Is this guy legit or what?
Is this guy legit or what?
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Legit good advice
Yes and you'd understand that if you weren't either autistic or some Jow Forums tier social pariah
Good advice if you're not actually ugly as fuck. Generic be yourself/be confident xddd platitudes. If you're actually ugly structure wise then get surgery because none of this will help you
yes I am 30, can confirm this is pretty good advice. Don't know about the skin bit. Not sure what he means by that.
Also really bad at photoshop so making the ubermensch me would probably look stupid as fuck.
Good advice, this deserves a bump.
I wrote this! Haha, I really do write like a smoothbrain. I don't really know what I was talking about with the printed photoshop picture.
The skin bit is really important, your skin is a prime indicator of your health and you literally look like another person if you're pale, jaundiced, with dark circles and acne, sallow and bloated skin from too much time hunched over indoors with fucked sleeping patterns and poor diet. Look at celebrities who prepared for a role, someone like Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler is an absolute turn off to women compared to him in Prince of Persia, Donny Darko or Jarhead
I would also add to read a lot of philosophy and great /lit/. Girls like a man who knows what he's about, and why.
Philosophy helps develop this faculty because it is the thoughts of the deepest thinkers to have ever existed, who were human, just like you and I. Philosophy will develop you as a man.
Good starting places: Ted Kaczynski, Jordan Peterson, David Goggins (not trolling on these first three), Stoicism in general, Marcus Aurelius (Meditations), Benjamin Franklin, Descartes, Thomas Nagel (The Absurd), Existentialism in general, ancient Greeks like Plato and the pre-socratics, Kant, Henry David Thoreau (Walden), Nathaniel Hawthorne (House of the Seven Gables), Richard Proenneke, Buddhist and Taoist texts, Bruce Lee, Thomas Kuhn.
Really not a clear message.
But yes Confidence >>>>> 1% less body fat and a slightly bigger biceps.
I used to devote my life to the gym and looking good. I was at 7% bodyfat. I was so lean my dick couldn't get hard anymore. There were sloots. BUT
Epiphany came when i really let myself go. Got a bit fat and didn't go to the gym for a year. I was at a rave and i was really in a great place mentally, very happy with my life, i don't even know why. Anyways at the rave i gave zero fucks, my friends were late and i was alone in the middle of the crowd, but i didn't even care. The music was fucking stellar and it took me on a ride. I closed my eyes and was completely out of this world, i was in the sky. ZERO FUCKS GIVEN about anybody around me, myself or how i looked.
When i opened my eyes at one point, i see a girl with her boyfriend, hugging him facing me. She was literally begging for me to fuck her right there and then. That's how she was looking at me. The guy starts noticing something is weird so she LEGIT starts kissing him so he doesn't notice she is watching me with her fuck me please eyes, while watching me without blinking. I winked at her and she fucking goes extatic. After the bf noticed he was getting fucking cucked and he pulled her away somehow.
The meme is real, confidence is king. Of course it has to come from a place of utter trainquility
i just splash my face with water. I never wash it with soap. All these soaps and amalgamations dry the fuck out of my skin and give me pimples so I just gave up. What do?
Nibba, Jordan Peterson just copies Marcus Aurelius with added boomer talking points.
You need some Knut Hamsun and Goethe in your life. Ascend.
I don't think you've read Jordan Peterson if that's what you think.
>Developed as a massive COPE for being cucked even though you were the fucking emperor
Miss me with that gay shit
>mocks one of the greatest roman emperors
>t. unenlightened individual
But y tho?
I think the tranquility isn't too important, as often it's confused with complacency and acceptance (it's okay, be happy with who you are, everyone is special) which is Bugtalk. Always strive for higher things, when you're a grey old man you should still be contemplating ways your heirs will conquer the earth or how to plant micronukes in Israel. That burning passion for transcendence, for a higher plane and greater works, for a legacy and an exercising of your will on the world, that's what seperates Chads from Brads. The bitch saw you were transcendent, that you were there to strive for something fun and magical and exciting and you were achieving it, and she imagined what it would be like to join you on your quest. The body you had was secondary (but not insignificant, since it's a reflection of your passion and commitment) to the energy and transcendence you were experiencing.
