Energy drinks are the only approved drinks around these here parts.Pic related is the king of sips.

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atm I'm drinking coffee, I like it black because with milk or creamer it feels to thick and no sugar because I don't like it sweet

OP here. Used to be big into Monster but I would drink nearly 3 cans on somedays and after a friend of mine had a heart attack from drinking/eating to much I've stopped. I sometimes drink soft drink like today but on most other days I drink a large assortment of teas.

I like coffee but it MUST be either dark or french roast with nothing added. Otherwise it tastes disgusting.

This shit right here is the nectar of the gods. Way better than any soft drink, with the exception of Monster.

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Dr. Pepper because
>its a drink for intellectuals
as Okabe has said

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Streins;gate is accually what originally got me to try Dr. Pepper. Now, nearly 8 year later, I'm still unhealthy addicted.

>hasnt drank dr. pepper since infancy
what the hell is wrong with you

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I was a Monster freak before 2011

Green tea mustard rice.

mike's watermelon because i work at walmart and i'm fucking angry and that's what they sell and i'm too poor for hard liquor

Enjoying an 8 pack of Rolling Rock, because it's saturday and I feel like getting a little drunk then watching some pleb tier love drama anime.

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I'm drinking Black Label because I wanna get drunk and forget what my life has become.

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40oz king cobra because /poor/ and want to feel something

stay hydrated guys

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I like root beer. Easily the sweetest soda.

I used to like root beer but I've since switched to cream soda, much better imo

Muh nigga, what root beers you like?
I love Barqs that caffeine added makes it superior.

Cream soda is good but it only comes in bottles where I live. It gets too expensive unless I drink in 2L bottles
A&W is my go too but they're all good imo

Pepsi Max for the caffeine because I'm binging One Peice with my only friend

You all just have soda at your houses? What is wrong with drinking water?

What's wrong is that water has no taste.

definitely. make a thread when you try it.

Dehydrate yourself and only have water in your house. Then it will taste amazing.

user you might want to try checking out a higher quality coffee bean. There's a place I've been ordering from lately called herkimer in Seattle and their stuff is fantastic. They don't over roast the beans like Starbucks does.

You're fucked in the head if you think water has no taste.

Just Cherry 7up.

Don't purposely dehydrate yourself. Not safe anons.

No. He needs to learn.

OP and user you replied to here. I live in Canada, and I never have my coffee from starbucks. I usually go for homemade or Tim Hortons in public. Honestly, the darker the coffee, the better.

He should try it when he just so happens to be dehydrated. Not force himself into it.

Cheerwine is gods gift to carbonated drinks, but its so hard to find. Even ordering it online is like 3 dollars a bottle.

Maybe I am. I hate myself.

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Do you only eat candy?

The drink of patricians

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I'm not drinking it now, but my best soda is Maine Root Blueberry soda. I'm a keto boi now so I don't drink it anymore but damn it's the best.

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It doesn't feel like that to me. Just a normal sweet carbonated drink.

Coke Zero. Diet Coke has this really harsh chemical taste and never feels cold enough for some reason.

Americans, please form a line

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The absolute state of capitalism

water and dr pepper, thaht's pretty much it for every day

Patrician taste user, I only drink water, chocolate milk, root beer and Dr. Pepper

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thats probably because your enamel is already melted

Red bull and Vladimir

Arizona peach tea. No, I'm not black.

Cheerwine tastes like toxic sludge, and I say this as a fatbot. Dr. Pep is the best soda.