How do I learn how to code?

How do I learn how to code?

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you can start with jewtube videos.
i think C++ is the best in terms of learning OOprogramming and makes it fairly easier to get a hang of other languages

Courses, youtube videos, reading documentations, trial and error and most importantly experimentation and creativity.

Seriously, if your studying coding and they give you an example, and you think to yourself "what if i did x instead of y?" Then do it. If you get any ideas then still do it, even if you're limited in how to do it, try. Then post it somewhere and ask for criticism.

Tl;dr, look at tutorials/notes, be creative, ask for criticism.

Learn the basics on youtube or something and then copy/paste code and slightly edit it to fit your needs like the majority of coders do. 90% of coding is figuring out what/where your screwed up and now it doesn't work.
t. Coder

Know of any good videos?

There is codeacademy if that is any good. I have yet to learn it myself or check it out.

codecadmy is super basic but it's a decent resource for starting out

>starting with C++
May as well skip the bicycle and go for the plane.
Go with Python or JS6, Java if you have no self respect but need a job.

Isn't there any discord group where you can all learn together and basically brainstorm ideas or a code that sin't working?

CodeCademy used to be good for learning before they got greedy and now most courses cost.

So I recommend just coming up with an idea, and watching some videos and piecing the puzzle together. A bit of code from here, another from there. StackOverflow is a Godsend. Change the code around to see what effects it has. If you start wondering how you could do something differently, go for it. All the more experience.

You do have to have an idea of what you want to learn first: building web pages or computer programs or smartphone apps or something else. If you start with something that you don't enjoy, you might throw the entire programming thing out the window, if the first experience is shit.

t. programmer in uni

What? Java is the only language on that list that is in any way more useful and more powerful than C++.
Python and JS both are hyper-simple languages with few usecases (except for working with basedboy Electron devs), and offer you 50 training wheels. Neither are OO, something that is still very important in today's programming atmosphere.

Fuck off with all the constant Discord spam, you know Discord won't help you. All such a server will be is shitposts.
If you actually care, go on IRC.

C++ is an awful first language
also ask Jow Forums

If you're starting with c# ( which is, imo the perfect language to start with) maybe nerdgasm? It's a good starting ground, and his videos get better as time goes on, though he'll be a tad annoying in the first episode.

Though imo documentation is superior. You can take your time with it without having to pause, deal with odd voices and sometimes less than stellar explanations. They also have documentation for every programming language there is, c++ to python to even assembly. You can find some good documentation on the "learn programming" reddit page.

Nerdgasm for c# videos
"Learn Programming" reddit page for documentation about every language

i took a handful of c++ classes at community college

that's probably the best way. or one of those code boot camp things. "the c programming language" by denis ritchie is supposedly easy to work through for a n00b as well

Adding on to what everyone else said. If you're young/creative enough, I highly recommend setting a goal to make a video game or something personal you care about. It's way way more fun than just going through tutorials when at every moment you're constantly thinking "Okay, how can I apply this to my personal project?"

>js and python have few usecases
>neither are OO
Into the trash you go.

yes there is, I'm in one

But then when studying, the only thing you'll absorb is stuff that can help make a game, instead of learning a bit of everything, which is much more useful

t. codemonkey*

>js and python have few usecases
The only times I've seen Python correctly used are for scripts on Linux, and JS is only correctly used for websites and sometimes servers. Your Electron BS where every application is a JS script doesn't count.
>neither are OO
It doesn't count if you slap some OO-like language constructs onto a non-OO language.

It's kind of the equivalent of learning a (traditional) language, and then talking about video games with people in that language. The "grammar" is universal and scalable, it's just the nouns that change!

CS50 is a (free) online course that takes you through multiple languages but mostly teaches you problem solving.

(Sounds like an advertisement but I've gotten to week 4 before and feel it helped me more than any other course has).

Start with a book and actually learn the fundamentals of programming, otherwise you'll be just like every numale who knows a smattering of .js

You need to build a house on strong foundations,

Everyone assumes you should just throw yourself into "a language", invalid. Commit yourself to learning how all this works first.