Because he is an embodiment of Jow Forums's spirit and an absolute transcendent Chad of his time.
Needs to be more spiritual/mental/personality gains on Jow Forums
man aint nobody kno who that nigga is. his moms didn't even know who he was
What are some neck workouts I can do?
Hey man, I took the screencap from /fa/ I believe, I really dig the Hitler part.
On regards to point 3 of the first post, what are some everyday tips you can give me?
feel its garbage to "just be yourself" you should be the best version of yourself per say and its okay to develop a persona you want to be as long as it makes your happy.
sounds gay but it works
>Good starting places: Ted Kaczynski, Jordan Peterson, David Goggins (not trolling on these first three), Stoicism in general, Marcus Aurelius (Meditations), Benjamin Franklin, Descartes, Thomas Nagel (The Absurd), Existentialism in general, ancient Greeks like Plato and the pre-socratics, Kant, Henry David Thoreau (Walden), Nathaniel Hawthorne (House of the Seven Gables), Richard Proenneke, Buddhist and Taoist texts, Bruce Lee, Thomas Kuhn.
maybe just start with Plato? I know his theory of the soul has helped me start to get my shit together
why would you laugh at my list you pleb? Have you even read half of those people?
Sure he can start with Plato (which I mentioned), but it's totally unnecessary to do so. You can start pretty much anywhere with philosophy as long as you have a bit of background information surrounding the author and what they are writing.
Imagine being so much of a sperg that you need a grown man to tell you to clean your room. Yikes
Source on the image?
> oh look a t. judgmental retard
You don't get it, and I'm sure you haven't read his book either. The irony is that you're mocking me out of your own stupidity.
>that you need a grown man to tell you to clean your room
as opposed to what, a child?
The fact that without Daddy Peterson you'd be living in your filth is pretty funny
"Clean your room and get a job but definitely do not connect with your group or become nationalistic, the highest virtue is being a conservacuck"
Peterson is an actual gatekeeper. Watch the video where he recoils and verbally runs away after someone presents him with the "bad" Solzhenitsyn book about Jewish involvement NKVD and Gulags and their ethnic hatred for the Russian peoples
That literally has nothing to do with what I just said.
>Peterson is a moron because he isn't a full blown nazi
m8 fuck off.
The point is that you shouldn't need a grown man to tell you to clean, it should be something that's already part of your routine if you aren't a child or a literal retard. Are you one of those?
You know how I know you've read neither Jordan Peterson, nor Marcus Aurelius, user?
This whole cult of personality behind him is so fucking cringe. You guys act like he's literally you're father and you're just little babies who wanna be told what to do. Grow the fuck up bro.
>being a part of a 10,000 year ethnic group and reading Solzhenitsyn's esoteric works makes you a Nazi
Sieg Heil then, faggot
>cult of personality
That kind of interpretation of what's happening with someone's rise to fame just doesn't make sense when you're talking about a person like JBP, who takes great pains to constantly cite the other writers, thinkers, and researchers who have given him this idea or that, and whose best advice includes a long list of books to read that he didn't write.
If he was *just* a charismatic personality, he wouldn't have spent decades toiling away as a clinical psychologist and academic before being thrust very suddenly into the spotlight. He's the genuine article.
Being smug about how cringy the "cult" of people excited about his work seems to you isn't doing you any favors. Telling people to "grow the fuck up" instead of looking for wisdom from thoughtful and educated people doesn't make you look even half as mature and smart as you think it does. Try a new strategy, this shitty attitude can only hurt you.
Why is it always the retards that know nothing about a subject that are simultaneously the loudest and the dumbest?
