Does carrying 10-20kg of shit in your backpack every day count as lifting and excercise?

Does carrying 10-20kg of shit in your backpack every day count as lifting and excercise?

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What's in the jars?
What are the hearts for?
What is smalec and twarog?
So many questions

what's in the jars and what's in the plastic bag?

are those hearts?

are they tasty?

how do you cook them?

Hearts are tasty.
Cucumbers will ferment in time and become awesome source of gut bacteria and vitamin C.

Attached: 20180409_173027.jpg (3088x3088, 3.6M)

I cook them in water in a deep frying pan to vlean it easily later. The spices used vary from meal to meal.

Fucking slavs, man

You don't clean the hearts? You know there is clotted blood in them.

I put them in water, spinned them a bit, replace water and that's it.
What's wrong with boiling blood?
Also, the balkan yoghurt goes with the hearts.

>What is smalec and twarog?
Pig lard (because plant oil is poison) and hard fat white quark.