A language isn't a skill unto itself but rather a way of applying your knowledge surrounding computing functions.

I would start with a pdf/ book relating to this, choose one for beginners, simple stuff,

Saint IGNUcius out

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Grow up.

Do you actually help each other with the code? What languages you are interested in?

Okay. Ignore the other posts in this thread as most are garbage.
I optimize game engines for a major developer, so what I say has some weight.
Just build something. Something you want. What language to use follows from that.
Most people will start by trying to build a game, but games, even simple ones, are a big investment and require quite a bit of time. It's better off if you need some tooling or want to help improve someone else's project.
Just build something. And if you can't decide what to build you're fucking useless anyway. Anyone worth their salt has way more ambition than available time and no end of things they'd like to build.
Good luck "coding" or whatever that's supposed to mean.

I'd be shocked if you've gotten past doing for loops in any language you've ever tried to learn. Python has a massive eco system and is the language of choice for most data science exploration, R and Julia are popular in some group, but Python is the dominant force. My favorite language is Kotlin, but it makes absolutely no sense to do any of my computer vision and deep learning experiments in a language other than Python.

I hate JS, but its being roped into all kinds of bullshit.

First off, nice trips.
Second off, not neccasarily. You can learn a language by playing an rpg, but then the nouns you'll use on a daily basis will be extreme versions of it.

I.e instead of saying cool, you'll say extravagent because that's what the frog says in chrono trigger and the such. While yes, it won't be incorrect, it won't exactly fit in every scenario.

Just bee ur self and you will learn bruh

>le constructs
It's not up to debate, it's in the fucking definition.

W-was mine good user-sensei?

>Its easy to figure out what to make

I think the only thing you ever had an interest was in video games and were a shit programmer for years, but have enough accumulated knowledge from being a code monkey at this point to finally be able to switch to something else

>discordfag telling someone to grow up

That at some point the lang devs decided to add OO doesn't mean the language is made for OO. PHP is not an OO language. Nor is JS. Fuck off.

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I've started learning java as my first programming language. I have a very basic understanding of it so far. What are some good books not particularly on java but on programming? Books that will help me build a strong foundation? Good books on java also welcomed.

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Head First Java

>learns a thing
>Its useless in a month

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NO idea I'm trying to learn chart analysis and then I want to learn how to code. I'm still retarded, and too lazy to start studying

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>>discordfag telling someone to grow up
I never even had a discord but an community to whom I should show a piece of code that isn't working, helping me solving it would be nice. If there is such a community I would like to join it.

There's plenty of websites for that I think. Stackoverflow comes to mind?

go on one of the million websites that teach it for free you dipshit sage

I'd recommend starting with this book: "C++ Primer 5th Edition" by Josee Lajoie and Stanley B. Lippman. You don't have to read it completely, pick up anything you like( maybe its game hacking or game dev) and keep learning

I have actually tried to learn proggramming several times but I always forget and have to start agian with the basics after a while becasue I litterally don't have any outlet for application. I think it would be better to just jump in a project that has real world application and teach yourself to code as a means to an end.

I originally agree with this. Not original enough.

YouTube, StackOverflow and W3Schools (more for front end stuff) are all pretty useful.

I would start with a simple front-end of HTML/CSS/JS - you would be suprised how much a good UI/UX programmer will make. Specifically if you have a good security background and don't write vulnerable shit - the UX girl in the SOC at the company (HCM on the East Coast) I work at pulls in 120K easy

JS is super useful too, especially if you got into ServiceNow development, none of my CMDB Admins can write JS for shit and it is underappreciated.

You can learn JSON simple enough off of it, a lot of APIs use JSON, another good hobby/real world use

SQL (or MySQL), as autistic as it can be is also useful - JS/MySQL for ServiceNow and everyone needs a DBA. Not the most fun but...

Then if you are into data science or slightly gay "advanced" hockey stats I would say R is good to learn. There is a self paced R Academy on GoogleMachine - and it is a good excuse to learn Tablaue (sp?) as well...Data Analysts and BI Devs also make a good amount...I had an Indian girl DA on a HIPAA Privacy project that we paid $86K for 6 months, so money is there.