I like how you just assume the only valuable thing Peterson has to say is "muh clean your room." This is a clear indication that the only thing you know about JBP is what you've learned from summaries on Jow Forums or in 5 minute videos you've watched on youtube. You haven't read any materials by him, or listened to any of his lectures or debates. I guarantee it.
For the record, I've cleaned my room long before hearing about JBP. In fact, I'm quite orderly in that regard. Cleaning your room does not sum up everything JBP has to say about life.
You keep saying that, but you haven't offered anything up. Why do you need to be told what to do by some random guy? Are you a grown up?
On top of wholeheartedly agreeing with what said, do you even know what the fuck philosophy is? Maybe you should start reading books regarding the human condition instead of thinking you know everything there is to know about life.
I bet you're one of those people that has absolutely nothing to contribute intellectually to a conversation about the meaning of life or what is virtuous, or ethical, other than some stupid platitudes you saw on Buzzfeed or Reddit.
He's a safe voice of boomer-tier dissent
Oh wow, transgenderism and Xhe-Xhim-Xerxes is a retarded idea? SOMEONE GET THIS NAZI OUT OF HERE. He doesn't even say that transgenders are mentally ill bizarre fetishists encouraged by GRIDs tier critical theory social justice that prey on vulnerable autists to bolster their ranks, he says he doesn't want to use made-up words "out of kindness". What a faggot, that does absolutely nothing to encourage kids not to chop their dicks off.
He'll never touch any of the pressing issues of today. He's terrified of race, European identity, technocracy, surveillance, Zionist manipulation. He waxes lyrical about "post modernism" but wouldn't touch its Frankfurt School origins with a bargepole. His audience is 95% white men, who are the only ones he preaches individualism to, as some kind of defence against targeted attacks on white hegemony and future.
He's totally safe, or he'd be deplatformed and thrown out of polite society. Sorry you didn't have a dad to teach you these basic ideas, but I don't buy his fake crying at all, Molyneux does a better job at that and he went to acting school. Gatekeeper
Do you literally not know what philosophy is? Do you know everything there is to know about life? Have you never listened to an adult, ever? A boss? A teacher? Your parents? Your friends?
Oh no, I suppose you were raised in a closet which explains your feral autism and inability to understand that other people might have something valuable to offer, or some knowledge that you don't know.
>ted kaczynski
>jordan peterson
stopped reading
Maybe you should go preach these things, since you're the hero we obviously all need.
This but unironically
that's because you're an unenlightened faggot, little boy
Literally thr ultimate cope
And the point of the advice he gives isn't just that your room should be clean, you unread brainlet. That phrase that launched a thousand memes is just a piece of an introduction to a much broader exposition on the goal-directed nature of human consciousness, and a much broader strategy for exponentially compounding goal-directed action. The fact that the principles derived from it from it scale in applicability and demonstrability all the way from the small and seemingly trivial up to the truly grand and ambitious is the entire point. You're just being a fucking brainlet when you go "haha well duh you should clean lol so stupid" and dismiss it all straight away.
Clearly you don't have a high enough IQ to understand JBP. His philosophy can be very difficult for people like you to grasp, and without an understanding of his conceptualisation of truth most of his points will go right over your head. There’s also his reformative perspective of Christian thought, which is skillfully reconciled with his innovative analysis of truth- his personal philosophy draws from all manner of psychologists, novelists, prophets, and heroes. People like me understand this stuff; we have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depth and importance of these arguments, to realise that they’re not just about 'cleaning your room'- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike JBP because of 'muh room' truly ARE idiots. I’m smirking right now just imagining you shitposting in confusion as JBP’s genius intellect reaches thousands across the world. What a fool you are.. how I pity you.
nailed it.
Yes goyim, the highest virtue is individualism! That's what the Boers in South Africa need, clean rooms and clean goal orientations! If those girls in Telford had just focussed on their goal orientations and individual responsibility, they wouldn't have been gangraped by shitskin invaders!
