That post workout cigarette, in the cold parisian night

>that post workout cigarette, in the cold parisian night

Will smokelet ever be this comfy ?

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i hate that i enjoy it that much.
>First warm night
>Left gym at around 9.30pm
>Walking home through quiet neighbourhood
>dark but that sweet sunset glow
>sippin on that shake
>smoking two cigs in a row
it's a bliss

I haven't smoked in 5 years and I miss it so much. At this point I would never start smoking again but damn if I don't miss it at least once a day

Stay strong

>wake up around 530am
>my apartment faces east
>warm, not quite humid air rising up
>open the window more to the fire escape
>sit on an old yoga mat laid out
>qt gf peeks her head out too, sleep and only wearing a tank
>lays back on my chest between my legs and nestles into my shoulder
>pecks her hand and squirms a little for a drag of my cig
>sit there and watch the sun come up until the coffee maker is done
>think, "I'll never reminisce on this again"

>mfw reading that

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>tfw smoking during the winter while waiting for a train or bus

fucking amazing

>that sandnigger parking on you, in the cold parisian night

Hitting that joocy Lemon Twist on a fresh coil after hitting a new PR for that nicotine test boost.

at least switch to vaping jesus christ.