If you're not pure Aryan, don't even bother lifting

If you're not pure Aryan, don't even bother lifting.

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inb4 hybrid vigor

>tfw halfbreed Paki and white

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I'm pure anglo and better than you in every way, genetic scum.
The Aryan race must be wiped from existence if we are to have true diversity.

having children.. pathetic.

The most beautiful people have mixed races

>tfw half Anglo half Aryan

Are you still mixed if both your parents are caucasian (but from completely different ethnical groups)?

Like Arab & European? My father is North African Arab and my mother is Western European Dutch but I dunno, most people always see me as just white - which is how I see myself aswel.

But since Arabs are considered non-White, does that make me mixed?

Great fitness related thread, friend!

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>not wanting to breed 5 beautiful white sons and raise them to become fit, self respecting, nationalistic young men

Into the biological chuck shed with you

They got here during the /trump/ campaign and haven't left sense then.

They're paid shit stirrers who are having some kind of memetic war all across Jow Forums. They can be more open about their tactics here because of the apparent "anything goes" here thing.

yes and your mother is a degenerate whore for fraternizing with the muds.

>5 sons
why would I pay for 5 retarded leeches?


I may not be OP, but I'm still a Jow Forumslack who finds these threads funny, and I've been here since 2008. If you think irreverent racists are some new arrival across Jow Forums, it's you who's the obvious newfag, and you'd probably have a better user experience on r/fitness. You should probably consider going, for your own sake.

It just makes you an kanker morco. Hated by the entire dutch population.

>Children are retarded leeches

You're going to feel dumb for having said things like that when you're not a teenager anymore. Try to keep expressing that to a minimum.

5 nationalistic cunts are retarded leeches, 1, 2 children? Cool, will most likely be able to afford that, 5? I'd rather have one child to raise in a good household that can pay for itself than have 5 children and raise them in poverty.

Just a question, are you a virgin? Seems like some virgin rage.

>Hated by the entire dutch population.
Dus alle 48%? Want de laatste keer dat ik het nakeek zat Nederland vol met Surinamers en Turken - en die haten Noord-Afrikanen niet.
En btw Noord-Afrika heeft meer landen dan alleen Marokko. Ik heb bijna geen Marokkaanse familieleden.
En buiten dat, je hebt mijn vraag niet beantwoord

>5 children = poverty

Weird ideas like that are just rationalizations, user. You'll understand soon enough.


>being a wagelet

>literally no one on earth lift


If you're ugly, pajeet subhuman, it doesn't mean that everyone else is.

Nee alle 82% van de nederlands plus wat expats. Als je nog niet weet dat je gehaat bent zegt al genoeg kneus.

user...this isn't a joke
this isn't ironic jokey let off some steam lol let's make fun of and with various races stuff
this is serious attempts at manipulation retards with propaganda


Op is correct. Don't end up with low ow children like this guy.


Literally the ugliest whites

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Als Noord-Afrikanen zo gehaat zijn, waarom heeft bijna niemand dan een probleem met immigratie? Waarom zijn zoveel Nederlanders tegen racisme en discriminatie? Haat tegen buitenlanders in het algemeen of specifiek tegen Noord-Afrikanen? Klinkt extreem onlogisch om specifiek Noord-Afrikanen te haten. Het is niet alsof Somaliƫrs of West-Afrikanen niet bekend staan om criminaliteit, luiheid etc etc. Surinamers en Turken plegen misschien minder crimininaliteit, maar niet veel minder. Ik betwijfel dat de meerderheid van de Nederlanders willekeurig ervoor koos om ALLEEN Marokkanen/Noord-Afrikanen te haten. Tunesiƫrs zijn even goed geintegreerd als Surinamers of Polen.

Maar als je het hebt over haat tegen buitenlanders in het algemeen, dan zit je gewoon fout. Steeds en steeds opnieuw stemt de meerderheid op Socialistische pro-migratie partijen - het is overduidelijk dat Nederlanders geen probleem hebben met buitenlanders. Er is een reden waarom Zwarte Piet bijna was afgeschaft.

Reading is hard eh? I guess inbreeding DOES lead to mental impairment.

Hell yeah my fellow narwhal! Who needs kids when you have Stah Wahs and heckin doggos XD

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You people are so paranoid and pathetic it's hilarious. I'm so glad none of you are reproducing btw :)