How do I do good skin care? I have bags under my eyes no matter how much I sleep well.
This may just be the dumbest post in this thread.
do you have any tips for skincare other then the obvious healthy lifestyle choices
Legit, just watching a few of his youtube videos completely changed my perspective on everything.
His breakdown of the Lion king is one of my favourite videos.
>generic b yourself stuff
Good god I hate how people parrot that. Being yourself means to be you and unashamed about it. We all have flaws we can and can’t fix. As long as your working on the flaws you can fix (like anger issues or fears) and not stressing the ones you can’t (height, hair, body proportion), you’ll exude fucking confidence.
Problem #1 you need to fix here pal
- from a friend
ehhh I mean I get what you're saying but unless you went home with that raver girl your story doesn't really help that much
Thanks m80. I try to be on myself about that
memorize those forms brother. same goes for "too" and "their" and "it's"
shouldn't take you a day or two to imprint their differences on your soul for the rest of your life.
You got this. Good luck.
They have words for people like >fake
>Talking about Peterson strictly as a political figure, and evaluating purely based on the extent to which you get the sense that his publicly-discussed political opinions satisfy your craving for Zionist blood
That's your first mistake. If you can't imagine *any* issue that could be pressing in your life other than the JQ being worth giving any amount of serious attention, you're the fatherless autist making the rest of us on the Right look like rampaging autists, not me. Unlike Peterson, I think there's a little more to the JQ than most people are comfortable talking about, but that doesn't mean I'm going to throw a goldmine of other insights into the trash before I even read it just because the closing doesn't end with, "...and that's why the world will be a better place when the Jews are all dead." If you want to stick it to the boomers, then stop thinking like a plebeian fucking boomer yourself.
>He doesn't even say that transgenders are mentally ill bizarre fetishists encouraged by GRIDs tier critical theory social justice that prey on vulnerable autists to bolster their ranks
He talks about the deep, biological reality of gender and the politicization of whole branches of psychology with more evidence-substantiated realism than just about anyone else you'll find. Try paying closer attention, rather than looking for buzzwords like "mentally-ill fetishists" that get your blood pumping.
>he says he doesn't want to use made-up words "out of kindness"
He says, in no uncertain terms, that he will not use made-up words because he is perfectly aware that they are a left-wing ploy to control thought by legislative fiat through regulation of speech. Not "kindness". Again, consider actually paying attention to nuance.
>He's totally safe, or he'd be deplatformed and thrown out of polite society
He nearly lost his job, and only got saved by a wave of grassroots support. Stop looking for failure as proof that somebody's right.
>he nearly lost his job
Wow, what a transgressive dissenter
You're wrong. He refuses to call the freaks Xhe because it "doesn't benefit them", rather than calling them mentally ill and abused by the system, which is the reality of the matter. Who cares about insulting them? They are a corrosive abhorration and product of manipulation of estranged autistes whose very existence can only be remedied by mockery, cold truth or banishment, not gentle refusal to cooperate with their extreme pronoun demands. Peterson doesn't rally against the zeitgeist of the fundamental existence and legitimisation of trannies, he stays in the safe waters of refusing to call them Xherxelf. He's content to sit by and watch children cut their dick off as some Goldberg professor cheers them on, he just won't use their funny compulsive speech rules. Stunning and brave, the hero we need.
I know proper grammar. I just don’t use sometimes for whatever reason.
>muh leftism
Chill out Ted. At least he's bringing attention to the subject in a negative way and importantly, logical way, which is more than we can say for a great many others.
> for whatever reason
because you have not yet embraced the rules as part of your Being.