Then again if money is not your motivation it can still be fun to learn something new

Be a girl define Y(lambda(h)((lambda(x)(x x))(lambda(g)(h(lambda args(apply(g g)args)))))))(define identify-dimen(Y(lambda(shift-dimen)(lambda(dimen char)(if(= dimen 2)(string-append(number->string dimen)char)(shift-dimen (- dimen 1)char))))))(identify-dimen 3 "D")

kek i remember all my friends and family telling me i'm so good with computers i should become a programmer or work with computers in my future career, then i took a single course of computer science in high school and found out it wasn't really science at all, it was fucking 90% math, basically teaching the computer how to be a calculator, instead of the cool visual big idea shit i had in mind. one of the biggest disappointments in my life, fucked me up for a long time

It's still probably the best thing for a robot. Full control over their favourite device

I started with batch. i find it the most intuitive for someone who is just begining

>Its useless in a month
Explain yourself, you pleb

The only code that is in actual use is morse, so you should learn that.

It's good for getting an idea of what you can actually do. I would only reccomend it if you new to programming in general, and go for something like Python.

I reccomend Python in genreal for starting out.
It's very "syntax free" which helps you focus on learning programming instead of a lanugages' syntax, infact all you'll really need to learn is how to indent correctly, and most IDE/text editors will do that for you

Books suck. They're static information. The info on the web evolves. You'll be on a computer if you're programming anyway

Python being indent-dependent literally means it's undecidable whether something needs to be indented or not, which in turns means, by definition, that no ide or editor can ever indent for you in python.
>Jow Forums in charge of knowing anything about anything at all
In the entire thread there are exactly 2 (3 with this one) posts from people who actually know what they're talking about. Everything else is so far from any reality it's frightening for the sake of humanity that anyone thought it was valuable to make the post in the first place.

>it's frightening for the sake of humanity

is it really that frightening to you user

somebody posted something you disagreed with about programming on a mongolian watercraft board

is it really that frightening

Facts are not opinion. That your ilk believes that reality is subjective is what caused all this sjw bullshit to take over.

>there are exactly 2 (3 with this one) posts from people who actually know what they're talking about
Which ones?

My own coding beginnings are lost in the mists of antiquity (internet had very little in the way of tutorials, search engines were barely a thing), so I learned from language reference books and by doing my own projects. Nowadays you've got shitloads of tutorials, also tutorial paths, full courses and everything. I don't understand why there's constantly people asking how to learn when you've got all these resources.

Get some code from simple programs and figure out how everything works in there, then get creative and write your own stuff

what are the differences / what makes c# better to learn first than c++

I wrote a compiler from scratch for my own programming language once.
I won multiple national programming competitions.

And now i'm a useless neet who lives literally in my mom's basement.

did you happen to invent temple os?

C# is functionally closer to Java than it is to C or C++. C# and Java are both managed languages that are conventionally compiled to bytecode and run on top of a dedicated runtime (JVM for Java or the CLR for C#) whereas C/C++ are conventionally compiled directly to native code for a specific target platform. Since C# is managed it puts a lot more safeguards in place to prevent you from screwing yourself with certain types of common programming errors; for example, it will stop you from attempting to step past the end of a buffer (though the STL container classes in C++ can do this too), whereas C will happily let you access the 1000th element of an array that has only 10, usually resulting in reading/writing completely unrelated parts of memory with potentially devastating effects on your program.

Manual memory management is a major source of trouble for beginning programmers and mistakes there can sometimes lead to cryptic and hard-to-diagnose bugs where the apparent effect of the bug bears little relation to its actual cause; the more restricted usage of references in C# along with automatic garbage collection (i.e., memory that's no longer used will eventually be freed for you) makes it more difficult to accidentally corrupt your program's memory or leave unused memory laying around, in contrast to the more freewheeling and do-it-yourself usage of raw pointers in C/C++ (again, C++ mitigates this with the use of its own reference types, STL containers and smart pointers).

It's called paralysis of choice. I've come to the belief that it effects people like us much more harshly than normies.

I tried learning Java with, but was too much of a retard to finish it.

