I see people in the gym always hold the bar in high bar position and but then proceed to squat with a low-bar movement. Not just people with low weights but 3 plates and up. How are they not snapping their shit up or falling head first?
I see people in the gym always hold the bar in high bar position and but then proceed to squat with a low-bar movement...
They most likely aren't doing a heavy weight for them. I used to have bad form and got it right and was able to get higher numbers with my squat because of it. They are probably plateauing. Also, you can bullshit squat for a long time before this effect really starts to become obvious.
I see this a lot too. I sometimes wonder if they see what im doing and think im fucking retarded for putting the bar on my posterior delts. I just try to not think about how painful the bar looks on their necks and continue my workout.
Im also betting that a lot of those guys post here regularly. I know it took my three years of fucking around in the gym before I got good form.
which one is the good one?
high bar pause atg all day
>How are they not snapping their shit up
The whole meme of 'snapping' is wrong.
What you are actually doing is wearing down the parts around the nerves in your spine, and eventually it gives way and you actually get a sensation of your nerves oozing out and getting caught. People sometimes describe it like squeezing out toothpaste.
The really bad thing is it doesnt matter what your form is; squatting, deadlifting or any other exercise that puts lots of emphasis on your spine, mainly your lower spine, is causing irreversible damage to it. Its the exactly the same as how if you jump all the time you wear out and damage your knees. Your spine cant repair itself like a muscle can, it isnt invincible.
Bad form will greatly exaggerate this, but even good form is doing damage.
And this is why you don't bb row.
BB row is the most snap-your-shit-up exercise ever invented. Sure, just bend the fuck over, stay that way, and move a heavy-ass weight up and down. A proper dead doesn't put the bulk of the strain on your spine, but BB row is the spine destroyer. They need to be outlawed.
which is a good substitute?
I squat, and deadlift in the smith machine. How do we all feel about that?
Just do cable rows, db rows, fuck anything
DB rows or even pullups. Plenty of great exercises targeting those same groups without HEY LETS THRASH SOME WEIGHT AROUND WHILE BENT 90 DEGREES
I doubt that bb rows are the most snap your shit up exercise but they're definitely overrated, especially by tards who think they are somehow a must do.
Name one exercise more snap-your-shit-up.
deadlift twists
Machine curls
How your squat actually looks depends on limb and torso length and forward knee travel.
Goy mornings
Are they hitting depth? I see this shit all the time in my gym but mostly its quarter squatters lifting way too much weight for their spindly legs.
Kill yourself, preferably load up the smith machine and guillotine yourself
What are you talking about, they are great if you have the form, stability flexibility etc. Id say the most snap your shit up exercise is vertical rows, ive seen so many people drop their bar in pain when they snap their shit up.