>You're wrong. He refuses to call the freaks Xhe because it "doesn't benefit them"
user, no, I'm not wrong. He's said exactly what I just said he has said, totally unambiguously and without reservation, on multiple occasions and in front of several different interviewers. The, "and it's not even clear that using this made-up language would actually help people struggling with gender identity issues anyway," that comes up less frequently in his conversations just bolsters the point, making it clear that 1) the efficacy of the "remedy" is, at best, dubious and 2) that it is probable that the motivation for the policy if something entirely different from actually helping people.
You're just being dense on purpose at this point, and making it clear that you're not actually paying attention to him in any proportion to the harshness of your criticisms. Try *ACTUALLY LOOKING INTO IT*, instead of just insisting he's said things he hasn't actually said. He has *not* been shy about pointing out the politicization of psychologists who toe the Progressive gender line without evidence. Read more and watch more, and you'll see for yourself.
Here, I'll even get you started with something you might actually be able to get off to. Here's a video where he not only addresses the pronoun issue directly, but also goes on to advocate that parents back their children in having them walk out of class and avoid assenting to indoctrination any time Diversity, Inclusiveness, Equity, White Privilege, Systemic Racism, and Gender are taught as topics in class.
Don't worry about saving face, you're anonymous here. Just pay attention.
That’s fine and I laud him for that stand, the point I’m making is that he is simply the voice of mainstream opinion 15 years ago, he does not question the very foundation of the premise of transgenderism - instead he legitimises the very existence of trannies. When does he mention that they are perverts, fetishists, people who believe they can get women by cutting off their dicks? Trannies need to die in a fire. Hermaphroditism is fine, being born with a female brain and messed up hormones is fine, taking your cross dressing fetish too far and being legitimised as a mentally stable citizen is not. If this was the hill for him to die on, he certainly chose a very widely accepted and milquetoast take on ended politics, which I don’t find respectable - you could get the same opinion from your dad or the average republican. What else makes him such a brave transgressive guiding light in the world of Poz?
*gender politics
>at least he’s bringing light to the issue
Just like Sargon brings light to the issue of the Ess Jay Wubbleyous, yet they still march on with implementing their agenda in every facet of society virtually unopposed, and his snarky milquetoast responses have amounted to zero change. Be careful who you idolise
Ideologically change takes time. You think people are just going to throw up their arms at the slightest transgression in norm? No. But at least JBP is revealing (in a singular way, even though others have been exposing them as well) the SJW camp for what it is: utter ridiculousness. He's planting this idea in the minds of millions and that's nothing to sneeze at.
Over 30 guy here...his advice is solid
>the point I’m making is that he is simply the voice of mainstream opinion 15 years ago
That's an extremely narrow view of him as a thinker, cut as a very narrow slice from a very narrow set of the topics he has thought and wrote on. On the whole, he is a student and conduit of thousands of years of wisdom that he analyzes with incredible diligence and situates in an understanding of psychology cultivated over decades as a practitioner, not just a mouthpiece for a few talking points from ten or twenty years ago. He doesn't just "totally OWN stupid LIBTARDS" in bite-sized clips on youtube.
>he does not question the very foundation of the premise of transgenderism
He openly rejects the idea that biological sex/gender is a social construct, and points out just as often that the science of gendered traits and differences is decades old and totally settled. In Twelve Rules for Life, for example, he points out that gender as a firm biological fact has existed as long as multi-cellular organisms have, far predating anything that can be dismissed as a mere social construct.
>instead he legitimises the very existence of trannies
He may be a polite Canadian about the fact that people with gender dysphoria do, in fact, exist, and this may be dissatisfying to people who'd rather just gas them and be done with the issue, but it's not fair to characterize this simply as him legitimizing "transgenderism" as the Progressives define it as existing. He has never given up ground to the idea that some people's condition of dissonance/confusion about their identity somehow disproves the existence of gender as a firm reality rather than a malleable social construct. At worst, you could call him a careful psychologist who hasn't decided it's time to start hating/killing some class of patients just because their condition has been twisted and politicized by marxist radicals. He has, however, spoken before on its over-diagnosis by ideologically-possessed practitioners.