How easy is it to get a job with python? All I care about is finding work where I wont have to destroy my body physically anymore

Books are the best from coming from absolute zero. They present all the important features in a logical manner. Online examples and Stackoverflow answers are for when you have a basic understanding

Plus no language moves so quickly that a book written exclusively on the language will be out of date if you're actually making progress through it

How many people in this thread actually work as programmers? 98% of the advice coming from supposed programmers is complete horseshit who don't seem to know anything about any languages.

I guess the real takeaway is to not trust advice from r9k

>How easy is it to get a job with python?
There are tons of Python jobs out there. At least half of my job consists of writing Python, and I work from home and am paid 6 figures.

But programmers usually aren't hired for X language, they're hired for their general knowledge and are expected to use whatever language is needed for the task at hand. With the exception of being a small cog in a big shitty bureaucratic enterprise or whatever.

Either way, knowledge of the popular languages like C, C++, Java, Javascript, Python, Ruby, etc. can easily land you a job. Just remember they're going to primarily test for programming knowledge in the interviews, not [X language] knowledge. Once you understand how to program it's pretty easy to apply to those same skills to other languages in the same paradigm (which generally means "any language that isn't functional" like Haskell/Lisp/Scala).

Culture differences aside, Discord is objectively better than IRC for discussing and teaching programming due to the ability to embed media and write syntax-highlighted code blocks.

Most of the actual experts are going to hang out on IRC rather than Discord, but I'm sure there must be some good Discord servers out there.

Determine what you want to do with programming then pick a language suitable for that task.

give some sources to look for then. Commie fucking prick.

SICP book, a fucking masterpiece if you are not a total brainlet.

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I do not know how to code yet, but I've been making good progress with this Android app called SoloLearn that seems really noob friendly and can teach you any major programming language. Of course I know I'll have to start doing stuff on PC someday, but this lets you code in the app too so it's really helpful. Anyone know of other apps or also PC programs that noobify or gameify programming learning for people with a bad attention span like me?

I have been using codeacademy and reading/working along with the book coding html . css . javascript made easy .
It's making ok progress but the problem I had working with the book was I had a web page made and still didn't really understand a lot

>following tutorials by copying code

The worst shit you can do.
I was trying to learn opengl on android that way. At the end of the book I could kind of understand what was going on, but then I realized I'd never be able to code it from scratch and don't actually understand what is going on at all.
I added alot of functionality to it and was on track of making primitive animations through matrix transformations but I realized I was cargo cult programming.

Don't do this ever.

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Yup it's deffenty not as helpful as i though it would be.
I'm just going to fly though codeacadimy and start out on my own

>using sublime for c++

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Id recommend reading the actual documentation of the language, not some pajeet telling you what's going on, or find a respected book.

Ill do that. Any recommendations? for html css js

Can I be dumb to be a code monkey also lazy?

of course you dumb dumb

For those your guess is as good as mine.
Try to find some study guide for certification or something.

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> How many people in this thread actually work as programmers?

I do, have been for 10 years now.

[Cay S.Horstmann] C++ For Everyone 2nd Edition.

should I learn programming if I hate videogames but just want a job? In my country it's a new industry.

What? The vast majority of programming tasks and jobs aren't remotely related to video games. Dunno what kinds of weird shit you're reading.

You'd probably be working on some business's website or data processing application.

I'm talking about the number of posts ITT saying there's no point in learning if you don't have a project or ambition like making a game.

I'm a computer science student. Didn't post an advice though and I agree with you.

They're people who have never programmed in their life, don't listen to them. Not every programmer wants to make games.

Professional full stack software engineer here.

Give up.

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So it's fine to just go as a jew wanting a job?

I guess. Personally, I wouldn't become a programmer if I didn't actually enjoy programming.

I'm a neet so I need a job and I'm good at computers, haven't got many options.

Do what feels best. Learning and doing something highly technical and specialized can be soulcrushing if you don't enjoy it, even if it pays well. Lots of people go that route and seem content with it though.

Which language has the least amount of math comparatively?

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Damn son. That's the most retarded post I've read all day.

In what way? Do they all have the same level of math?

how do you even respond to a post like this

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